On Those With Inferior Blood

Yeah, but she said I wasn’t good enough! :cry: Let me have this one, party pooper!

Qiang The Betrayer turned her back on God’s divine light and defected to the Minmatar Republic. I couldn’t believe it, myself. A fellow Imperial Academy graduate. Just goes to show, there are awful people just about everywhere.

I fail to see what the issue is, though. Are you surprised that a woman born under God’s Golden Empire turning her back on everything good made me a little bit angry?

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So then what does that make me, hmm?

A Khanid born, Caldari Militia pilot, speaking against the hypocrisy and corruption within the Amarr Empire.

Fighting for the Caldari isn’t quite as bad as fighting for those awful liberationists. But don’t worry, I still don’t like you either.

Don’t worry, I won’t loose sleep over it either.

Those with inferior blood have to be drained of it completely and new clean Amarr blood put in its place. To be done without anesthesia.
Those who survive may serve the temple in silence for the rest of their existence.
Those who don’t… That reminds me, I need to buy a barbecue today.

Again, you’re very enthusiastic, but I’m still not sure you quite get what I was trying to say here. What you’re describing sounds like a blood ritual, and just thinking about it makes my stomach feel weird.


Even a religious zealot such as yourself still draws a line in bloody sand.

Perhaps you do still have some sense of compassion.

Of course I have compassion! I’m not the monster people like you seem to enjoy pretending I am.

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Shall we revisit the opinions of Breeding Facilities?

Have we not already had this conversation? Hardly seems productive to open it up again. But if you were to label me as a monster simply because we disagree on things that you personally consider to be monstrous, then I could very well call you the same.

Yup, sure did. Quite a barbaric topic of discussion.

But the question becomes this.

Is it -I- pretending you to be the monster?

Or is it -you- pretending that you aren’t?

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It’s not a question at all. In fact, it’s very simple.

I am not a monster. It’s you who is pretending.

If you support breeding facilities, you’re a monster.

So you’re to say literally -everyone- else in the cluster that agrees with the above statement, are all pretending?

I know Amarrian’s have an arrogance to them about their faith, but borderline delusion is above and beyond the nominal definition of arrogance.

So I’m not just a monster, now I’m delusional and arrogant too. I’m starting to feel like the only reason you’re here is to call me names.

Every nation engages in horrific activities that are just as, if not far more monstrous than the Empire’s birthing facilities. What makes this so different?

The answer to this is quite simple, really.

You use religion to justify it’s existence. Religion has been the opiate of the masses since ancient terra. The only thing Amarr did was pick up the mantle and refine the methodology.

As far as delusional arrogance? Delusion is deeply rooted within the perspective of the onlooker.

So, it’s the religion that makes it so bad? Right, I’ll keep that in mind. What if we used these facilities in the name of “Liberation”, or “Freedom”, or “The State”?

Someone fell for the marketing.

Those don’t even compare on the same level.

Liberation, Freedom, The State… these are all human constructs of concept and thought. The can -and- are obviously just as often used to control the masses. But they are TANGIBLE.

Religion is and -ALWAYS- will be set aside from this because “Liberation”, “Freedom”, “Salvation”, “etc” are all now “religious” constructs backed by an -INTANGIBLE- force.

Using the concept of a Divine entity with the potential for merciless retribution upon those that dare to not obey, is a completely different psycho-social dynamic. You’re bridging the gap between corporeal and non-corporeal loci of power.

Man can be killed?

Can God?
What about the -concept- of God?

Man defines the concept of “God”. How that is defined is BROADLY different among all inhabitants of the cluster. Amarr defines the concept of God, and wields it as a weapon versus those who wish to challenge and learn FOR THEMSELVES what God -really- means.

Do not be so coy as to pretend that using Religion as a weapon is even remotely the same.

Well, it’s no surprise when your marketing department uses guns, holo-lashes, and Vitoc.
But lets face it. Amarrians have a pretty effective marketing department.

We do not use religion as a weapon. God is very real, just as real as you or I, and we act in service and devotion to him, nothing more.

I did have a feeling that the only reason you disagreed so much was because you hate God, though. Looks like I was right.


I’m not Amarrian and not familiar with all the blood rituals or the religion. I doubt that a loving god would be pleased with half the practices done in His name though.
I’m here to denounce the Minmatar scum that have infested our once peaceful and prestine cluster for too long. Time to take out the trash.