Online player count drop

Depends on the amount of alts of each person.

Im not talking about selling ships, talking about selling mission salvage and tags. Used to be gone within an hour last time I threw stuff on the market. Been days atm, no I have never sold in jita and never will, my market is Hek and surrounding environs. ships sell nearly as fast as they normally do so no issues with that.

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Well times change I guess , years ago I was competing with a lot of traders for those tags , had to update my orders every 10-15 min.

They made their bed and the rest of us can stuff off is the message iā€™ve received over the last few years.


I have to admit, I am curious to know how many acctā€™s it would take to keep eve going?

I had those because I was interested in a lot of different stuff, and because I kept making characters I liked with the editor. I tried actually multiboxing but it was a pain in the neck, to much to do all at once, though scouting for my self was a lot of fun when my Stilettos were still functional.

Me too. Been playing over ten years and for the first time I been feeling that the game isnt for me anymore. That basically CCP has given up on the sandbox and its going to be instances and pseudo-instances going forward. More arenas, more private pve play. Its like they have decided that everything that made eve, eve is no longer worth while. Its got me down, even more so then the lack of players.

And what do they do about the lack of players? Add new space, new instances, and divide the players up even more, placing them behind walls where they cant be touched and might as well not exist as far as the sandbox is concerned. No way the original devs would have gone for any of this.


Lots, running servers isnā€™t cheap

They survived on 20k beforeā€¦

How long ago was that?

Apparently more than once?

EVE-Offline :: EVE-Online Status monitor

Edit; I havenā€™t seen Sat nite numbers this low on ave in apx 7/8 yrs?

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pLaYeRs L3aveth !

Does it just come down to player count and number of subs?

Iā€™d be interested in how much CCP makes from selling US. Eg. If project discovery is real science and CCP are getting us all to train some AI or whatever how much is that being SOLD for.

Somebody conspiracy minded might say some clever people doing economic research in universities might be interested in looking at the data of what happens in a closed eco system when supply chains are messed around by new components being added to the mix. Iā€™m pretty sure i read an article last year on this very thing in relation to the data eves server collects about behaviour being studied.

SO while an alpha isnā€™t paying into CCPs pocket if they are doing project discovery for some easy isk while mining a belt they could be worth something financially to CCP.

I would reckon that EVE is monetised beyond just subs and numbers.

So i guess as long as we all represent a bug enough sample size EVE wont have much problems.

CCP give only AF about skins and plex. Theyā€™ve had tons of time since PA took over to actually produce something for the players.

But we have the most unresponsive, non adaptable and arrogant dev team this game has ever seen running the show right now.

I expect more skins, more nerfs more options to use plex and alos a continued decline in active subscribers.

good luck CCP. This was never going to be fortnite.


It is like mid 2019 midpoint numbers, and the lowest point is yet before us, like usual. Who knows how low this will come this time. :thinking:

When people will actually go vacations this year.

Lol funny how you pick a 5 year spread.

Tell me mr Sarcasm ā€“ how does that trend look on a the 6month?

Or is there still no correlation?

Great fake news though. Nice try.

Thatā€™s the most accurate at to look at it. You need to compare January with January etc. Seasonal variation is a real thing.

For example January for many things (not necessarily eve) can often show a spike because New Years resolutions etc. And naturally that always tales off. So every year over the period of January to May we would see a decline. That tells you nothing unless you put it in the context of what happened in other years. IF its the same as all the other years its fine. If its different you ask why itā€™s different,

Viewing six months in isolation and screaming its the end of the world when the data is repeating a pattern thats been seen before isnā€™t accurate, productive or helpful.


I would prefer to see how many IP address are logged in/connected, mine often equals five accounts but is really only one player. Iā€™m reasonably sure that LAN parties are kind of rare in Eve and counting by IP address could be a lot more accurate.
Out of the three people I play with (directly) on a regular basis, two have single characters, I log in with five and the other one has s, but is usually logged in with two at a time.
Thatā€™s four people who look like nine.
Each of us equal one IP address per real person, counting that would be a lot more accurate I think.

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They are in some (maybe a lot) cases, and not just because of side games. I have a friend who is and always has been an Alpha clone, itā€™s a point of pride for her. Sheā€™s what people call space rich and buys all sorts of things only available initially from the store. Her clothing for example is worth more than everything Iā€™ve earned in Eve the whole time Iā€™ve been playing. That all gets back to CCP because someone is buying this stuff from them with real money.

Eveā€™s revenue is up 45%, which is interesting.