One Way to Balance High-Security Space 🗡

I liked a statement you made in another thread:

  • learn to be cloaked without needing a cloak

Choice of system to mine in can make that so much easier.

It doesn’t take much effort to find systems that provide opportunities to have intel on gankers moving towards you well before they ever arrive in local, so you can move, dock, change fitting, etc. well in advance of guns ever being fired.

Dotlan is a good tool for that. A couple of examples:

Dead end systems:


Mine in Quier an put eyes in Gicodel on the Frarolle gate. You’ll see gankers well before they hit the Quier gate in Frarolle and can respond accordingly.

Protected pipes (in this case highsec only on one side):


Put eyes in Scolluzer on the Sortet gate and you can mine pretty much anywhere up the pipe from there with almost 0 risk of being ganked.

You can be pretty much hidden in highsec from gankers while doing what you want. But if you choose to mine a couple of jumps from Jita, then expect to have to manage the potential consequences of that.

Most of highsec has 0 loss in any hour of play; and many systems have no loss for hours and even days on end (eg. looking at a system like Chesiette for example, the last player involved kill we can see was back in July, so even if there is a kill or 2 missing from that, it still isn’t a large risk to mine/rat there).

Back in November (and apology for linking to one of my own posts. I don’t have updated data right now), loss from any source (pvp or pve) was pretty low. It hasn’t changed.

There’s 1192 highsec systems and only a handful of them have any real risk of regular ganking. Highsec doesn’t need to be balance, people just need to make balanced choices.

Just pick a safe system and you can mine away pretty much unimpeded forever.