★ ::: Playable Roles Progression sum-up for new players, please help ★

I’ve always having confusions about progression when playing EVE online, since everyone is just stating “you can do anything” “there is no clear progress” instead of listing them.
So can someone help me to finish this gather-ups and thus can be used for new players (as well as me)

example is like below:

Roles divided into “Missions”, “Exploration”, “Solo PvP”. “Small Scale PvP”, “Fleet PvP”, “Mining”, “Manufactuing”, “Invention”, “Trading”, “Hauling” etc.

then use arrows to show progress for each role, eg. Lv1 Mission → Lv2 Mission
symbol for End game activities with [ ] , eg. [Incursion]
Use ( ) for new player friendly contents, eg. (Lv1 Mission)

My Role Progression Chart as below, for my 2cents:

Career Agent
SOE Epic Arc


  • Mission:
    L1 Missions 🡲 L2 Missions 🡲 L3 Mission 🡲 L4 Missions 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 Abyssal Sites
    🡲 [ Incursion ]

  • Exploration:
    Common Sites 🡲 Wormhole DED 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x
    🡲 [ Corp. - Wormhole Colonization ]

  • Mining:
    High-sec ORE 🡲 Low-sec ORE 🡲 Low-sec Gas 🡲 Null-sec Ore/Gas/Ice 🡲 Exhumer Mining 🡲 x 🡲 x
    🡲 [ Corp. - Mass Moon Mining]

  • Manufacturing:
    T1 Production 🡲 T2 Invention 🡲 T2 Production 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 Activity Hub Station Supplying 🡲 x
    🡲 [ Corp. - Mass Supplying ]

  • Planet Industry:
    x 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x
    🡲 [ ?? ]

  • Trading:
    Trade Hubs Hauling & Resell 🡲 x 🡲 Mission Hub Salvages & Supplying Buyout 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x
    🡲 [ Station Trading ]

  • Hauling:
    T1 Hauler High-sec 🡲 T2 Hauler High-sec/Low-sec/Null-sec 🡲 Freighter High-sec 🡲 Jump Freighter High-sec/Low-sec/Null-sec 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x
    🡲 [ Jump Freighter - Wormhole Hauling ]


  • Solo PvP:
    x 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 Bounty Hunting ?? 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x
    🡲 [ ?? ]

  • Smallgang PvP:
    x 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x
    🡲 [ ?? ]

  • Negative Standing Low-sec PvP:
    Frigate/Destroyer Roaming 🡲 Cruiser ?? 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x
    🡲 [ ?? ]

  • Fleet PvP:
    x 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x
    🡲 [?? ]

  • Colonization PvP:
    x 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x
    🡲 [ ?? ]

also how do you fit Faction Warfare into PvP?

This is a Space for Sum-up from all the gathering, credit for all contributed.

Career Progression Chart for main playable roles:

Character Creation

Career Agent
SOE Epic Arc



  • Mission:
    L1 Missions 🡲 L2 Missions 🡲 L3 Mission 🡲 L4 Missions 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x
    🡲 [ Abyssal Sites ] 🡲 [ Incursion ]

  • Exploration:
    Common Sites 🡲 Wormhole DED 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x
    🡲 [ Corp. - Wormhole Colonization ]

  • Mining:
    High-sec ORE 🡲 Low-sec ORE 🡲 Low-sec Gas 🡲 Null-sec 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x
    🡲 [ Corp. - Mass Moon Mining ]

  • Manufacturing:
    x 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x
    🡲 [ Corp. - Mass Supplying ]

  • Trading:
    x 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x
    🡲 [ Station Trading ]

  • Hauling:
    x 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x
    🡲 [ Jump Freighter - Wormhole Hauling ]



  • Solo PvP:
    x 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x
    🡲 [ ?? ]

  • Smallgang PvP:
    x 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x
    🡲 [ ?? ]

  • Negative Standing Low-sec PvP:
    Frigate/Destroyer Roaming 🡲 Cruiser ?? 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x
    🡲 [ ?? ]

  • Fleet PvP:
    x 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x
    🡲 [?? ]

  • Colonization PvP:
    x 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x
    🡲 [ ?? ]


A full list of detailed guides by others in this forum as in this link:
Full list of EVE Guides in one place - New Citizens Q&A - EVE Online Forums

Find the name in the Progression Chart and then search in the guides list which were putting up by the community.

A visualized graph of Career Chart Project as below: (Working in progress) [Revised Eve Career Chart Project - Work in Progress - Communications Center / General Discussion - EVE Online Forums](https://forums.eveonline.com/t/revised-eve-career-chart-project-work-in-progress/298585)
A detailed graph listing of career activities without progress indicating as below, made by **Altrue**.

Career Graph

- - - - - - -
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Follow capsuleers, please help on an information gathering on Career Progression Chart for new players. like L1 Mission → … → L4 Mission → Incursion, etc.
so new player can have a better picture for what to aim for.

links as below:
★ ::: Playable Roles Progression sum-up for new players, please help ★ - New Citizens Q&A - EVE Online Forums

Merged you Topics into here.

There is no reason for so many posts that all revolve around the same topic,

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This thread might help you: Revised Eve Career Chart Project - Work in Progress


Thanks, that helps!

Any inputs? -.-

It’s not a good sign if the only part I understand is the question mark. Looks like we have an ASCII problem here?

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