Phantomite 2022 - Real Eve

i’ve had Phantomite on my show a few times, and while yes he can be abrasive.
And im pretty sure he enjoys it :stuck_out_tongue:
He does have some good takes and ideas that are backed by facts and examples and i do belive that he would be good on the CSM


Hey, someone has to be real! :wink:

Two interview links:

Wallymarts - Phantomite and Trottel

DTV - Phantomite

Just curious how you plan on having the two of these work together. I’m a semicasual FW member (logs in once or twice a week) who has a love/hate relationship with citadels in FW. Somethings, like using them as beach heads, can lead to good fights, but at the same time it makes owning random systems pretty worthless (I will die for Arzad though).

Simply by looking at what worked in the past.

Before Citadels, it was a straight up “you can’t dock in this system” rule. This should extend to Citadels.

There’s very little that can be done about people having alts to evac ships and items, but it used to really be a big factor in “desire to fight for the system” nonetheless.

I still have work to do on citadels that hasn’t been covered by CCP - including perhaps some fresh purposes for existing and future structures.

Added Crosstalk endorsement in the second post! Check it out:

I like most of that, but what about citadels being used as beachheads to assault systems? Being able to reship in system and get back out in the fight sooner has lead to more explosions, not less.

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This is part of my ongoing discussions with CCP. The last thing I want to do regarding the assault of Citadels is to make it harder to do so. Assaulting large and XL structures takes a lot more than a fleet being on field and simply shooting them - I have some concepts that should prevent this from being an issue, and hopefully extend further than just allowing this one use case.

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Another year and here we are again…….it’s a given you have my vote. I find it extremely hard to believe that more people don’t understand that it’s not about the number of kills, rather it’s about the challenge that surrounds a kill. Some of the most memorable fights I’ve had, I’ve killed nothing, but I’ve been on an extremely oppressive grid and survived or I have killed a condor that has made a mistake!

Detaching ourselves from the development drama and just purely loving the excitement of being undocked and flying with your mates and making stories is what this game is about for me. I agree on all your points, but while I would love this utopia to arrive, I think the reality is most eve players are risk averse and lazy. Not in the sense of that they don’t put the time in, rather in that they are unwilling to push their own comfort zone and try something new and fail, therefore will always gravitate to larger blocs. We have to dream though and someone needs to stick up for skill over mass participation. Ps there is nothing wrong with that game style!!! My style of play wouldn’t exist without them, so don’t be to successful!

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Thank you.
As has been pointed out several times before - putting me first on your ballot is more important than some people understand if you want me on. If you are going to vote for me, please do put me at the top of your list!
I will have a ballot soon with what I like about other candidates - there’s some good people out there.

EDIT: more interviews uploaded soon!

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I think I will vote for you, but there is one point I don’t like.

Sweeping partial reduction in effective ranges for all range-focussed combat

This is taking the bad long range, / short range concept and trying to polish the bad aspects.

In other words, if “fast, slippery, long range” is the meta de joure and the only alternative is slower, shorter range, then the solution isn’t to nerf any single thing in “fast, slippery, long range”, but instead the creation of a tool that makes going fast or being slippery or using long range, the disadvantage that the new tool would exploit.

In a racing game, speed isn’t the only thing that matters, because curves exist, players have to use the brake and the variance in handling, acceleration and the decision WHEN to use the break or when to turn or when to accelerate is the axis where player skill shows.

Why do we not have nebulas or smokescreens or rocks in space with collision damage?

There should be situations where it’s disadvantageous to bring fast, long range in the first place.

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This is something that i’m down to discuss. Perhaps you’re concerned about the reduction being too strong? Come grab me on discord, we can discuss the specifics :slight_smile:

Had a good chat this morning with Phantomite - knowledgeable guy and sound arguments to his corner - if you want someone who will look out for the smaller guys then he will be a good vote.

Thank you for a good interview!

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I have made the TOP of @Rixx_Javix 's ballot! Thank you!


Phantomite is one of those rare few people who understands the role of the CSM not as CCP intends it, but as the players need it to be - a union that represents the player bases’ best interests to power regardless of their desire to hear it, rather than a focus group to be consulted when it’s deemed necessary.

For that alone, he has my support. Best of luck with the campaign.


Your stance on FW and your understanding of the benefits of PvEvP is the exact reasons why I think you are one of the best candidates we can have enter the CSM.

I will happily be voting Phantomite this year to help the cause of FW.

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Phantomite is a great person who’s passionate about Eve PvP, low sec, and ensuring catalysts that spark all sorts of content for all sorts of people are present in space. As somebody else who also cares about many of the same issues, I’ll definitely have him near the top of my ballot.

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Thank you Arsia! You will be appearing on my ballot too.

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