Open Letter on the State of Civility on This Forum

Everyone: Challenge accepted. :smiling_imp:


Well know facts don’t need to be verified.

“Ocean water is salty.”

Scrutinize that, if you will.

That was very civil of you, Mr Epeen; it was also quite funny. Humour can help to ease people into complicated discussions, such as this one about Forum conduct, or lighten the mood when things have become dark and dreary.

Thank you!

Example: You suck.

Perhaps not, but they can disputed, hence the value of verification.

Thank you for your contribution!

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I think you should make a poll on it. Number of posts.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

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Is not a complete sentence, since it has a subject and a verb, but no object.

Thank you for the time you took to write this observation. Do you have any thoughts about the subject of the thread? I should be pleased to review them.

Too late. Never mind.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

Quoted for emphasis.


I don’t think you know what that means. You failed in a staggering small amount of posts.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

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Did you mean ‘succeeded’? I do get weary as the evening marches on (UK). Apologies if I misread what you wrote.

Just curious as to why you changed Altara’s status to ‘neutral’ and had to notify me of it. Was there some subliminal message I missed ?

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Maybe he doesn’t just write cryptic wordsalads but also performs them as well? :thinking:


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Btw the way the way this thread is heading makes me feel like and reminds me of this scene:

:popcorn: :blush: :popcorn:


I am trying, Uriel, honestly. But it’s a long slog to the Summit of Utter Civility, Kindness and Solicitude.

The English language is so very beautiful. A shame, though, to find it mauled about and desecrated during a discussion about - of all things - courtesy and respect.


It is.

English grammar disagrees.

‘You suck oranges.’ is a sentence.
‘You suck your thumb.’ is a sentence.
‘You suck.’ is not a sentence for it is unclear what is being sucked.

Civilly yours,


Where do you get the idea that I am an insulting person? Let alone one of the most insulting ones, apparently? From my very first post, I have held myself to a certain standard regarding my forum conduct. We have hardly even interacted, how could you possibly “know” me? This all reeks of drama-stirring, but feel free to prove me wrong.

In my opening post, I simply pointed out what I have observed, and the posters proclaiming these observations as “nonsense” or “trolling” have worked very hard to prove every single one of my points right in this very thread. This thread might even be on the cusp of being locked down due to the severity of the vitriol being spread here.

So how can my conduct possibly be the problem if simply drawing attention to this state of affairs elicits such a hefty and one-sided response? I cannot think of a reason other than ulterior motives, ones that have nothing to do with my behavior but rather with the simple fact that I am a ganker.

Posters like these love to point fingers at gankers as the source of all evil. But what can a ganker really take from you? A ship, when you’re not paying attention, when you’re in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Now consider what null blocs and other large alliances do: they wipe out entire systems of player inventory. They will drop hundreds of super-capitals on you until your entire corporation is bled dry. Ever heard of Blackflag? They smash your structures in high-security space, preying on solo and small corps, swarming you with marauders in a fight you can’t hope to win. Think you’re safe in an uncharted wormhole? Wormhole evictions will send you packing, destroying possibly years of progress of your corp and alliance.

Do you hurl your barbarity their way? How do the losses caused by these gigantic groups, which players can’t possibly fight back against, stack up against what a ganker could ever do to you? Yet these posters surely regard massive groups stomping out upstart corps and alliances as the cool :sunglasses: “EVE way,” the right way, while gankers are cast as repulsive villains who “grief” new players and ruin the game.

No matter how you look at it, the vitriol and inflammatory responses from these posters seem wholly unjustified, unreasonable, even. Therefore, I invite all third parties in this discussion to form their own judgment on the conduct presented in this thread. I believe the contrast between how these posters claim we conduct ourselves and how we actually do is self-evident.

With civilized regards,
-James Fuchs


I looked everywhere in the OP and never found it to be a treatise on grammar usage.

I say again:

I don’t think you know what this means.

Your desperate cry for attention seems to be working, but not in a good way. Try a different shtick.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

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Now read last 40 or 50 posts in this thread. Quick reminder: this was supposed to be a discussion about the quality of forum posts. Do you still think this place can be saved?

Unless your post was just one more troll post and it’s me being naive now…

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