★ ::: Playable Roles Progression sum-up for new players, please help ★

This is a Space for Sum-up from all the gathering, credit for all contributed.

Career Progression Chart for main playable roles:

Character Creation

Career Agent
SOE Epic Arc



  • Mission:
    L1 Missions 🡲 L2 Missions 🡲 L3 Mission 🡲 L4 Missions 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x
    🡲 [ Abyssal Sites ] 🡲 [ Incursion ]

  • Exploration:
    Common Sites 🡲 Wormhole DED 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x
    🡲 [ Corp. - Wormhole Colonization ]

  • Mining:
    High-sec ORE 🡲 Low-sec ORE 🡲 Low-sec Gas 🡲 Null-sec 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x
    🡲 [ Corp. - Mass Moon Mining ]

  • Manufacturing:
    x 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x
    🡲 [ Corp. - Mass Supplying ]

  • Trading:
    x 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x
    🡲 [ Station Trading ]

  • Hauling:
    x 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x
    🡲 [ Jump Freighter - Wormhole Hauling ]



  • Solo PvP:
    x 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x
    🡲 [ ?? ]

  • Smallgang PvP:
    x 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x
    🡲 [ ?? ]

  • Negative Standing Low-sec PvP:
    Frigate/Destroyer Roaming 🡲 Cruiser ?? 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x
    🡲 [ ?? ]

  • Fleet PvP:
    x 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x
    🡲 [?? ]

  • Colonization PvP:
    x 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x 🡲 x
    🡲 [ ?? ]


A full list of detailed guides by others in this forum as in this link:
Full list of EVE Guides in one place - New Citizens Q&A - EVE Online Forums

Find the name in the Progression Chart and then search in the guides list which were putting up by the community.

A visualized graph of Career Chart Project as below: (Working in progress) [Revised Eve Career Chart Project - Work in Progress - Communications Center / General Discussion - EVE Online Forums](https://forums.eveonline.com/t/revised-eve-career-chart-project-work-in-progress/298585)
A detailed graph listing of career activities without progress indicating as below, made by **Altrue**.

Career Graph

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