Open Letter to Harkon Thorson

Ms. Vess, your argumentiveness on this point does not serve you well.

Lady Cerra has openly spoken against the Proclamation and signed our Petition. She has housed Matari refugees. She is a signatory as well to both prior efforts to remove slaves from the SCC Markets. She has provided the resting place for a prior peacemaker who was assassinated, Dr. Arkon Sarain, who famously convened the Pakhsi Peace Conference.

While she and I are both of the faith and loyal to the Empire, we do not always share similar views. Be that as it may, I respect the fact that she has ‘walked the talk’ for a very long time with respect to her views, even being forced to go ‘In Exile’ from Empire high security space into low security space and being in open disagreement with entities such as the Praetoria due to her views.