Overall gameplay Issues

What has WoW to do with EvE?

No, why should I have? Because I would have a fleet behind me obliterating the Curse and everybody else. It’s an MMO, you remember?

What I read from you now is … mimimi … my easy gank targets are not actually easy gank targets, CCP please help.

okay so you are just trolling reading this
“What has WoW to do with EvE?”
or you are really not smart enough to understand the comparison, dunno
i ll explain eitherway, giving you the benefit of the doubt
“multiboxing except in pve is a non issue” wrong

I stand by that, multi-boxing in EvE PvP is a non-issue, and sometimes an enabler, as not all fleet roles are fun. Deal with it, it’s part of the freedom of play.

I’m at the same time advocating against PvE content which can be easily multi-boxed, which is clearly CCP’s design fault. Of the content, not the multi-boxing itself.

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you know, these roles could be made fun, but that requires to rework the game so its more enjoyable overall, doesnt it?

again, a good point for not allowing multiboxing and actually making CCP rework “bad/poorly designed” decisions.

multiboxing is bad because i can’t do it…

thats what i hear.

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Why would that be an issue? Would you rather sit around for hours doing nothing at all while you wait for someone to attack your ratter?

So far all attempts by CCP to change the status quo have not made the game more enjoyable. I cannot think of a single feature they introduced in the last 10 years that made the game more enjoyable. Quite the contrast, the attempts to curb multiboxing only introduced more and more frustration and annoyance.

it does sound like an unfair adventage to have this as a backup instead of having someone to protect you doesnt it?

what would the logical conclusion being to fix this without multiboxing, lets think 1-2 steps ahead.

Whether it’s more enjoyable has to be proven, as you also need more people, with skills, which increases the threshold for undocking… There is a solution in place which works well for most players and CCP, so there are definitely more worth things to invest into.

You really should scratch the word “unfair” from your EvE vocabulary, there is no concept of fairness in EvE.

to put it in a different perspective, you would be totaly fine if someone would use a programm to get 1b isk per minute?

i kinda doubt it and that is EXACTLY on the same level as multiboxing.

im perfectly fine with fights not being fair, but there is a difference between ingame mechanics and outside sources (like multiboxing)

But most of your points are moot when playing the game in a multiplayer-way. Which means you group up with other people and actually run content that you couldn’t ever do alone. In a PVP gang nobody cares if you have the Magic14 all skilled up or can fly the best an toughest ships at all. You begin to bring a Crucifier with 3 Tracking Disruptors or a Punisher with Bricktackle and you can do that from DayOne. And gradually move up to the more expensive and more skill-demanding ships over time. The idea that you need Level V on “most skills” to engage in PvP is complete nonsense.

Same goes for SP, you don’t need months or years to fly ships if you really are good at the game (lets call it, “among the top% of the game because you like to learn and abuse mechanics etc…”, I have read that somewhere…) Because if you really are good and really willing to learn you make billions over billions in cash after a few months, easily allowing you to constantly inject additional SP via SkillInjectors, DailyRewards, LoginRewards, running CerebralAccelerators, buying StarterPacks or whatnot. I know a guy who plays for 6 month and he already runs 4 Omegas, T3 Cruisers on the first two Chars and skilling SupportShips on the other two. What more do you want? Thats pretty close to “getting everyhing very fast”.

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Golly, I wish we lived in an utopia where 1 person is 1 account in this game but sadly it’s not realistic and I can live with that.

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CCP makes the rules. Multi-boxing is fine (if you pay for it, and don’t automate), using bots, macros, exploits etc. is not. Hence they are not on the same level. Read the EULA.

I still don’t get your problem, you will solo lose against a versed tripple boxer in your scenario and you would lose for sure against a 3-people-gang, what’s the difference?

As said before, it looks like what you really want is a lone victim for an easy kill. But this is not how this works, the victim doesn’t owe you the kill, if they don’t feel safe they won’t be there at all.


No, it does not. It’s how EVE works.

and if csgo would make aimbots legal people would still complain about it and rightfully so.

my entire point since i started this discussion was that multiboxing removes an insane amount of multiplayer content, which you would understand if you just thought 2 steps ahead.

u rat in null, which isnt safe. imagine no multibox, you have to bring friends. those friends also wouldnt be enthuisiastic to just sit around for hours, so they would either join you or do something in the system aswell, therefore enabeling other people to scan them, gank them whatever. compared to a multibox which just has 1-2 other ships on a safe, far away from d-scan or even cloaked.

so yes, its a big difference if there are 3 individual players or one guy. i really dont understand why i have to explain common sense?

a big part of people multiboxing seems to be that they either cant find someone to join (because its not isk efficient or boring to them) so in order to enhance gameplay there need to be changes made, logically.

multiboxing is the most lazy way to “fix” very basic issues eve has and therefore people should try to get CCP to increase gameplay rather than accepting it.

but when i read troll comments like this
"multiboxing is bad because i can’t do it…

thats what i hear."

i always assume people just enjoy having an advantage by buying or plexing multiple accounts just because they play longer, rather than actually having to be good at the game, which to me is kind of the same mentality as mobile users throwing 200 coins a month into pay2win games

if thats the case there isnt much point discussing about it

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yes, thats how it works right now, but is it a good thing?

There have been people to use that excuse, that because they can’t multibox, then it shouldn’t be allowed in game.

We all want the game to evolve and have new players. but going backwards isn’t the way to do it… making this game more like x or wow, or whatever isn’t the trick… this game is a whole bag of differences than those games ever will.

Well, a significant portion of the fun, perhaps. Most MMOs have indicated that their players primarily play solo, with sporadic bouts of teaming/guilding etc.

You would have to elucidate a but farther on what types of ‘normal’ content you mean, and how EVE multiboxing prevents it. From the actual MMOs I play (as opposed to FPS and pure action combat simulators), they pretty much all have multi-boxing to some extent. And I’m not following what parts of EVE are ‘prevented’ by multi-boxing.

However, what is undeniable, is that CCP’s current financial model relies heavily on getting lots more money out of fewer-but-dedicated players. And multi-accounts/multi-boxing is one of the primary vehicles for this.

You appear to be trying to make the case that multi-boxing drives newer players away from the game. But actual newer players are unlikely to even encounter situations where multi-boxing affects them, at least for a month or two. And CCP’s statistics show that almost all new players will have stopped playing in the first 30 days or so, and that anyone who sticks beyond that is more likely to stay around for longer.


Multiboxing is a necessary evil that CCP needs to fund the game.

I am on the camp that multiboxing harms player interaction and decreases comradery because if you can just make 5 accounts to do FW or homefronts for example you don’t need to use social skills to make friends.

We have all seen CCP attempt to take the best of both worlds by having players get closer together AND by keeping them isolated by encouraging multiboxing. It’s a very tightrope they are walking across.

Homefronts are a prime example of content made for individual players but is currently just multiboxed.

Many of us can agree on this and I know they do even if they don’t admit it. Many do agree multiboxing hurts comradery. The feeling you are “replaceable” is pretty depressing ngl. MMOs should have some degree of comradery. I get this feeling a lot more in games like Dota 2 and Star Trek Online ironically.

A utopian MMO is a 1 player to 1 account system. It’s a dream I have but I can live with the current state of things. I hope you do too because someone has to keep the lights on and the devs fed.

So once again you’re making a lot of “I know how it works” assumptions, apparently based on other games and not EVE. You need to play EVE a bit longer to fill up those gaps in your knowledge.

  1. EVE is a long-term strategy game, more than a short-term tactics game. So it’s less about the “fun of combat” and more about “planning to achieve your goals”. A game with fly-by-wire controls and a one-second server tic is never going to be a “fun combat sim” (for the most part).

  2. Most MMOs realize both that getting players to work together and group together is key to making them stay in the game longer. AND they also typically despair a bit of the fact that something like 70% of the player base plays mostly solo… and all attempts to “force” them to team up typically just results in a large portion of those players abandoning that game.

  3. You’re complaining about “unfair advantage”, but being in the game longer is an unfair advantage, having more $$$ to spend on the game is an unfair advantage, having more time to play per day is an unfair advantage. Games are filled with “unfair” advantages - they aren’t dealbreakers unless they’re egregious.

I’ve got to say, your points are starting to sound like the base concern here is, “I’m used to being competitive and in the top % in combat games, and here I am in EVE and I find most players have more advantages than me and it’s going to take a lot of time and effort to catch up. Therefore, EVE is designed wrong because it’s not what I’m used to.”

New ideas and fresh perspectives are great, but you should also pause to recognize when perhaps some of the problems you’re encountering are due to your own expectations and biases.

I complain about CCP and EVE a lot, I talk about how things could be better a lot. But it’s more about “making EVE more of what EVE should be”, and less “gee EVE should be more like all the other games I do well in”.


I think it is. Nothing prevents you from bringing actual people, but multiboxing enables you to do things without relying on unreliable players. You can have both cakes and eat them, too.