Player Count

I mean that is endless right, lets say the door was locked and you picked it to get in then you would say but they should have locked the steering wheel with a 2nd lock that is pick proof, then I’d say what if they brought tools to take the steering wheel off and turn with a wrench.

No matter how well you design something there will always be a way to abuse it

It would be quite a sad excuse for lack of creativity.

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So you’re saying that you like to steal cars?

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OMG not again please.

I agree completely that’s why I made a post asking CCP for a ship bonus that reverses the effect of web so that you can catapult people. (highly abusable but fun.)


No, I agree… just pointing that coding is hard and coding old.stuff is

So, if there is no focus, no horizon, no priority order… things get half baked or never done just for not allocating resources where they belong, for example.

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Or… here it goes again:

Anti-missol-lazors… just cux anti missol-missols are stoopid! When one has el lazor tecknowlodge.

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I might prefer anti laser missiles thou just to be a snow flake. Little missiles with mirrors on them xD

Wait I just realized both of these things already exist in game.

Anti missile lasers is guidance disruptors.
Anti laser missiles are guidance computers xD

Perhaps it needs just to bleed out till there is space for new players.

For me as a relative noob, Eve is still bright and shiny and new…and there’s still loads of things I haven’t done. Eve is still an exciting place for me. So obviously there’s a disconnect with all those vets crying out for ‘new content’…as I have new content regularly in the form of expanding my gameplay into existing content I haven’t yet done.

But if someone has been in the game 20 years…just how much new content is going to be required to prevent them getting burnt out and jaded ? Are people just jaded regardless…is my point. It’s a bit like Oblivion gates. By the time you’ve done 27 of them and could do one in your sleep…the excitement has long worn off.

From past experiences with new players, I’d say EVE typically has about 1-2 years worth of ‘cool new’ stuff before they start running out of things they’re willing to spend time on.

Some will quit well before and some will stay long after, but that’s about how long it takes on average (my anecdotal experience, not data backed).

For themepark MMOs, the problem becomes “how fast can devs add content vs. how fast players burn through it”. Typically 3-4 months of development provides about 2-4 weeks of “new content play”. So the devs are always running behind, and “the grind” is intended to be there to fill in the gaps between releases.

With EVE as a sandbox, the players are supposed to be able to provide content for each other and use the tools within EVE to set up situations that make them want to keep playing. The problem is that the big ones (conquer Null or WH areas and set up your own empire) are pretty much already done with.

And the smaller ones (Incursions, Faction Warfare, Resource Wars, wardecs, exploration, missions) are either broken and left that way for years, or over a decade old and haven’t been touched.

If EVE had a wider appeal, and a decent monetization model (ie., more things they could sell - EVE is very limited in monetization options), then they could survive on the high-turnover, churn new players, make $25 average off each one model.

But it doesn’t have that appeal or that model (although that’s where CCP is trying very hard to go) and so it has relied heavily on the past on the core dedicated players with long-term subs, multiple subbed alts, and willing to make Plex/skin purchases.

What CCP should be doing is putting more sandbox tools in the game (fix FW, Resource Wars, liven up Trig minor systems, make Low-sec more interactive, add more Corp tools and Contracting options etc.) so that players could do exactly what EVE was supposed to do all along - give players the chance to create their own stories and interactions.


It would take some looking into.
I’m no expert but player count is a reaction, at least from where I see it.

It’s a response to devs proposal, not the opposite, so, there you have a culprit easily spotted by the consequences of his actions.

Show me one… just one example of the opposite and we can game… otherwise, game off.

The entire corp / alliance structure in Eve is rigid and archaic. Whilst it makes sense to restrict people to single corps, there’s a distinct lack of imagination when it comes to the existence of any other form of groups. For example, one could allow for the existence of ‘secret societies’ that could contain people across multiple corps. Such a system could undermine even the biggest corps. It could allow entire new groups to form. If anything needs expanding and re-working it is that element.


You can’t make your own performances and interactions because the new corps are just being put down by the old ones. The old corps would rather integrate the new players into their corps and treat them like errand boys. All New Eden is divided into a few large corps. How are the small corps supposed to survive? Where should they settle? You make a corp with 5 men, and then the big ones come with 100. Then there’s an event from a big corp “Today we’re going to hit a little one in the face in the HS” After that the 5 are out. No wonder the new players are leaving.

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None of this maters till CCP drops the price back to $14,99 if ccp thinks this 19 year old MMO will fetch a higher price from new players over a new MMO at $14.99 they are delusion and or desperate. I am sure they can milk fanboi here to pay $19.99 but that’s about it.

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“Fanbois” don’t pay $19.99, they buy year-long subs during subscription sales and effectively pay about $10 per month.


This is what I was able to find. It seems that someone has gone through some trouble to hide it because it’s the only thing I could find through Google Search:
( Translated from CCP’s language to English)

"CCP will be 47% lower than it could be, which means that the owners will be out of ISK 26 billion.

The purchase price paid by the South Korean game company Pearl Abyss for CCP drops by 47% from the highest it could reach — from 425 million US dollars, equivalent to more than 54 billion ISK, to 225 million dollars, almost 29 billion ISK. This is stated in today’s news from Viðipsiblablaðin.

The reason is that performance-related criteria in the operation were not followed. Pearl Abyss bought CCP in 2018 and $225 million was paid out immediately, while $200 million was contingent on CCP’s performance in 2019 and 2020. It was reported in Morgunblaðin a year ago that the owners would receive the performance-based payment for 2019, which is $100 million.
The largest shareholder of CCP at the time of the 2018 sale was Novator, the investment company of Björgólf Thor Björgólfsson, and related parties who had a 43.4% share, as stated in the news of Morgunblaðin in 2018.

Novator and related parties then received 12.5 billion ISK based on the current exchange rate of the króna, but at most they could get an additional 11 billion ISK, which is clearly not going to happen. Hilmar Veigar Pétursson, CEO of CCP, had a 6.5% share and received about 1.9 billion ISK based on the current exchange rate, and could most expect to receive almost an additional 1.7 billion ISK."


Thank you for the info. I don’t normally report what amounted to ‘hearsay’ on my part, but honestly CCP losing millions and millions of dollars because they can’t perform was a foregone conclusion.

Somebody get these guys some blue pills, please.

(Also people should note that the ISK being referred to in the article is the Icelandic currency, and not EVE money.)



And you’re welcome. I love to read your posts. You are one of the very few on this forum who knows what they’re talking about, lay it all out logically and still manage to be informative.
Thank you.

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“Like droopy-eyed, armless children” has to be one of the best quotes of all time!

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And now none of the $225mil is left and last report was $15mil per month lost keeping the servers up.