Petition to change Vorton Projector effect when Wormhole are targetted

Why not though?

It’s a valid game mechanic and also easily countered.

ya. you should test countering it, before saying this

Don’t think we tried. We only countered it because a frog hole opened on the other side and help was able to pass by that one as the Skybreakers could not be on both hole at the same time. You will not get too many instawarp nullified ship that can pass a critical hole with out killing it that can take the dps of 4 skybreakers.

Ok then according to you CCP should allow smart bombing hole at 0. same deal. 4 sky breaker will kill ass small ship that passes the hole within 10k radius.

I already posted an instawarp nullified frigate fit that should be able to tank dozens of Skybreakers, up to 64 of them if my understanding of the mechanics is correct. Could you give that fit a try next time?

Also I thought the issue was that it was impossible to pass a hole camped by Vorton Projectors, but now it’s a critical hole?

Way to keep shifting the problem.

Luckily with shuttles at 1.6 million kg and Raptors at 1 million kg per ship, that really should not be an issue.

In fact you can get more instawarp nullified Raptors though that critical hole than shuttles before it collapses. Additionally those Raptors can easily survive those Vorton projectors.

The only requirements are that you need Caldari Interceptors unlocked and a wallet with 30 million ISK.

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