Orin Borider for CSM 16

HK doesn’t have a vote. HK members do and they are free to vote for whoever they want.

My view is that anyone voting should use their best judgement to vote for whoever they think is going to best represent their interests. Nobody should be voting for someone because they like or dislike the corp the person comes from.

HK endorsed Exooki in 2019. Members were then free to vote whichever way they wanted. I don’t know a single HK member who really cares what corp CSM candidates come from.

Can you elaborate more on what you think an acceptable nerf to high class sub cap ratting fleets is? This is a very hard situation to balance as there are also 3 man noob ratting fleets in c5 trying to learn high-class wormhole ratting. I actually don’t think what is currently there is that far off, if you look at previous rage roll results more often than not you are getting way more than one sub-cap, especially in C5 space. The way high-class sub-cap ratting is currently setup leads to mechanics where the very active and good ratters can generally get most of their fleet away and the poor or less skilled / knowledgeable players lose their whole fleet. Raising the risk without raising the reward generally gets lets people doing that activity not more.

I also think there is a meta starting develop around catching and defeating these “roaching” fleets that many people aren’t using yet, including using blinged Lachesis’ or having many scrams on ships that can get on grid before detected. All in all I think players that are more knowledgeable and skilled at the game should be more rewarded for their work, I hope you don’t you want some mechanics that just hold a fleet on grid to be dunked regardless.

This leads to my final point which is I think it is generally better to add tools to the game for players to outplay or catch an enemy as opposed to creating some game mechanics that make things easier. So while yes I agree the risk / reward needs balance for high class subcaps, I also think that it is a very delicate dial to turn as we have seen previously.

If you can find them, mean while if you don’t find them they make 500+ mill every 5 to 10 minutes. While something like a super in Null make a few 100 mill an hour doing havens. This is more about the isk imbalance of jspace being a joke and in need of being fixed. But I don’t see an HK member with multiple C5/6 farms willing to risk his own income to deal with the issue at hand.

500mill every 5 mins is a semi over exaggeration. Also Super ratting is getting higher ticks than that. One other point is one is playing with 15 accounts the other is using 1.

Single cycling sites is a thing that is rather common. and even at 10 minutes a site, thats 5 sites an hour after you fact in warping around and prep. thats 2.5+ an hour with 3 dreads at about ~6b a dread at this point in time.
Supers are going up in price since indy changes, so ends up being more isk on grid for way less pay out. Even before the ESS thing and the anom spawn nerf, Supers were making ~300-400m an hour. Now factor in reduced bounties and lower site respawns, I can’t imagine they are making as much as they were.
And the risk of being rolled into while you rat off hours in a C5 is probably the same as being the unlucky dude to get dread bombed while ratting in your super.

And the argument that a super can be saved by the super umbrella does not work, because your dreads could be saved if you ratted in home, just like the super rats in home systems. But instead people choice to make “farms” and have the bare minimum there, meaning they choice to take the risker option when they don’t have to.

To farm at this magical rate of 1 cycle you typically need 4 dreads plus a rorq outside of a mag or rg. At 6B per ship you are committing 30B to grid, that is stuck sieging in site. If any half competent group rolls into dreads ratting (in a non pulsar) they are all dead - no question, not to mention the setup of fortizar etc adding to the barrier of entry. Super ratting you can sit aligned and cyno out at anytime, so comparing them is frankly braindead apart from in terms of risk/reward, in which I think they would have a similar ratio.

And the risk of being rolled into while you rat off hours in a C5 is probably the same as being the unlucky dude to get dread bombed while ratting in your super.

How can you say this, in null you arent unlucky to get dreadbombed in a ratting super, your an idiot for letting yourself get tackled in the first place. Getting rolled into is basically an act of god in comparison, and one which you have very little to counter with vs half competent rollers

And the argument that a super can be saved by the super umbrella does not work, because your dreads could be saved if you ratted in home, just like the super rats in home systems. But instead people choice to make “farms” and have the bare minimum there, meaning they choice to take the risker option when they don’t have to.

Yes lets all rat and make money in our home hole, every c5 should be able to support the isk making of a 50 man corp, when we get rolled into while ratting we can ping our corp to fight off the badguys! In reality the isk generated by a single hole is absolutely trash divided more then 5 times, and you cant fix it because guess what, the ■■■■■■■ roaches and die hard krabs would be the biggest beneficiary and make even more obscene isk with their 20 man, uncatchable shak and nestor blob. So yes, people live in farms, because they have to, not because they want to.


What are your thoughts on the changes to isk-making in nullsec, and do you think that similar measures would be useful in wormhole space?

I’m not necessarily suggesting that a nerf to the ratting itself is strictly needed, but I am saying that there definitely should be more danger involved. 95% of these fleets will simply leave the one tackled ship in site to die and MJD the rest out as soon as they see combats on D or a new sig because it is more isk efficient for them. Theoretically a multiscram lach works or a multi-point HIC or any number of things, the problem is that in practice it simply doesnt work unless the roaches are not paying attention.

My point is that a mechanic like the rats spreading points would at least increase the risk. And what your rage roll results are missing is that for every 1 time a roach fleet loses a few ships, there is 10 incidents when they all get away. If you are not fully prepared to catch them and you roll in you simply will not catch them unless they make a mistake. And I think that is the core issue, where both sides being equal and paying attention the roach fleet gets away every time.

The 3 dudes in 3 leshaks running sites to plex themselves arent an issue, they are at risk and they are getting a good reward for it. But the 15-20 man roach fleets that run all day long with impunity do become an issue. The raw isk generation of those fleets is beyond any reasonable measure for virtually no risk. Even if you do land your lach suddenly that lach has to survive the alpha of 10 drone bunny rattlesnakes as they align out and most any solution you find falls apart.

My opinion is that the way isk is generated in wormholes is fine because there is plenty of counter play with it but could do with some tweaking. There are certain aspects that dont make sense like in other posts ive mentioned. i.e. C3 sites are more profitable typically than c4 sites for less risk. But like I said there is counter play just like the ESS for wormholes. Several times I have had random scanners swipe drifter loot after my site and warp off. That dude just made 300m off of my ratting similar to ESS mechanics. Or if a group rolls in they can kill MTUs which is the entirety of the isk from the sites. The list goes on.

500m every 5 min isnt even remotely exaggerated, that is actually an easy benchmark to make. In subcaps it can be pushed to an even more extreme state. 4 paladins and 1 dread can pull it in 3:30.

WH candidate, I’m sold already. I know your not on but one thing i would like to see for WH space is a small buff to structure rigs that are used in WH space. Most structure rigs have higher bonuses in low and null/WH as you know and I think the bonus for WH should be just a bit higher then null, maybe an increase from 2.1 to 2.3 multiplier, as we have no asset safety, rigs are damn expensive, and evictions happen rather often. Your thoughts?

I personally haven’t heard this mentioned before. I think that that could have some far reaching industry effects so I am not sure if it would be a good idea or not.

Every HK member I know voted for Exooki because one wormhole candidate is better than a goons candidate.

Exooki was ■■■■ at the game but he for the most part had the health of jspace in mind and actually cared about improving it. I doubt anyone will deny that.

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I think spreading scrams can be a good thing for high-class pve but I also think there are some other interesting options like giving dictors a single shot “scram bubble” which is basically an AOE scram that lasts for 1 second and can shut off MWD and MJDs. I do see your point though when played perfectly by both sides it heavily favors the roaching fleet which is a problem I agree. We just want to make sure there is still the scenario where if the roaching fleet plays perfect and the rollers don’t they can still get away.

The site clear times may be that fast but my point was averaging that isk generation rate over periods of hours or time is very hard and when you hear people give these isk p/h they are usually taking a site clear time and extrapolating it over an hour. When you consider things like initial rolling, scanning new sigs, and other things it can slow the isk generation rate down.

I also think a part of this is people who rat in dreads are having their C6 farmhole sites stolen and can’t catch the fleet when they rage roll into them, so as long as you recognize there is some motive of self preservation of income in many of these arguments I will be voting for you and urging others to as well.

People in c6 farmholes are not losing sites. Everyone with a c6 farm is making more isk if they want it right now as the site spawn rate has gone through the roof.

People with c6 farms are able to make more money right now, not less, because of these roach fleets.

People with dread farms want an end to these roach fleets even though that will result in fewer sites for them. They are acting against their own self interest. The reason is they don’t play eve to krab, they play to PVP.

I wouldn’t have any issue with these roach fleets if there was an element of risk to them. These roach fleets make far more ISK than I make with a c6 farm and they do it with zero risk. Let them make the isk, but give us a chance to shoot them.


From my experience, although it is anecdotal, C6 farmhole owners are not enjoying these roaching fleets or the effects they get from them. The idea farmhole owners are making more money from people “stealing” their sites sounds good on its surface but the math just doesn’t support that. While I do agree the rate at which sites spawn is increased by these roach fleets, the rate at which sites are “stolen” is also increased at the same rate so the effective sites available per month doesn’t change. Maybe you can argue they are pushing sites from inactive farmholes to active farmholes, but the same effect happens in reverse so it is a minimal gain at most.

But yeah that is just something I think he should consider as a possible CSM candidate when taking in advice. I think we totally agree on this topic tbh, I just wouldn’t want to see recommendations that nerf this type of gameplay into the ground or make it prohibitively dangerous to do.

I have a c6 farm. I have more sites to run than I have ever had before. This is consistent for every c6 owner I know. It isn’t even a marginal increase. On a weekly basis, I am currently getting maybe 3 times as many sites spawning as I did before this began. I am getting more sites spawning than I have the will or inclination to run.

Your “math” is wrong.

Okay, I am not super interested in debating basic statistics verse anecdotal evidence from authority with you on this guys CSM advert, was more interested in seeing what he thought about some things. I probably shouldn’t even have responded initially.

It would appear your understanding of statistics is indeed basic.

2Step , corbexx , noobman, exzookiz , and from that list one was banned due to leaking info that i dare say benifited HK in the long run?

How can you change the direction that W-space has been going in recent years . . . . .basicallly in MHO farmville for multiboxers and the gelling of 1 superblob that runs the higher classes?

What do you do to improve the population rates of W-S to help rebuild it to rates seen in the past ?

Why Should we vote for you, considering the company you keep, and the fact that the Hard Knocks name is a millstone around your neck due to the echos of the past; as its seems that Hard Knocks basically seems to kill anything that seems to move in?

What is your view on the state of low class w-space and how can it improved more, and what would be your take on moving higher class sites into lower class ones?