On Those With Inferior Blood

Kisses to you too, darling!

You learn that nonsense right before you got your license last week?

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I received the best education anywhere in the Federation. The Capsuleer Program contacted ME. They didnā€™t bother giving me training as I was born with extra-sensorial abilities. I passed all the tests in 10 minutes and corrected THEM on a few points.
Besides, there isnā€™t much to read on the Minmatar thatā€™s true. The cluster would be better off without that alien trash.

lol. Yeah, ok, kid. You can stop overcompensating now.


At long last, someone as ridiculous as Arrendis to contend with her. Thikadan, not the hero the IGS deserves, but the one it needs.


I see you got the Federal Accelerated version of the capsuleer program. Congratulations! Itā€™s designed to get you to graduation as fast as possible, so that the staff can get to the graduating euthanasia step as quickly as possible. A decade ago when I graduated, they had to on average euthanize the ā€žspecialā€œ graduatesā€™ clones several times in a row just to be sure they were worthy of the Accelerated program. Iā€™m sure nowadays they were more than pleased to euthanize your body and subsequent clones tens of times upon graduation. Just to be sure.

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You seem like your heartā€™s in the right place, but it does feel like youā€™re misguided. If youā€™d ever like to talk about God, please let me know.

Minnies are not even fit for slavery. Eventually the Federation will collapse due to the Minnies, and everything will be right in the galaxy.


I am proud to be a Minmatar that seeks revenge.

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My heart is in my chest and my missiles arenā€™t misguided.

Thanks but I prefer to talk about more grounded things like ships, assets, women, drinks and isk.

Find someone else. I donā€™t do propaganda and politicsā€¦ Plus, I donā€™t have time.

Very interesting conversation tonight. Got a much better idea about the quality of this pure blood you speak of.

All I can say is that:

Cold Wind found it weak.
Storm Wind found it lacking.
Heart of the Wood found it pathetic.

Thanks for the conversation. My conviction in rejecting your false god has been strengthened and I know, without a doubt, that I am making the right decision.


Yeah, but thatā€™s just likeā€¦ your opinion, maaanā€¦

The opinion of a man, with inferior blood, to boot.

But I was glad to shine a light on the absolute absurdity of it all. Something the pure bloods didnā€™t like, one bit.

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Hey, yā€™know who doesnā€™t think my blood is inferior? The Sani Sabik. I mean, they canā€™t have it, itā€™s mine, but yā€™know Iā€™m still flattered by the sentiment!

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Thatā€™s just because weā€™re clones, though. I mean, the conceptā€™s kind of fascinating in the way it kind of turns the way people usually think of cloning upside-down: blood thatā€™s pure or clean because itā€™s new. Like no matter how jaded and corrupt the infomorph might be, the bodyā€™s innocent.

Says some kind of awful things about what their former top-tier, best-in-class supply was, though. Something about good things coming in very small packages I guess?

ā€¦ Now Iā€™m imagining a baby press. For, you know, efficient extraction. Or maybe a bundled flat of infants to be busted down and sold by the six-pack? You know, for easy transport home or to your cult meeting or ā€¦ whatever.

Right. Stopping.

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That got darkā€¦

Itā€™s the Sabik, and more particularly the Blood Raiders, Mr. Srajin-- the people who managed to somehow create a superior field ration out of human blood. Because they like keeping captives as living, breathing, screaming blood factories/reservoirs, theyā€™re one of two groups Iā€™d rather be dead than captured by. The otherā€™s Sanshaā€™s Nation.

Blood Raiders recruit partly by making people do things they canā€™t come back from. Atrocities. Prove youā€™ve got what it takes to be ā€œchosenā€ and youā€™re a member; refuse, and youā€™re ā€¦ well, tonightā€™s entertainment and next weekā€™s field rations, probably. Or, worse, a slave.

So, yeah, trying to imagine their practices and methods, even whimsically, gets dark fast.

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Oh Iā€™m fully aware of the Sabik practices, as well as the Blood Raider Coven.

Rescue enough refugees from Blood Raiders over time and youā€™ll hear more than you ever wanted to know about their practices. Second hand knowledge is bad enough.

This seems rather interesting. Did Qiang call you out for your religious propaganda?

What better way to spread ā€œGodā€™s Loveā€ than with a 100mil bounty?
Is this a new approach to The Reclaiming?

The trash of the cluster and those who help them arenā€™t under the umbrella of Godā€™s love, they have knowingly put themselves outside of the Feast Hall for their vanity and ignorance. They only reap in misery what they sowed with glee.

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Hey, look @Aldrith_Shutaq ! Thickand Waylong does have time for propaganda! I guess he found some with those extra-sensory abilities that made the CAS capsuleer program seek him out among the trillions upon trillions of people in the Federation.