How is it the fault of anyone but the person who quits at the first sign of difficulty?
“We wanted to do the thing, but it was hard so we quit.”
Seriously, it is a piece of cake to not die from a wardec. If the game haemoragged players due to that, what exactly did they expect as their challenge?
Methinks they’ve expected no challenge at all (in hi-sec). Probably didn’t do their homework about the game and what it is about or in some blind wishful thinking thought they will get away without a wardec due to the huge number of corps existing.
Falcons response follows the same logic that sofware devs use, when they claim that each pirated copy which would cost x$ means a loss of that amount of dollars.
Botters provide them with a lot of dollars by using a boatload of Skillinjectors to inject their bot accounts, and also the insane amount of PLEX they use to keep their bot accounts running.
This drives prices for both way up which makes even more normal players buy plex or extractors for $ to sell it for ISK,and it keeps the demand for both up. Not a single player would be able to multibox that amount of Supers without cheating, which means 90% of those accounts wouldn´t be used/plexed/injected if they would get banned immediately. Most players wouldn´t spend the same amount of $ if they would get way less ISK per $.
Botters produce a huge demand for PLEX and extractors/injectors, those inejctors are produced by players who have dedicated SP farming chars which also increase the demand for PLEX and extractors which means a lot of $s for CCP. The high demand increases the market value of said items, which leads to even more players buying them to sell them for a lot of ISK. --> a lot of dollars for CCP.
This is about how PIRAT funded mass wardecs as their meta.
If it turns out it was funded substantially through botting, due to their widespread impact on EVE, that is a real problem, and damage is already done.
“If” it turns out that PIRAT funded wardecs via botting, due to the massive scale of their operations for years, it has left an indelible mark on the wardec system and HS ecology. Furthermore, its nigh impossible that happened without PIRAT corp leadership players not knowing it was happening.
Well thank you Salvos thats very nice of you to say.
“If” its the case it still doesnt make Wardecs anymore effective against the alleged waves of people who quit at the first sign of opposition. Wardecs are easy to dodge and cope with.
IF they have funded them with ill gotten gains then yes this is a breach of the rules and CCPs lipservice is at least in the right direction.
But it still doesnt make wardecs this big griefing tool that the person I replied to was making out.
But it would mean that HS ecology has been disrupted artificially for years.
The PIRAT wardec history is that expansive and expensive.
For example, if it is concluded that PIRAT has been botting for funds for wardecs for years, they have been a significant part of displacing legit Merc gameplay in EVE.
I see your point, and (economy aside) I assume its CCPs point too.
Though if people werent such freakin crybabies over an EvE mail and a local flashy, the problem (and its impact) would be less severe.
Arsonists are dicks, but if you (general “you”) refuse to have smoke detectors or extinguishers in place then if anything you are adding to the problem.
The money isn’t what they should be worried about. For them to buy/sell/trade plex, there has to exist plex which somebody already bought, so all the botters do that accounting can directly see is move plex around and eat some every month. They aren’t losing the game as much money as you would think. Not directly.
What they should be worried about is when they lose players because, if/when the game becomes “cheat or go home”, a lot of players will just go home and not look back, and the game will get a terribad reputation as bot-infested and anyone social will know not to sign up.
If PIRAT wardecs/corp was funded by bots, its not the fault of their wardec targets.
What concerns me most about this PIRAT issue, as alleged botters and their meta, is “why”.
What was the payoff, to whom and how was that structured?
I dont find it rational that PIRAT would have been running at a deficit without bot income. Corps that dont make profit, die.
I dont find it rational that PIRAT CEO would have singlehandedly, selflessly financed the difference of PIRAT wardecs vs profit, via his own botting operations. Or that that alone would have been sufficient to fund PIRAT wardecs.
I dont find it rational that other PIRAT leaders wouldnt have wondered/questioned where the hell CEO is pumping isk into the corp from.
And while those suppositions make sense, there is little practical upshot of pondering it unless there is someway to use this deduction to investigate.
Not the funding but its use would be curtailed in this regard.
What purpose does spending Bot generated money on small wardecs serve? I mean onviously we arent talking about big jobs vs named entities, I mean against these apparent leaving in droves wardec “victims”?
Unless its tears, and thats easy solved by the targets not being lame.
While I don’t argue your overall point of view, I have to correct you on one thing, it’s not really “We wanted to do the thing, but it was hard so we quit.” It’s more like “We didn’t want to do the thing, but it was forced on us.” Wardecs are not optional short of sitting in a npc corp.
Personally I see wardecs as a necessary evil for many reasons, but the system does need an overhaul and a sizable increase in costs for spamming them, enough to give even the super botters like PIRAT pause to spam them endlessly. (Since CCP does jack squat against botters anyway.)
well as much as you are right, I do not see why you’d want to bring real world politics into this.
they cheated they should be banned, all isk gained should be traced and actions taken against where the isk went ( all items deleted from game ) and minus the feckers wallets into the stone age.
there is no excuse any cheating feck can use to justifiy their shite.
the ban hammer needs to come down heavy on all involved and any other cheating feck in the game.
I see what you are saying but I simply disagree. There are many options available rather than dropping corp. Tbh I think dropping corp IS annoying as the Corp tab stuff is a stupid nightmare and needed revamped on day 2 of its existence.
Im happy to agree to disagree with you on this though.
Because its a comparison that I figured youd get?
And it amused me darkly.
And just because Im a pedant I dont see how its political. Bad ■■■■ happened and people who knew it pretended they didnt but had to live with what they knew.
I agree with you, and dont really see the need to make a point other than if you like, Ill redact the reference?
My deduction would be that after some criticial mass of number of wardecs proportional to how many corp members you have blowing up wardec targets or ransoming them, it starts paying out profit.
IE: The isk influx from botting, as funnelled into wardecs, eventually starts paying out (probably substantially) more than the isk cost.