@Anderson_Geten - So donate half the hulls you have lying around and start making small weapons and donate batches of those. It ain’t rocket science…it’s internet spaceship seriousness.
try to move them in a freighter.
It’s not rocket science, it’s logistic nightmare.
Red Frog Freight
Black Frog Freight
baddabing - Problem solved!
Heck - even contract them to me and I’ll move 'em then contract them to Msr. Azariah. It’s for a good cause. I was married, logistical nightmares hold no terror for me.
@Mike_Azariah You have a new contract : operation santa fe.
Thank you to Mike for taking time out of his day to help a new player and thank you to the community for providing the funds. This has been a unique experience for me in gaming and I can see myself sticking around and toughing out the learning curve to be able to spend more time with everyone. Everyone involved has some positive karma coming their way!
You’re the man - keep up the good work. Little acts of kindness towards new players can really help get them over the early learning curve. I will send a donation this week.
I was fortunate to cross mikes path 2 days ago, and yesterday he was by my sector and I got outfitted with a really nice kestrel, not only I got a ship but tons of tips that helped me optimise my humble beginnings in EVE. Dudes a legend!
What a legend, thank you my friend. If there are angels in space @Mike_Azariah of #magicschoolbus is one!
Haii Thank you so much. I never dreamed people in eve are friendly from hearing the stories but like you said its about trusting carefully. Now im scared of losing the ship getting attacked. scared to fly it :o
Why be afraid. The ship was free so you have nothing to lose. Go out, have adventures.
I like the poster art you created it looks great
I did not create it. another Eve player did it for me OOC: Art | A Missioneer in Eve
My thoughts exactly.
When I grow up I want to be like you.
Hey, thanks’ for Catching up with me today in Akiainavas, The gift was very generous. Keep up the positive Vibe in New Eden!
Thanks for the ship in Pasha this evening!
Very welcome, it was a fun Bus run as I was streaming it at the time
Gotta love when the artists out there who also love the game
Thank you @beebles_eve (wish I knew the in game name)
Is that an Interbus skin? Does that exist in game?
I would LOVE a more yellow skin for the Bus but the one in the image is the default skin for it, a large yellow stripe is standard.
I do not, as a CSM, ask for the skin because that is the ultimate in egotism to ask for a specific skin for ONE player. I may be an ‘important internet spaceship politician’ but I am not that far gone.
I can’t get in a client to check but the third party databases don’t show an Interbus skin. An obvious oversight.
Maybe as a reward for three full terms served?
Keep on trucking Mike.