I’m not buying an advantage. I’m eliminating a disadvantage that I’d have if I didn’t do it. That’s what happens when things are ‘allowed’ in a game. If people can’t afford to do likewise…that’s not my problem. I play Eve as it is…not as some idealised ‘wouldn’t it be nice if…’ La La land that people can never decide on.
I think this is just argument for the sake of argument now. It’s been 10hrs.
I think the one thing that actually surprised OP was when I told him that CCP did try to do instanced PVP and it failed lol. I had a feeling he was not ready for that, and it kneecapped his entire argument after
and those other games then find other hooks to bait the MAU’s and the sub time. In wow the leveling is easy. even in wrath, once you get past 60. vanilla 1 to 60 can go slow there. after 60…pvp CTA weekends really speeds the leveling up. Losses are still XP so yeah…its all good.
RNG is one hook that keeps you subbed. Your BIS is granted by the…RNG gods. 1 week or 12 weeks, when do you get your sword of doom? Ask RNG, only it knows.
Okay, wrath still has master loot so in a guild that uses that…you’d ask loot council. If loot council says you are number 5 on the list…you wait for 4 rng drops going to the 4 people higher on the list. You get RNG determined drop 5.
And gear deprecation. New season, pvp or pve, new gear. All that prior season gear is now…vendor trash. The eternal hunt for new gear.
that hooks works. NGL, I liked my few loot dopamine hits as much as the next player for a time when in that game.
Why I liked my eve return. Eve tells me in about 2 weeks this char will have finished her cruiser 5, recon already injected and in the list. Cool…in 2 weeks + time for recon 4 I will be in basic level 4 rapier/huginn. I can 5 that to tastes later on.
In wow wratch classic I could level 10 levels in a week or less a level capped rogue. when did she get those kick butt daggers/swords? No clue whatsoever. You can ask RNG, and it will not answer back.
Nothing is RNG about the rapier she will fly. Other games I was level cap in about 4 days. Time to get gear? It not paranoia to say RNG hates me when its true lol.
Hi there @Tirador69 I hope you feel ok now that you had your opinion aired out in public.
Skill Point System - Progressing is in all games I have played going back to my first Guild Wars (original not the POS they made after it) you max capped and could no longer earn attribute points. This is part of all online games I have played. Skill point system is used to make money and an ISK sink.
Local chat - The owners (aka overlords of CCP) have their own game Black Desert. Have you played it? Chat is very raw there, I never bumped into the moderation, as much as I do in this game. They have a vast chat system with a global shout system. In my opinion, Eve could use some more global chats and less moderation, but users can make their own chat lobbies here.
Warping/traveling (you forgot mining) - This is akin to a screen saver, I put it on autopilot ( a lot ) and go AFK. I have a coffee a converse with the wife. Cook a meal, eat, take my insulin, and use the bathroom.
When I make it to dock I call it a win.
Multiboxing - CCP will never part with their income. It really doesn’t effect the way I play. Also CCP will never part with their income.
general PVP - I don’t see this a PvP at all, more like paid customers versus clay pigeons. I don’t mind being the clay pigeon. Just don’t expect any respect for you being able to bag the most unarmed vessels in the game.
Since you asked, those are my opinions on those subjects. o7
Many games have a learning curve.
It is said EVE has a learning cliff.
EVE is a very experience-based game.
The SP/Skill system are the “hard” skills. How you fly your ship, conduct your operation, etc. are the “soft” skills you learn over time.
If you play this game long enough you will find players who use a card to buy lots of skills and LSI’s in order to quickly fly high level ships. And then lose them on their first engagement.
yes you are buying an advantage, stop trying to be delusional please. no game is intended to be played with 2 accounts, its only “allowed” because CCP needs the money…
eve is infact very simple, the only curve is the SP system, which i dont cosider to be a skill/experience issue.
i would love to be that player, because contrary to these thoughts, you learn alot faster when u die. i plan on throwing hundreds of stabbers into null until i get a good fight and i ll still call it worth, since everything else in eve is pretty mundane. ratting/mining/trading/exploring are all more or less ingame jobs, which only exist to fuel PVP, which is the main part of the game imo.
since there sadly is no content which would be worthwile to do with friends in pve activities, the only decent interaction is pvp.
no, i am still convinced it was the right choice to do it, but they prob should have implemented other changes aswell. in general tho, it just showed how many nullsec people are crying because they cant afk rat/mine in peace which i always thought was highsec carebear mentality
you guys are aware that you could still have your passive SP income WITH advanced progress, right? and no, a daily dose of 10k SP aka 4? hours is not really progress.
EVE overkills the amount of SP you need alot.
for example, in PoE my first char took me about 200hours to get to lvl 100, because i didnt use a build guide and i enjoyed every second of it. PoE has decent progress imo, if you were to brake down 200 hours into 4h a day thats around 50 days of playtime, lets round that up to two months which is a decent time to hit end game content, WHILE you can actually play the game.
tbf tho, if eve would offer any kind of pve content that would be enjoyable, it prob wouldnt feel that bad.
That’s not a particularly good strategy for learning. It’s…a strategy, but not a good one. Dumping hundreds of ships will only make you desensitized to loss, which is important to a PvPer for sure, but skill-wise it’s only going to get you to F1 monkey level. You know, get in fleet when the CTA goes out, lose your ship, collect your SRP, repeat again tomorrow.
Instead, limit your resources and consider every attempt you make to be a critical one. Go out with the primary goal of not just to “get a fight,” but to specifically win your encounter. This will force you to plan, theory-craft possible outcomes, and adapt. Treat EVE like a survival FPS game where your intent is to get out intact with what you’ve scavenged and looted from other players, instead of like a team-based FPS game where you queue up for matches and everyone types “gg” into chat after the 30 minutes are over.
This is a massive life hack for learning EVE quickly that so few people know about.
i like your killboard, almost exclusivly 1v1’s. Duels i guess? or are you only baiting the carebears
dw, i ll never devolve to a f1 monkey, but i am also aware that my chances to win with t1 guns are unrealistic. its still the most fun activity in eve and i make some isk on the way robbing banks
Oh, another one of these ‘i’ve just started playing and can fix all issues with the game’ threads.
EVE is not like other games. Don’t try to make it like other games. EVE is still going after 20 years, clearly CCP is doing something right.
greetings and salutations.
There are numerous ways to speed up your skillpoint acquisition. You’ve clearly already found some of them.
Patently and demonstrably false. there are many, many ways for a newbro with minimal SP to make ISK.
Myself, I made my first couple of billion as the Resident Newbro at TheMittani dot com (the predecessor of today’s Imperium News Network site). I wrote articles about EVE and other aspects of gaming, I was well rewarded with ISK for my efforts.
The current system lets you continue to accrue SP while offline. While you’re at work. While you’re playing other games.
I started playing in 2014, before Space Crack was A Thing™. There’s both positive and negative aspects of Space Crack.
I sort of both agree and disagree on this. Nullsec Local should be an iHub upgrade with a delay, starting at 60s and being able to be brought down to 20-30s at full upgrade.
CCP tried getting rid of local altogether in the Blackout experiment. Vast numbers of carebears simply didn’t log in for the duration.
you have nowhere near enough pvp experience for anyone to take this seriously. Yes, a lot of pvp does happen at a gate, and a lot happens elsewhere in a system. At an anomaly or Faction Warfare complex. On or in an ESS. At mining belts and moons. At a deadspace complex.
Remove warp and replace with sublight travel only? Hell no. You’d have to shrink systems to under 20,000km across to make any kind of travel even vaguely possible. Need to move a fat, slow freighter 20 jumps? Have fun with that at 200m/s.
you propose HS and LS Jump Bridges? We already have those. They’re called stargates.
Of all your suggestions, this is the silliest.
There is nothing wrong with multiboxing. Everyone can do it, limited only by their willingness to fund Omega accounts (either by straight $$$ or by buying PLEX on the ingame market) and the power or lack thereof of their gaming rig. Eve can run on surprisingly modest hardware. Turn the graphics way down and you can easily run multiple clients on a decade old PC.
Multiboxing is part of the game and has been since day one. Deal with it.
again, your complete lack of experience is leading you to make a broad, sweeping and laughably false statement.
EVE PvP requires a lot of player skill (not SP skill, actual player skill). It’s just not in a format you’d be familiar with given your lobby-game pvp history.
For small gang or roaming pvp there’s the skill needed to find targets. The skill needed to get tackle onto said target and hold it down so you can kill it. There’s questions of speed, transversal and manual piloting skills. Finally there’s the knowledge needed to know ‘can we take this guy?’. They’re in X ship, can we feasably kill it before his mates show up with enough marauders to blot out the sun?
Then there’s alliance level bloc warfare style pvp. I’ve been lucky enough to fly under some exceptionally good FCs over the years. They know how to position their fleet. How to bait outt a fight at a time and place of their choosing. They need to know when they can escalate with capitals, supers and titans and when they’re better off cutting losses.
Have you ever setup a successful pipebomb? Coordinated a multi-vector bombing run? I think not.
Suitonia (now known as CCP Kestrel) did a video series EVE Is Easy taking out a day old alpha into faction warfare space and getting kills.
Don’t come here claiming there’s no skill required in EVE PvP. There’s a lot you need to know before you can claim to be competent.
yes. the locals will take exception to you trying to rob their ESS. They can and will respond with overwhelming force. What do you expect? You’re on THEIR turf. They have certain homefield advantages that YOU need to take into account and learn how to counter.
CCP tried this with Proving Grounds. They were popular to start with and players quickly dropped off in enthusiasm.
You complain about “rock paper scissors”, Proving Grounds were the ultimate manifestation of that. Someone could come along in a ship that completely counters yours. In regular space, they still have to hold you down. In the Proving Grounds, there was no escape.
again, your lack of experience and game knowledge is leading you to make an argument that is completely laughable.
EVE PvP doesn’t have to be expensive. Fly with a gang and you can get away with surprisingly cheap ships. A wolfpack of Hookbills or Firetails can hit well above their weight. Force multipliers (EWAR) ships and can bought for a pittance and completely change the outcome of an engagement. The Maulus, as but one example, in the hands of a keen newbro can completely shut down three of the marauders you complain so vociferously about. Keeping that Maulus alive is a skill in and of itself. Flying such a ship with a decent gang will teach you a lot about how to position, how to use transversal to your advantage and, most importantly, how to run away and come back when the heat gets too much.
If you’re not ‘getting out with the loot’, it’s because you’re getting greedy and going into an engagement you cannot win. Bounce around, lose your timers, take the Pochven Express and voila, you’re away with your loot.
Here’s the thing about ISK. It’s only really a major concern for a relatively short time. After a couple of years, ISK tends to take care of itself. Unless you desire to fly Titans or AT Ships, you’ll find a time will come when it’s far less of an issue for you than it appears to be as a newbro.
EvE PvP is one of the few gaming experiences that can genuinely give me The Shakes. No other game can give you the adrenaline rush that comes from solo killing a well fit battleship with a frigate.
And you ARE a newbro. You have barely dipped your toe into the sandbox. Learn a few things about the game, let go of the mindset you had playing Counter Strike or DotA or any of those other games.
This is EVE. It’s not like other games and those of us who’ve been playing a while have come to understand and enjoy it.
Sadly yet another entitled newbie blaming their own failures on the game.
OP, the game lived for 20 years, and no end in sight, because it is designed like it is today. It’s a sandbox, you can do whatever you like and what is possible with pixel spaceships. The first thing you should do if you are not happy how things go, is to change your approach. And the second, and the third, …
… you may even ask for help, but whining about unfairness and mechanics you currently not like will just earn you mockery.
You can bait cloaky campers with rorquals, afkish retrievers, ratters,… if they don’t take any bait, why even bother, in that case they don’t PVP and you can ignore them as a counter. Everything has a counter intended by CCP or not.