If you are being bumped, you can also offer the bumper isk, as a ransom for your freedom. Remember, although you are an illegal smuggler, the police might be willing to accept your prompt payment of any outstanding taxes or tolls. You may also receive a BONUS offer, if you provide a generous tip!
So 233 comments later I still don’t see the problem. If ganks can be prevented (as the anti-gankers claim) then why change the mechanics?
If everytime you loose you throw the game out the window and claim the other side cheated, or they are bullying you, what does that say about your character?
I find it pretty problematic that you would compare a slightly annoying loss of a virtual spaceship and the following conversation over what normally would be described as “learning the game” from a player freely willing to share his knowledge, as something monstrous as torturing.
I made my proposal because I feel this mechanic does not work well and opens up ways to create frustrating moments for players without necessity.
You refer to ganks being preventing in part by logging off. I don’t think it can be satisfiying to have to log off to prevent a loss.
You also state rightfully there are numerous ways to prevent ganking in game. Also true.
I don’t claim someone cheated me or I was bullied. I notice this game mechanic feels broken. And I definitely do not through EVE out of the window.
Hisec as it is has a Police force which does not care for obvious malign behaviour. Since CONCORD can’t easily be coded to analyze such behaviour correctly I proposed to give CONCORD an excuse to look away because ships enter warp in xx minutes anyway.
Out of game:
Because “it has been this way for 9 years” you want to keep on playing this way forever. Bumping can take 70+ minutes because you want your multibox farm to make a Windows Update before ganking this guy? Your pirate buddies are fixing dinner, changing diapers or are mowing the lawn and can’t be bothered to come online for this juicy freighter?
Again I don’t want to stop bump-ganking, I want to even the playing field once the game is on - as it is it’s not very challenging gameplay.
If you were a better pilot, you wouldn’t have this bumping problem in the first place.
Making the game easier for you is not a development priority. If we let you fly through high sec, next week you are going to be whining about warp bubbles and wanting to fly your freighter in null sec.
Learn to fly your ship, or try something else until you learn how to survive high sec.
If you’d quoted the entire post. and kept it in the context of the discussion at that time, it would be clear enough. But since you’ve done a “slice and dice” on my post and the context, it become an argumentum ad hominem build on a falsehood.
The context was EVE’s relentless hostility towards many types of new player.
The EVE “bittervet fantasy” has devolved to the point where people have convinced themselves that every new player who would actually stay with EVE does so. This is clearly insane - something so obviously stupid can only be said in a fairly extreme “echo chamber”.
It’s axiomatic that facts don’t work against collective denial and delusions, so it becomes necessary to raise the temperature a little.
This bit was the continuation (obviously from the words), but you sliced out the previous section part that gave it full meaning:
Some people don’t mind behavior XXX (just one of many examples of EVE anti-rookie “bittervet ego-buffing”)
Some do mind, and will realize that while they may like the game, they don’t like the people who play EVE. Not a good thing to teach new players in a multiplayer game.
You know what form of behavior I described in the original post. You must have carefully selected it for removal to disguise the nature of your post.
you came here to give your opinion
about 90% of people here answered that YOU are wrong, YOU did wrong, there are ways to prevent your ship being bumped, etc.
I know that the people answering on the forum could not represent all (silent) eve players, but several of them gave you some factual tactics to prevent you from being bumped.
Normally, you should think “mmmm, most people disagree with me, i might be wrong… i could read what they wrote and try to follow their advices”
But instead of that you keep on supporting your opinion against all odds…
Then, you don’t really need a forum, right?
Bumping is a good example of something that discourages new(ish) players.
EVE might be fun when you know all the weird irrational quirks, and how best to deal with them.
For people who haven’t even figured out how to fit a T1/T1 frigate or cruiser, it’s just one more inescapable annoyance. And bumping says things about CCP
It’s “lore-breaking” - tiny shops can bump huge armored ships
It’s an effective combat tool - but it doesn’t consume a module slot
It’s widely misused by players
It’s been around for a long time
CCP knows all about it
Some types of player enjoy this (or any) kind of challenge, regardless of how crazy, and persist.
Others look at the fun/time balance, factor in their level of trust for the game supplier, and find it doesn’t add up.
Combat tools should be implemented as modules.
Griefing can’t be removed from EVE, but irrational, unbalancing griefing tools should be removed.
It doesn’t matter if something like bumping is important in huge nullSec fleet battles or not. Not even if the participants paid to play the game /lol. Stupid and annoying things discourage players from participating.
Even if no single thing is enough to cause someone to leave, at some point there will be a “last straw”.
The nature of my post is pretty clear. I told you that comparing a monstrous RL crime like torture to something insignificant like losing in a video game is problematic. If you actually have a point worth discussing maybe don’t use such exorbitant exaggerations and people may start taking you serious and read the rest of your post.
Bumping really is only a relevant issue for pilots of freighters and the other capital ships. Sure, you can bump a stationary mining barge away from a rock, but it is basically impossible to keep an actively piloted barge away from an asteroid for any length of time if it has a prop mod, or prevent it from entering warp even without one. Basically bump-tackling is useless against all subcaps with their fast align time and only a weakness the largest and most powerful ships have, ones not typically accessible or piloted by new players.
That doesn’t mean of course bump-tackling, or the whole physics engine, couldn’t use some attention, but this isn’t a genuine “new player” issue and framing it as such is rather disingenuous. And since improving the ability to move billions around highsec AFK benefits rich veterans the most, bumping should be way down the list of someone truly concerned about making the lives of new players in New Eden more enjoyable.