Ongoing login issues!

Got around 1h of Eve working window, login server access denied again

It seems like RosCom Censorship ministry achieved its goals in forcing people all around the world to use VPN :sunglasses:

Merged a smaller Dt Log in thread with this one, as they appear related.

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The login server does anyway not reply to ICMP. It’s a protection measure. Not getting a ping reply from this server is normal.

CCP is not doing the IP range bans for TQ I think. What happens is that any request to TQ Login are routed through a 3rd party - Amazon or VeriSign or so. They get paid for making sure CCP servers are protected from DDoS. They’ll ban IP ranges if necessary. ISPs will know about it and contact them. Reply to ISP will be to mitigate suspicious users on their end. Etc.

There is nothing CCP can do about it apart from not having DDoS protection. If ISPs don’t care about malicious users, evey other user will suffer.

Where are these problems happening? I am the Southern US and could not log-in all day, same thing, Could not log-in… ???

WE know there are 30K people playing and NOT having a problem, which is more frutstrating, LOL

*** EDIT *** Now it’s a unable to use Port 26000. I hate when this stuff happens. I have tried VPN, still can not get through.

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im in south america (Chile)… almost 12 hours and still can’t log in… was the same yesterday

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Hi there,
I have a question for people who can’t login since the downtime, how much this problem is affecting you in-game experience ? What would you do if you could connect ?

Thank you for your interest

Ps: If you want some information regarding solutions and when CCP will fix this situation do not post here but into the topic named “2018/08/01 - Login Server Issues” created 3 days ago link below:

Glad to see I am not only only one. I was playing fine prior to DT, after the reboot nothing seems to work. Not sure why people are posting about it in a 3 day old thread that wont even be looked at now.

I cant even submit trouble ticket via the browser

04 Août 2018.


J’ai un de mes comptes qui à été piraté et ou banni sans explications. J’ai à ce jours aucune réponses d’Eve Online. J’ai envoyé plusieurs tickets sans réponses depuis au moins deux semaines. Je me pose la question: a quoi bon monter des personnages si Eve Online banni vos comptes d’une manière arbitraire et sans explications. Comment faire pour avoir au moins une réponse ou une explication sur le piratage ou le bannissement de mon compte. Il faut patienter combien de temps ?

@Vile_Belief created created a topic with an explicite title: Login Server Issues?
But @CCP_Falcon renamed it to something less explicite and @ISD_Buldath closed the topic and redirected everyone to a a topic created 3 days ago because it thought the 2 problem are the same. Since then all topic regarding the today issues are closed… lets keep this topic about personal experience not problem solving.

Exemple: I cannot login since the DT it seems that CCP servers are being DDOS (again), so it affects me very much. If I could login I would fly a ship as part of my daily routine. And you ? would you fly a ship ?

There’s no game experience to speak of until we can log back in I guess.

Update my market orders.

But none of that is important. What is important is that this is not a major issue. Video games aren’t important and any time we’re all forced to spend focusing on other areas of our collective lives is almost certainly a good thing. Just wanted to throw this out there since there has been a lot of crap slinging happening and everyone’s in the mood for free stuff.

Harden up works out of the game as well as in it :smiley:

It doesnt affect my experience. I am doing something else now. :sunglasses:

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Use Chribba’s monitor at to check if there is a wide spread issue or if it’s just you. We are currently 30k players in the game.

And so is CCPlease

this is affecting me the same way other games i can’t play do, i just say its cause of lag or issues with connection that make me bad. it has nothing to do with actually being bad lol.

but no really my injector addiction is starting to hurt.

While the other thread is in theory out dated, it is better to have all these issues in one area so its easier to find each players individual problems. I will close this thread, please use the other one. You can find it here.

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We cant log in, and a few that are able to do so are having chat issues. I am told some have had this issue right around DT

It would appear there is an issue that may not be related to CCP’s servers that is preventing people in the Midwest United States (especially if your nearest IPX is Dallas) from accessing the game. (Possibly a DDoS attack or other issues outside CCP’s network)

While we’re still able to access the forums and most other EVE websites, we cannot access TQ or the auth server (for several hours now), and have not heard anything from CCP yet.

This is all I know. I’m having this issue and it is quite frustrating. I’ve submitted a support ticket to CCP along with several traceroute logs to help them.

I understand it may be an attack but I am not able to enter a username and password.

This is hilarious… I got a response regarding reimbursement for all this DDoS shenanigans… And I’m pretty dissapointed… And the Reimbursement Policy clearly states that I’m eligible for reimbursement ONLY IF it was a server-side error… And they say that it wasn’t the case… LOL

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