You can change theme, mine’s orangy/red (which has other issues elsewhere, such as red destructive buttons).
There needs to be a clearer indicator of differentiating of actions than just colour or shades of colour, there has to be better iconography and visual differences in shape/bordering etc.
The excessive use of dead space and icnreased labelling font size is disappointing and really impacts the Fleet window noticeably. If you have it narrowed, the ‘Clear History’ button is now very distracting.
The highlighting of the active window is also highly distracting.
The updated right click menu is lovely and clean, thank you
Chat box and fleet header font is too big and takes up room that it does not need to.
Changing the hamburger menu to the 3 dots is not an improvement IMO. It used to be top corner and easy to immediately see, now it’s in the middle of icons etc.
Huge wastes of space here. Lots of “whitespace”, lots of dead space. You don’t need a Compact mode, you need to put your new UI on a diet. If your new “normal” UI is fatter in the margins than the old UI, you need to justify why.
Bigass buttons don’t cut it, not if you’re going to have umpteen jillion hotkeys. Not when the old UI shows more. If you are taking up more screen real estate, you have failed.
dont know if anyone has noticed or mentioned this but the green box letting you know which ship youre in isnt centered/fully around the ship icon. its aligned to the left side of the box then to the outer side of the right
search boxes on several windows are floating under table headers or are too small:
9 characters…little small for search box readability
search box floating under ‘Titles’ tab and barely visible
cannot click and drag to select multiple items from left side any more, only from right side or below (in addition some text is floating under the edge of the item list (trying to drag from left side moves the panel divider…there are no pixels between the item and the panel divider to start a click and drag)
Overall UI seems to be working fairly well for the stage of development it is in. Haven’t run into any major issues
Looks nice in general, but there are a TON of controls that intersect each other when you run it scaled up (I use 125% and “Large Font” these days… I’m gettin’ old!) Creating buy/sell orders, the market order window, and a lot of other dialogs have buttons stepping on text or other buttons. I’ll take another look at this in a month or two.
Actually had a pretty big issue today with removing combat drones from the overview. The process was very slow and didn’t fully work, I had to revert back to my preset.
This also resulted in duplicated entries in the list, e.g. I have two identical suns on my overview now.
please dont go live with it as is, the window headings are wayyy to big it cuts off so much of the info i need to see when i’m flying. at least make it so the font for the window heading can be shrunk. But best option would be to leave it as it currently is. Soft and cuddly is not better.