Panic Buttons for ships that are targeted for Ganking

Lol. Don’t make me laugh. Your talking to someone who still has 1000 catalysts in a random hanger. Its cheap as chips. I made 200 bil ganking.

Ganking is very profitable, and its easy to do.

What did I just read?

I took the relevant part of your post…yes i went back to re-read it…and my quote still stands as i wrote in generalization of the playerbase…

Besides nothing in the entire paragraph that I quoted from said anything specifically about doing anything…so before you get stupid again, engage your brain. Cause what i quoted in speaking of the general playerbase also points directly to the number of stupid post you have made all over the forums with the attitude that would make my comments point directly at you as well.


Who are you?

Wire eve up to the microphone and listen for farting sounds and issue an alert?

Then perhaps the people getting ganked should stop making it profitable and easy. Tank your ships, keep cargo values below the profit threshold, and avoid major ganking systems as much as possible. But we should not make changes to the game just because some freighter pilots are too stupid to follow basic safety rules and insist on handing out piles of loot to anyone who wants them.

I disagree. Its not balanced. Freighters get 3 low slots vs 25 Catalysts. Its no right. Give freighter pilots more tools to protect themselves.

Most gankers - if being honest would agree.

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Too bad, because you’re wrong. Freighters can keep their cargo value below the point where they can be profitably ganked, and this requires zero slots. You don’t get more defensive tools when you aren’t using the ones you already have.

Do the maths. Why should a freighter have to keep its load down to < 2-3 bil when it only cost a few 100mil to gank a freighter in a few Catalysts. Your argument is pointless in light of the actual facts.

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So you would 100, 200 maybe 300 destroyers to kill it? It will change nothing. Well, it only will damage economy since safer hauling will bring prices down. And who use freighters anyway? They are worst choice for hauling and should be only used if volume don’t allow use smaller hull. Ganking is not easy or very profitable by itself. There is just enough dump people around making it lucrative and easy.

Ganking is easy: Kills (Ganked) | zKillboard

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That’s a stupid comparison. The gankers sacrifice all of their ships to achieve their objective, the freighter pilot pays nothing to achieve theirs. There is no reason whatsoever that the two numbers should have to be equal.

But I suppose if it’s balance you want it’s balance you get. Freighters get double HP, but each time you undock one you have to pay a 500 million ISK tax to CONCORD for protection. Gankers have to pay to play, haulers have to pay to play.

Only because lazy and/or stupid players make it easy by flying high-value ships into known ganking systems. We don’t balance around someone being dumb enough to self destruct their ship with a cargo hold full of PLEX, we don’t balance around freighter pilots being dumb enough to fly 10 billion ISK into Uedama.

As someone with a particular disdain for dumb people, even I don’t think being dumb should be made punishable, not even with a lack of fitting options.

But anyway, the game does have to be balanced somewhat around its players. If its not, It will lose players, potentially massively so.

That said, according to CCP’s metrics, it probably is far more balanced than we know, and yes, dumb players have surely had their effect.

Making oversimple statements is easy. The whole ganking thing is way too complex to deadpan declare it easy or difficult. There are types of ganking, varied methods and tactics, and understanding the underlying ways the game works. Once you have everything systemized, it might be easy…or, it might not. It depends. And that should be obvious to anyone who has played this game for more than a year and a lot less for others.

Yeah. They can also keep it below where they can’t even make a decent profit themselves. They can keep it so low that all they do is haul, 24/7. Sounds fun. NOT.

But that said, I don’t think we will ever get to the bottom of what would be fair and what would not be fair. That would probably require a complete rework of the entire game.

There are things that seem completely silly, such as the inability of auto pilot to land you directly on a gate, but clearly that was designed to give gankers and others a chance to kill travelers, just like the gate cloak was designed to give travelers a chance to escape death.

The Devs maybe could have made it all better, but I am certain that us folks bickering on the forum won’t improve on the basic framework.

But I have seen enough ganks go down to think that freighters with more and better options will only help smarter pilots. The truly dumb ones are still going to die and they cannot be saved. So what’s to argue about?

You pay with safety for ability to laze around. There is nothing silly there.

It’s not a punishment, it’s just a refusal to grant special “I suck at EVE, buff my ship” slots to certain players who can’t figure out how to haul without them. Freighters and their lack of slots are designed and balanced just fine for normal players.

But anyway, the game does have to be balanced somewhat around its players. If its not, It will lose players, potentially massively so.

It is balanced around its players. Plenty of people haul successfully, the fact that some people fail (largely due to their own poor choices) is a feature not a bug.

Oh boo hoo. They can choose between safety and efficiency. And if hauling is so unprofitable then fewer people will do it, hauling prices will go up, and it will become profitable again.

There are things that seem completely silly, such as the inability of auto pilot to land you directly on a gate

It’s not silly at all. If you go AFK you lose efficiency and safety. If you play the game actively you can warp to zero.

Might be why I used the word “seem”.

Read. Think. Reply. Its really not complicated.

Its also not complicated the fact that we don’t actually steer the craft to 0 on the gate. Its essentially automatic already. The reason we can’t is pure contrivance.

Perfectly? I don’t think so. Its certainly not objectively provable.

And so will ganking haulers… bringing us right back where we started.

I addressed this. Sucky players can and most likely will explode even if more advantages are added for those who pay attention.

Probably not, but what’s your point? The burden of proof is on the people asking for changes, to establish that things are sufficiently unbalanced that changes are needed. Not being able to prove that the game is perfectly balanced is irrelevant.

And so will ganking haulers… bringing us right back where we started.

Why would ganking haulers go up? Cargo value hasn’t changed, freighter HP hasn’t changed. Paying a freighter pilot 100 million ISK instead of 10 million ISK to move your stuff is ISK directly into the player’s wallet that is never exposed to ganking.

Sucky players can and most likely will explode even if more advantages are added for those who pay attention.

So what? You still haven’t established that any changes are needed.

You are a broken record of asking for the obviously impossible. The only way to know is to try and see, and we can’t do that. Only the Devs can. And they try and see and fail all the damn time.

Oh for Bob’s sake. If there is less hauling, the price of everything haulting related will go up, including what get’s hauled and gankers pick up from the wreck.

Dude. Cram it. Any moron can scream “Prove it!” over and over again over anything. This is in the realm of opinion. If your opinion is different, freaking wonderful. Get used to others disagreeing with you. Its going to happen more and more as you grow up judging from I have been reading from you.