Really? I thought the stuff over the last year saved EvE. Never been such a fan. They’ve done a good job modernizing, balancing, aestheticizing (if that’s even a word), improving for all that time. Alot of works been done. Wish there was more PvE architecture but confident they’ve been working on it.
POSG would be cool, seems natural to implement it, Guess I’ll just be patient. Be cool to have one blown up and people marooned in isolated space. Cut off from empire until another gate is built.
It’s not always about space being empty and finding new space. Sometimes it’s about adjusting your ways through space to make life better. How we move, the layout of the gates, it impacts the conflict we all have drastically. Now how we like that space set up may differ from group to group, but it does impact our play.
For example… Say you had a nice home system at the end of a pipe. It’s one way in and one way out. Such a set up can be great for defending. Launch a mining fleet, throw up some scouts and you’ll do great. On the other hand hunters hate it and spend hours trying to sneak in through a wormhole to drop on you.
Now imagine that instead of a wormhole, the hunters are invaders. They create a jump gate in a system one constellation over, jump in a huge fleet to your dead end system and start building a bridge back. Now your nice corner system is open and you have the choice if running or tearing down the gate. No new space needed, just some new gates.
Or imagine a group deciding that a choke point like nijara is bad. Instead, they create their own gate on madimire that takes you to system Y and a 2nd gate there that takes you one system closer to Jita, destroying the choke point as you now have 2 routes. Do the gankers split and cover both systems, work on attacking in a .7 system or try to take one of the gates out?
Just because people are saying new gates doesn’t mean new space. New gates and the ability to choose where you link them wpuld have a huge impact on eve.
They will make it into game. But I would not expect to see them at least until fall/winter of 2018. Really depends on how well development goes in other areas.
You are dead on with this view. I just saw the CCP personnel chart and the janitorial service is also tasked with development of new missions. The remainder of the flow tree was just as interesting.
iirc, stargates are actually supposed to be the next structure they introduce, following refineries now. I’ll look for the source on that, but I’d believe them being able to come out by summer next year.
What summer expansion?
I’m just guessing a timeframe, more just hoping that things will start ramping up in the next half-year.
You base that assumption on the fact that CCP rolled out Apocrypha in all of ~ 6 Months whereas the structure and design for any potential expansion featuring player built stargates would take place in small increments of development over the course of a number of years, possibly even 4-5 years. In which case the size of the dev team is irrelevant as is the time frame since its being done over a longer period than Apocrypha was.
I would add that Apocrypha was not without its failures, the more prominent of which was the downtime on release day of about 12 hours over the projected 1-2 hours. Not to mention the myriad of server restarts the rest of the week where systems would be cut off from each other multiple times a day.
Not to mention systems added to the game, aka wh space, was but a small part of the Apocrypha expansion. Building star systems and adding them to the game is no bigger than adding a new line of citadels or new line of ships especially since systems can be procedural generated anyway. Adding gates would be done before this though Id image so as to replace jump bridges and at which point once the new space is added, it can just be added into the already existing structures, point is…they will happen.
Are you serious? Server restarts and extended downtime? This things happen and are expected if they change so many things. It’s not like they never broke stuff when development slowed down.
Also they didn’t just added new systems. They added wormholes, new scanning system, the modular t3 cruisers and the whole t3 loot, salvage, gas and with it the industry with reverse engineering, also a ton of sleeper sites. This expansion was massive and they did it within a couple of months.
And for your 4-5 years, that time is almost if not already up. They release a space station every year now which is basically just a static spaceship. I know there are a lot of small and medium things in between, but it is VERY FAR from what apocrypha delivered.
And seriously those citadels with their multiple timers, timezone tanking, insta safe docking, warping and magic asset safety remove so much content it’s not even funny anymore.
First of all…downtimes and server restarts have DRAMATICALLY reduced in frequency since 2009, partially due in part to new hardware, but also to refining the game’s code base. Downtime has been reduced from 1 hour back in the day to nearly 5 minutes as of today, is this because CCP has been adding less or changing less in the game? No, it is because development has been geared more toward cleaning up coding issues, features broke, and such thus we enjoy the short periods we have today.
Secondly, If you read my previous post you would recognize I acknowledged the fact that Apocrypha did add more than new systems
Not to mention systems added to the game, aka wh space, was but a small part of the Apocrypha expansion.
This expansion was fairly large…but so was Trinity which made Apocrypha look like a minor patch in comparison, the point being content and feature designs although less in quantity are far more in quality and thus no real change in size of content being delivered. Rather than CCP piling on 100 features of which only 15 work and the other 85 have to be fixed over half a year, they focus on half a dozen to a dozen where 80% of which work perfect on launch and minor tweaking afterwards over a matter of a few weeks.
As for the 4-5 years estimate, that was based entirely on CCP’s 10 year roadmap of which we are at approx the half way point and NOT almost already up. Gates and new star systems are on the back end of a 10 year plan, how you can expect it at halfway is beyond me, if it does occur at the halfway point its nothing short of perfect execution of a plan. You are compared two very different styles of development, you are comparing the first decade of 2 expacs per year loaded with tons of features, breaking left and right, no time to fix them before having to start the next expac set; however, under the current setup where CCP can take a fairly large feature or set of features and break them up over years and release when ready and not when the calendar says do now. I personally prefer this style of development. Thus you get smaller chunks at a time instead a massive pack of features that half of which may or may not work.
Citadels timers…are you serious? The Raitaru is a good approximation of the standard usage of a POS, yet they can die way faster than a tower can and are far more engaging. You get a shield timer, which you would get on either a POS OR an outpost…timers have been on structures since they have been added to the game. Timezone tanking has also been there, want to determine when you can defend a tower when it comes out of reinforce…you can control the amount of stront in a tower and thus when it comes out…I fail to see your argument for that. Insta safe docking…lol are you kidding me? I bet every single player who have visited Jita, brought a cap ship or JF to a station has a safe dock BM and same can be said with hiding in a pos shield or playing station games in outpost. This is nothing new, asset safety also was needed to replace asset safety in outpost. Yeah, some new alliance flipped your station and your crap is stuck, but its safe as well, the attacker doesnt get your crap in the outpost for flipping it, and as for POSes, hell anyone losing a tower knows very well how to kick stuff out, right click, and SD denying you the loot, asset safety changes nothing and if you are in WH space you lack it anyway.
Forgive me, but you sound more like a bitter vet.
Eventually they might add player built stargates, it is in the roadmap and very likely CCP will follow through.
I’d like to se the comunity turn this Discussion away from if completely and ask the following question.
“When Player Built Stargates gets added how will it work?”
Will it become a JumpGate-Citadel with minor or no defence? Entosis or Hackable, Disable function for attacker?
Will it replace Jump Bridge as just another Citadel Service Module?
Will it release with the end of Exoplanet Discovery and be a bridge to new systems?
*I personaly hope JumpBridges get replaced with Citadel Service Module.
*Then Gate Citadels gets added to bridge to New unconected systems, adding Wormhole rolling to find the new systems.
This is what was presented by CCP Seagull.
Gates to new space, with new mechanics.
I certainly hope that’s the way it ends up, though I’d like to see black holes introduced first (but there’s no plan to).
My bet is it will be a Citadel with Jump Bridge possibilities.
I hope its this.
I have never liked the idea of player-built gates for K-space transit, nor understood what its supposed to achieve.
Player built stargates, we have been waiting for this for years. Hope they don’t end up like wis. A broken dream.
Jump bridges are effectively “player built stargates” and CCP can’t remove POS from the game until they have a replacement for this functionality.
I expect to see them in 2018 but they will be restricted to sovereign alliances and you’ll need one at each end of the jump.
Gates to “new space” are problematic - how do you get there to build the gate? And why - as already pointed out, we have lots of already accessible empty space - we simply need some reason to exploit it.
Hahaha great question, i’m a little sad you don’t see the potential tho.
Let me just say this about myself, My role in eve is strategy and advisor, how to use anything old or new.
2014 - The second i heard about possible new systems and buildable gates, i had a plan.
- Roll Wormholes to Null or new systems.
- Place a cyno character in new system.
- Cyno in construction material to build station/gate.
- Keep the system as one of the following depending on situation.
Alliance Main Stronghold / Backup Base / Covert Outpost / Reaserch-High End Manufacturing.
What i can’t be as sure about is what the new systems are planned to be.
I expected Jove space to open up with no gate connections left.
Tho i prefer random “unconnected systems” to appear through all the world.
I’d love for some systems to actually disappear from eve, but that seems extremely unlikely.
I had a tough of how old gates could be redirected by owners as long as they are not regional gates +some requirements the system must fulfil.
But looking into it, it would be a horrible amount of work for CCP.
Removing systems and adding some may be easier with some changeable templates.
But my ingenuity is spinning away from the discussion as usual.
this, we don’t need new space because all of the null is own by alliances but hardly populated except in key areas. I go for a long time away from main areas without seeing much of anyone plus the null group are to busy hot dropping via awox.
use the stargates to replace the jump bridges.
CCP doesn’t give us much information on population distribution in New Eden. I recall reading a few years ago that it is roughly 75% in highsec, 15% in sovereign nullsec and the remaining 10% split between lowsec, wormholes and NPC nullsec. I don’t recall the source but CCP Quant has given us some new charts in the most recent MER and, if we use stargate jumps as a proxy most players still spend most of their time in highsec.
CCP has focused on making the dangerous regions of space more attractive but risk vs reward is not linear - behavioral economics shows that we place a much higher value on potential loss than potential gain. The old expression “a bird in the hand is worth 2 in the bush”. I believe the current population distribution represents the risk tolerance of the players and there likely isn’t much CCP can do to change that. They need to focus on giving the 75% who choose to live in highsec a reason to keep paying their subscription.
If “new space” is considered a viable way to achieve this, we can create new space in existing systems - real solar systems have Kuiper belts that are comfortably within range of warp drives or acceleration gates, 30-55 AU from the sun in our solar system. You still need a way to get there and some new gameplay to justify going. Making it lawless space won’t work - we already have lots of that.
The Jovians developed a wormhole drive that was stolen by Sansha and used in their incursions. The drive is documented in the Inheritance chronicle and presumably SoCT, as custodians of Jovian technology and their seat on the Inner Council, know how to build them. They will also have bookmarks throughout A821-A and J7HZ-F so the pieces needed to reopen Jove space are already in place. All we need is a reason why!