Overall gameplay Issues

so a 10 year discussion about the same topic? seems like im not the only one that is able to tell whats wrong with eve, what a surprise

Even if you are right (and I explicitly don’t say you are), what would be the solution? Financial statistics will tell CCP 100% that allowing multiboxing at large is benefitial to their profits. All other scenarios like assuming “the game would be more popular and thus would gather more player over time…” etc. are just that: assumptions. No company leadership would build their future on that. So we have one fact: The chances for CCP banning multiboxing in EVE is zero. Exactly zero. So why discuss it? I even agree to a degree that it hurts the gameplay experience, I know an EVE Online where 95% of the players had at most two accounts so they had one main and one alt logged in online. And I know it felt better somehow. The socializing was better when of the 22 chars in the internal forum not 18 were just afk alts. But the train has left the station a decade ago. It’s gone. It will never change again. So why the discussion? To “make a point”? It’s moot, deal with the reality and enjoy the game as it is. You don’t have to multibox to enjoy it.

I explained it all to you but you are clearly just trolling. Don’t worry. It’s also strange you don’t comprehend the game or noticed that there are now log in awards since some time. Most, if not everything, probably goes over your head. It’s funny reading your hilarious posts. This might not be the game for you but certainly the forum is here for you, well worth the subscription… :smiley:

as i said, you didnt even manage to understand what i said. otherwise you wouldnt answer “interdictor” to the warp for example… but atleast you are doing a good job being a trolling goonie, gz

Dont do it IO. Dont fall for the troll


The reason ships are mostly caught at gates is generally due to that being the easy way due to gates being the gateways to other systems lol.

Ships in nullsec are generally caught at ore anomalies, banks, moon belts, etc. But I guess you know it better than me rofl.

Your issue is that you larp some ignorant poster who ‘refuses to listen’.

I guess you know everything better than us but I still think your name is Tirador69 rofl. Can’t make this stuff up. ROFL.

“No player may use the character name of another player to impersonate or falsely represent his or her identity.”

Just in case you want to tell CCP to make ‘enhancements’ to their EULA…



i know that i cant possibly die in null, unless i want to engage a fight, which was my point about warping.
do you think its fun or engaging gameplay to camp a gate? or would you rather have a reasonable chance of actually hunting someone

well, tbf i also dont fly a rorq in null, my align time isnt 70 seconds. but i would assume that they ve enough intel to alignt themself if they dont want to escalate a fight.

i was talking about warping making it less likely if not impossible to catch someone, do you disagree with that?

exactly what is supposed to make me a troll again?

I would second a Regional chat, and a Global Market. Otherwise keep the things that make EVE unique :slight_smile:

Sometimes people are unreliable narrators. Or maybe you can defend yourself by saying you are an immortal capsuleer and will just clone after being podded like you were in Tama , see the long list of horrible deaths you had, but apparently you did shoot a Venture with your 1337 PVP Skillz0rs…

Yes. It can be fun. But that’s for people who have fun hanging out with others.

I lost a rorq once, had a great chat with the bombers bar guy in EVEsterdam. He was a reliable narrator and we had fun. Both in game as in real life.

Not sure why you keep pointing out at the very limited game you choose to play. You want to PVP, then do that. Warping is used to move a ship or fleet out of range and to reposition. It’s not a melee fight, it’s a spaceship game (more like submarines in space but you get the idea).

It is fun to camp gates, not only that, contrary to your delusions, it’s normal gameplay for PVPers who own sov to defend it. It’s part and parcel of the lowsec and nullsec life. Should people scout? Probably, should people whine on the forums that they don’t understand the game at all? Probably not, it’s better to grow as a person. But to each their own.

It’s an advantage I pay for. If others can’t afford to…I simply don’t care.

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you are calling me delusional, but only cherry pick quotes,thats insane.

yes, i wanted to go for some pvp with a friend, with my t1 fitted stabber, knowing well we will prob die.

we also managed to take down a ospray navy in a goon fleet consisting of 11 pilots, as 2
i take that as an absolut win, given the fact goons decided that they need 11 pilots for a t1 stabber, if you wanna play that game :blush:

but ig you would rather make fun of me flying in an empty pod through tama with a shuttle getting smartbombed which i didnt care about at all, thats fine

imagine this, you could also have fun hunting someone in a system WHILE talking to buddys, or is that also a bad thing? you are calling me a troll the entire time, but all of my points are just trying to allow for MORE content, which to me doesnt seem like a bad thing

Multiboxing is ‘more content’. I am graciously providing more ships for people to pew pew.

followed by…

Do you even read what you type, you cherry picked your own post where you said you cannot die then expand on it saying you understand you would possibly die. Whatever keeps your boat afloat I guess. ROFL.

You mean you didn’t check if I was with my buddies in the fleet and in chat while hunting some guy who has no clue? I already have that content… not sure if you were aware but I guess you are so incredibly funny. :smiley:

never understood why people think its impressive to buy advantages in games, but to each their own ig

yeah that one is kinda on me i guess. I should be more specific. I am talking about when i go to null to explore, or do some ded sites in which casa i obviously dont want to die.

but throwing a stabber into null, looking for fights is obviously a different story.

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Well, then it is working as intended. You can use small ships (preferably interdiction nullified) to explore. But you can’t really do much. It’s like how in high sec low security standing capsuleers have to either fly by pod or just keep moving as when they stay in one place too long the faction police comes to fight them due to the unpaid parking tickets.

also works with a loki

and thats also the reason why i think its kinda to “easy” to not get caught, because a few days ago i was doing a ded in null some guys got intel and they brought a tengu, loki and proteus to fight

but since i can just cloak up and in the worst case just filament out, there is basically no way they can get a hold of me. (i also know about cloak protection, so just refresh every 14 min) So i was thinking i would be kinda frustrated if i was them, with having no options if i were them.