Operation Magic School Bus

that link does nothing.

Let me help…


I have to say, it was a hoot having to chase him down! But the old guy with walker did it!

Thanks for the ship, it was appreciated and oh, she’s a mighty fine design!

And also, I must say… keep on doing it! It’s a great idea, and a great concept… and for us who mine all day, as it seems… it was a great break! KOODOO’S! and will totally watch your youtube channel!

o/, just wanted to say my thanks for the Coercer. Best regards to the Magic Bus and Mike, o7


Mike is a good guy. He really does this. I first heard about him on YT. A legend in Eden imo. Thanks again Mike!


Keep the bus running o7


Keep up the good work, Mike.

Apologies if this has been covered -

I have about 50M worth of L4 mission loot that is in high-sec (all in one station), but quite far from me. I’d be happy to donate to the cause, but I have terrible eyesight and hence unfamiliar with navigating the contracts interface.

Is this something that Mike accepts - hangars full of L4 mission loot?

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Yup, my common refrain is that beggars cannot be choosers.



Thanks Mike. Part of me feels like a jerk for just dumping stuff like that on you. Let me ask you this - my stuff is in Nishah - what’s the closest convenient system for you?

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If you can manage well enough to do all the missions it would take to get all that scrap, you can manage the contract system ok. It aint rocket surgery.

I do all my shopping and resupply out of the trade hubs except for when I make an industry research base . . .

any trade hub will do

or play it where it lays and I will put together a ship to move things


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Though with terrible eyesight you wouldn’t want to attempt such an action. Even with flawless eyesight it was a difficult task to surgically modify a photon torpedo in Star Trek. :wink:

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Kirk could do it in complete darkness.
With the oxygen running out.
And the Beryllium Sphere going to explode in 30 seconds.

Thanks Mike, both for the flexibility and doing what you do. Getting it to Amarr shouldn’t be an issue for me. I’ll see if I can figure out the contracts UI. FWIW, about 3,700 cubic meters. Probably irrelevant if you turn around and sell. Almost all of the stuff is liquid (easily sold).

Happy holidays.

  • TL
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To all who donated to the Bus in the month of November, thank you. I will not be asking for donations until next November.

Now, onto the holiday season.



The bus is a really great thing for newbies in the community and everything Mike has said is 100% true. Really made my day for you to stop by with a fitted ship for me, thanks Mike (:


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Gratz on CSM. Are you still taking donations?

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I had my fundraising month in November, that is when I go out asking but I am willing to take donations all year round.


sweet. New computer so waiting on the new graphics card. Hopefully I can be in this evening and get an idea of what all my toons have since I have 3 accounts.