"Only fly what you can afford"

The statement speaks directly to risk management. This is a video game where the moment you undock in any area of space, there are ways for you to die and lose your belongings.

It’s not a hard rule as obviously you’re free to risk as much as you want, but it’s a good guideline to abide by if you wish you enjoy flying or doing certain things and not be ass out in the wind if you happen to lose it.

No that doesn’t mean that you should have enough isk for a backup Super or Titan in the event you lose yours.

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Amen, Bro/Sis.

Except these spaceships are FTL capable weapons of planet shattering destruction and are henceforth even more blowy-uppy than helicopters. :smile:

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Blowy-uppy… LMAO!

I love that word. You’ve invented a new word!

I am so using that from now on. :smile:

From now on it’s: “Only fly what isn’t so blowy-uppy”

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I really have to laugh, sadly. Of course the null sec cartels can afford all their pretty toys, and then some. Have a look at the MER (Monthly Economic Report). A single null-sec region produces more income and minerals than all the other segments of the game combined, save the other null-sec regions of course.

That is because of the complicity of CCP with the null sec leaders to decimate all other sectors of the game for the benefit of the cartels. Why war dec an entire sector of the game when you can get CCP to wipe them out for you?

CCP stopped listing how rich the top players are because the numbers are embarrassing. I have been in this game long enough to remember when 10 billion net worth was a big big deal. Now, the amount of individual TRILLIONAIRES is not something CCP, and the cartels, want known. We are talking about a hundred-fold increase in net worth for many, many null sec citizens, and that increase is at least an order of magnitude higher than expected due to ingame inflation over the years.

And the ridiculous thing is that these null sec cartel players actually think they deserve this insane amount of wealth gifted them by CCP. And clearly, CCP agrees.

The insane wealth disparity is one of the things killing Eve, but hey, if the null sec leadership is fat and happy, all is right with Eve, right CCP?


I’d say 'Only fly what you can afford two of". I find that somehow, knowing that I have a spare, I don’t mind losing one quite so much. I can continue a mission immediately and in spare moments, (pun intended) collect the resources to build another spare.

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I agree with you Cardinal, but I would say that (for me at least) It only applies to my being a newbie to Eve. I have a lot to learn and so will fall prey often and by my own stupid mistakes. But I do intend to one day be good at this game. I do intend to have those expensive implants and that billion isk ship. If I lose it I may not be able to replace it straight away. But… and this is the part people can often forget…
It’s just a game :slight_smile:
It’s all about having fun.
So some guy ganked me when I wondered foolishly into a low sec sector. My hat goes off to you Sir. Well played and well done. And now I have learned never to just jump though random gates. Lol.

Reading this whole thread has been interesting, and I guess this goes to show that this (‘Only fly what you can afford two of’) seems to be a common way for new players to think.

I’ve played eve on and off years, and at this point I don’t think the ‘rule’ is that simple. I don’t think ‘afford’ should be taken too literally. It’s not about what you can straight up replace and get in again. If it was that simple, then why are you flying the second one till you have enough money for a third etc. Taking it literally seems almost ludicrous.

Some people will say it means don’t fly what you can’t recover from. Lets be real here, in eve you can recover from pretty much anything. A few days of station trading ammo and you can turn a few thousand isk into a few million. WIth that few million you can buy a T1 exploration ship and turn that few million into a hundred million in an evening. And almost everyone has a few ships just hanging around. You can make isk pretty easily in a T1 combat frig if you have to.

If a new player wanted a simple rule I’d say don’t throw all your isk into one ship. But then again if all your isk is 100 mil then go on and do it anyway, it’ll be a good lesson to learn if it blows up and a chance to get back on the horse.

I almost feel like the whole thing is really just a positive way to say don’t complain when you lose a ship, you chose to risk it. This comes with the implicit idea that undocking anything in eve is risking it getting blown up, but most people learn that sooner or later.


Its like everything else in life, ‘you pays your money, and you takes your chances’.

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Most important is that you dont put all your eggs in one basket.

The psychological impact of losing everything in one swoop will completely kill your motivation.

Greed is good, but only if tempered by due diligence.


I lost my Kronos because I am a drunk idiot, pls can I have 1.5bil to lose another in lunacy. TIA xx


Lol. Flying drunk is awesome. If you get blown up, you simply don’t care. :slight_smile:

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I think you have to be careful how drunk you fly, there is a citadel in Tama in one of my safes, with my corp name on it, yet I do not own it nor can access it. I can only assume I put it there, but I have no recollection what so ever of buying flying or deploying it lol.

Back on topic, fly everything anywhere, you get a free corvette anyway.

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Newsflash: Yes, the coalition can actually afford to replace all that stuff. The issue is the time investment needed to actually build the bloody things that present to them a headache.

Did you even see the sheer amount of income they make off moon goo? Did you expect them to actually rat forever for the money needed to fit multiple Titans?

Usually, for the coalition, the issue isn’t the money, it’s actually finding a trustworthy seller or finding a spot to build the things.

Its this… its always been this and it always will be this.

Basically, don’t fly something that’s going to cause you to have a meltdown on the forums if you loose it. Wait, actually do, its entertaining as all hell when that happens.

How about this: Only fly, what you can board.

(And at least put Meta T1 shitfit according to shipsize)

You can also isk tank in a full yield fit retriever, if it makes you more than it costs you’ve made profit. I’m assuming active mining though so you shouldn’t get ganked that often

Therein lies the problem, many people treat ship loss as a personal attack, not one of the costs of doing business in Eve.


Your interpretation of what the phrase means is off.

It’s not “Only fly what you can afford to replace” it’s “Only fly what you can afford to lose”. It’s simply a reminder not to undock in something that you aren’t, in some way, willing to have die even if you can’t immediately afford to replace it.

You should find a Corp/alliance that needs more miners in null sec. If you have a skiff you’re no longer a beginner Industrialist. T2 is specialized.