Overpriced scam in hubs


Gerard has 1 billion ISK.
Gerard makes a free new alt, A, and another free alt B.
Gerard sends 1 billion ISK to alt A.
Alt B puts up a sale on the market, ‘mining laser I’ for 1 billion ISK.
Alt A buys mining laser I from alt B for 1 billion ISK.
Alt B sends the earned 1 billion ISK to Gerard.
Alt A cancels the transaction (your suggestion) and gets back 1 billion ISK.
Alt B now has a wallet of minus 1 billion ISK.
Alt A sends 1 billion ISK to Gerard.
Gerard deletes alt B.
Gerard has 2 billion ISK.


Money not available in the account for 5 min. So transaction can be easily retract.

Okay, so money is not available for 5 minutes. What about items?


Gerard has 1 Chimera.
Gerard makes a free new alt, A, and another free alt B.
Gerard sends 1 Chimera to alt A.
Alt B puts up a sale on the market, buying Chimera for 1 ISK.
Alt A sells Chimera to alt B for 1 ISK.

New: 1 ISK is held in escrow for 5 minutes.

Alt B sends Chimerato Gerard.
Alt A cancels the transaction (your suggestion) and gets back Chimera.
Alt B now has a station hangar containing minus one Chimera.
Alt A sends Chimera to Gerard.
Gerard deletes alt B.
Gerard has 2 Chimeras.

Gerard has 1 billion ISK.
Gerard makes a free new alt, A, and another free alt B.
Gerard sends 1 billion ISK to alt A.
Alt B puts up a sale on the market, ‘mining laser I’ for 1 billion ISK.
Alt A buys mining laser I from alt B for 1 billion ISK.
Escrow account hold 1 billion isks for 5 min
Alt A retreat transaction during 5 min and get 1 bil back or do nothing and Alt B receive 1 bil in 5 min

Alt B sends the earned 1 billion ISK to Gerard.
Incorrect it happening on early stage. Alt A cancels the transaction (your suggestion) and gets back 1 billion ISK.
Alt B now has a wallet of minus 1 billion ISK.
Alt A sends 1 billion ISK to Gerard.
Gerard deletes alt B.


Gerard has 1 Chimera.
Gerard makes a free new alt, A, and another free alt B.
Gerard sends 1 Chimera to alt A.
Alt B puts up a sale on the market, *buying Chimera for 1 ISK.
Alt A sells Chimera to alt B for 1 ISK.

New: 1 ISK is held in escrow for 5 minutes.
Good suggestion item would be not transferable for 5 min and not for sale during 5 min
Alt A retract transaction during 5 min and have to provide

Alt B sends Chimerato Gerard.
Alt A cancels the transaction (your suggestion) and gets back Chimera.
Alt B now has a station hangar containing minus one Chimera.
Alt A sends Chimera to Gerard.
Gerard deletes alt B.
Gerard has 2 Chimeras.

and again selling and transfer it is different story. But yes I would suggest 5 min waiting period for transaction over a billion less market price

But why have a waiting period at all?


Gerard gets a ping about a new fleet going out.
Gerard hears they need a certain ship type which he doesn’t have but luckily it is on the market!
Gerard buys the ship.

And now has to wait …
…out …
…the …
…period …
by the way the fleet undocked and left system
… before…
because @CAMODELK1N has trouble with confirmation buttons.


Oh yes. I love ALL crybaby victim topics on these forums.


Exactly opposite. You have a ping you need to fit ship fast you did not check overpriced button boom you have 1 bil or 2 bil less.
See option 1. In your setting you setup no waiting period - boom you nave your damage control instantly for 1 billion - no waiting period. You happy with item, scammer happy with the price.

I like baby comments like that.

Unlike you, I do check prices of things I buy.

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Good for you. So next we can ask remove safety trigger for shooting as I supposed you always check when you shoot.

and yes you have nothing to worry, you still will have your opportunity check the price

You mean that thing for high sec CONCORD rules? Which means I would have to learn how CONCORD works rather than relying on my safety settings to keep me from doing stupid stuff in the rare case I’m in high sec? I don’t think it would be good to remove that. Not for the newbies, but also not for me.

Also to make the comparison with your example fair, it would be like removing the confirmation when you change the safety settings.

After all, you did get the warning that you were overpaying. You just ignored that warning and now ask for another safety mechanism on top of the warning!

I think there should be an opt-out button for PvP. If you activate it within 5 minutes of having your ship destroyed, you can get your money back.

The question with the setting. You have the same warning all the time for 2%, 20% or 200% which is different then 100000% , so yes I wish to have control on this warning. What is wrong with that? You can disable this function

Feel free to create topic for your suggestion

Next time when you get the warning, maybe read it?

This is supposed to be a brutal dystopian universe of ruthless competition. Your suggestion just detracts from that without contributing anything other that even more infantilization than we already have.


Next time when you loose your home , because you did not read small text at the button for mortgage maybe you should be read all 120 page more careful. Maybe ye, but maybe we can drive more safety and get rid of safety belts … maybe. But maybe we can prevent scam from all directions