Player Bounties

His videos can beat up your videos.

You’re just jealous of the epic beard.

my videos suck
i have a majestic beard to , but i just shaved because after a month or so the hair start to enter in my nose and drives me crazy
i will spare you of my problems IRL
but since you bring the subject i will say

wen i started to play eve i was a young lad full of life , now im an old guy

pro tip , the 30s are FINE , the 40s are … well… 6/10

Oh…it doesn’t surprise me that ( as with much in Eve ) bounties had some stupidly long and complex process. I mean, in something bordering on reality, you could just show up and blap someone’s station, for example. But noooo…not in Eve. You have to declare war, wait 24 hours, destroy the shields, at which point the station suddenly becomes ‘invulnerable’ despite having shields blapped, and then you have to return 3 days later during which time the shields were down, nobody was fixing them, yet nobody could fire a shot, and then proceed to destroy the hull. Phew ! I guess in the Eve universe nobody ever just pushed back a border gate and rolled the tanks in.

I know it isn’t. I’m talking about a sane bounty system. You know, one in which the hit man doesn’t get paid more if the target is driving a Mercedes than if they are driving a beat up old Ford Escort. Anyone think Don Corleone really cares ?

Blitzkrieg is passé, Sitzkrieg is the new wave.

Players have so much more time to be social if they have to sit pointlessly in space for no good reason at all.


yeah but we are imortal
the only weight the bounty could hold is wen you are a carebear and fear to lose your paladin or mining barge
if you live in low there is no danger
null … same

if you fly in a punisher , ■■■■ it …

so its pointless

‘Mein gott…ze French have gone into invulnerability mode !’


9 9 9 9 9 !!!

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A realistic bounty system just doesn’t work in a setting where the target gets to wake up again after being killed. So in EVE, a percentage payout system is the next best thing, but that in itself isn’t enough of an incentive for players to seek out bounty targets specifically, because the amounts are limited in scope before it’s viable for the targets to self-collect.

The best solution I can think of is changing the kill right system to not result in a suspect flag, but rather a limited engagement between the kill right target and the bounty hunter. If the kill right target dies to the bounty hunter, they do not get an insurance payout, but the bounty has a bigger payout ratio of the value of the total assets lost. In exchange, the bounty hunter isn’t protected by CONCORD against pre-emptive attacks by the kill right target. It would be a system with increased risks and rewards for both parties. Would also go well with a nice in-game bounty hunter interface where bounty hunters can accept contracts, their efficiency is tracked, etc. Could also have a system in which it’s possible for the kill right target to pay a fine if the bounty hunter successfully defeats them (but doesn’t yet kill them), in which the original kill right owner is compensated, and the bounty hunter gets paid, but the kill right targets gets to avoid a kill board loss because the engagement is ended when they pay the fee through the interface.

CCP will never implement anything like this, though. The current system works “great” in their minds. In fact, if anything, they might simply remove what we have instead as part of the slow decommissioning of high-sec PvP we’re experiencing as time goes on.


Sure, but then the prior bounty system meant a person could be killed a dozen times on the basis of one bounty. And that could be even more for a target who flies cheaper ships. Some wealthy player with a grudge could have someone bountied indefinitely.

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Then limit individual bounty placements to the value that was lost in the initial attack (maybe with an extra 25% overhead on top of that). E.g. if the perp ganked a T1 cruiser worth 20 million, 25 million ISK is the maximum bounty that can be placed in that instance, but if they ganked a 12-billion-ISK freighter, then tough luck, 15 billion is how much they can be put on the hook for. There could also be time limits for bounties, like a year or something.

I’d also possibly extend the kill right system to in-space asset theft (e.g. wreck-looting).

Also, in line with what I said in the previous post, there could be a voluntary fine payment system integrated into the interface in which the perp could pay off the price on their head straight to their victim if they find the hassle of putting up with bounty hunters not worth their time.

Are you trying to speak with the operator?

its german language
and a obscure joke to ( i was hoping some ppl got it )
because the girls talked about blitzkrieg and ■■■■
ja ja

nein nein


Yes, sounds perfect so if someone steals your yellow loot you are pinged with a killright.

A much shorter duration kill right of a few days (stealing isn’t the same as killing after all), and also it would still have to go up on the bounty board to be bid on by bounty hunters. To balance it out, there would be no more instant suspect flag for theft, just a flag toward the corporation from which the items were stolen.

I’m not saying that the current iteration of the suspect flag should disappear entirely, however. There should still be certain circumstances where that’s still possible, like shooting MTUs and such.

None of these ideas are new, by the way. The first time I proposed changes like these was like…over ten years ago? I sometimes bring them up just to show that there could be a working bounty-hunting system in the game, but I’m under no delusion that there ever will be.

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Even one day 24 hours, as something worse when someone spends hours mining and Jetcanning their haul to have it swipped by some Orca pilot on a death wish,.


Just give the word and Frostpacker will try to dig them up for you.

No. Just no. This will wreck whatever highsec pvp meta is in the game right now, and make the career of loot stealing a lot harder for new players.

Lol, no. You’re way off.

If you delete high sec the game would actually die over night.

This is a wall of nonsensical drivel.

-10.0 players shoot other players. A LOT. I never made it quite that far but was around -9.6 for a long while.

5.0 players rarely shoot other players.

“Sec status is not an indicator of capauleer behavior” he says with a straight face LOL