Orca point defense high slot for PVE

And this is why we need to nerf mining drones.

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Sounds like you just want to be lazy and greedy at the same time.
Tough luck, buttercup, EVE shouldn’t make it easier for you to be lazy and greedy like this.

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You can’t have it both ways.

Eve is a game about meaningful choices. Luckily the orcas drone bay is huge, so you can swap drones on the fly.


Laziness and Greed, that IS what drives EVE. The ISK per hour mantra is a direct result of that. Yes Scoots and Daichi, I want to push the boundary of what this Orca can do for itself.

The Orca can already defend itself with drones.
It can already do the thing you want it to do (defend itself).

CCP will not add a PDS to the Orca because that’s a stupid idea.


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