For comparison: EVE has a much easier combat environment than PvP servers in WOW had before Blizzard destroyed WoW PvP. Except for rookies of course, because only they can’t run away.
EVE is not a tough combat game. It’s a competitive PvE game with one-sided PvP woven into the PvE.
Rather than making it interesting for combat PvPers, bittervets get rid of them, and make EVE interesting for something else altogether.
You’ve blown your credibility already by using a “straw man”.
And why would I listen to developers? Bittervets are so happy to point out it’s a sandbox, but so many don’t understand the implications.: EVE gameplay isn’t designed - it’s an “emergent effect”.
The sandbox certainly isn’t good at retaining new players.
Your answer is consistent to type, but pure projection. My post is about rational gamers, not griefers.
Fort griefers, the effort/reward relationship is different. They seem to be more inclined to put up with being having their time wasted because they value the (imagined) tears they’ll gather later so highly.
If course if everyone is a griefer, the tears are all fake, so the fun is an illusion /lol.
It’s a sandbox you can work around it. I read one of the above suggestions about using a alt/friend/… to webbify you, use a low slot item to increase mass or even warp in, align to a safewarp or station. Then be carefull when someone warps in.
I guess you are mining in an area where others usually mine, they probably asked CCP to ban you guys because you were stealing their ore. Since CCP did not ban you they probably found a solution in bumping you out of range to get you of of the orebelt.
All of the above is assumptions as your story is completely without details so no one can help you. What could also help :
diversify :
rotate what you do, start mining, you get bumped, fly off start doing mining missions. You get ISK and LP instead of ore/minerals.
solidify :
If it is your belt and not theirs, swap your orca with a smaller ship (porpoise) that boosts and make it orbit the center ore at 2500m. This will complexify the bumping without you having to do anything. Maybe get an alt to warp the orca in, jettison the ore in space then tractor it in with the orca, fly off.
tantrify :
Go to the forums and cry more. I do that a lot, it really helps.
I think the third solution is always best, but there are more solutions. Good luck.
If you want to vent some frustration ingame, make a “disposeable pirate” alt to attack the bumper, the alt will get killed by CONCORD and loose security stats but don’t worry as you delete and recreate the character, all you need is a startership, lock the bumper, orbit 500 and press the gun. Get blapped, undock, get back to the bumper. Once your standings are below -2.0 just don’t care, you were going to get wrecked by concord anyways. For being a pirate you actually need zero skill or ISK. It’s a sandbox, feel free to do crazy things too, but remember: USE AN ALT! That way you can avoid 100% of repercussions.
EDITED after advise from helpfully fellow capsuleers.
I do, I help certain noobs in Arnon by explaining the basics to them. I also help others by exploding their retrievers.
I have interest in retaining new players, though it’s completely not my job. As just another player, I have no obligation to help retain new players. I do it out of the kindness of my heart.
I’m not interested in retaining any more new player than the small percentage that we’ve always retained.
I repeat, it has ALWAYS been the case that most new players can’t hack it at this game or decide they don’t want to.
No, they had every intention of avoiding those fights. They thought they could avoid it. They thought it wouldn’t be as prevalent as it ended up being.
These are the people Salt is saying will simply quit. They realize that they can’t do what they thought they could do, because the game is designed to be higher risk than they are willing to accept.
Eve was never intended to be fair. Quite the opposite, Eve was intended to be unfair; I can quote Falcon, if you like, and while it’s clearly stated as his opinion and not that of the Dev team, he basically is the face of the dev team, so I’d put a great deal of stock in it as “the unofficial official stance”. Folks who aren’t happy with this, well, this is the wrong game for them.
You are of course wrong, and I have as much, if not more evidence to back that statement up, than you - adapt old chap, adapt… if you are able to that is…
Bump/war-dec/gank mechanics/play-style falls largely into the same category, and has done so for many many years - it essentially prays on pve focused players/corps who don’t quite realise what type of game they have been playing and are often rudely introduced in the form of pretty explosions - doesn’t do much for retention rates - and reflects poorly on those people who think they are Elite PvP gods (whilst in essence/reality playing the part of the playground bully).
Do you even know what you mean by PVP, and a PVP game? What is your modus operandi? How is your ‘version’ of EVE superior to others? - do share your vision, how many subscribers would be left playing the game?
The war dec changes were too little, too late, haemorrhaging of easy to please, paying, pve players went unchecked for too long - that’s not to take anything away from the core game that keeps people playing loyally for 15 years - but difference play styles ensures a diverse and profitable customer base - especially if you can combine them all together under the same roof.
That said, although CCP probably has already broken records for longevity anyway - so a success in its own right - the future is an interesting conundrum, which we will probably all be there for (if there is to be one, and I see nothing really preventing that other than the ‘whale’ economy that has begun to take over - that may change the demographic and make Eve even more niche)
The current version of EVE has lasted 15 years, the bears that always want to change it last about 6 months.
It doesn’t really matter what tear filled event causes them to leave, war dec, gate camp, bump, etc. because they were always too emotionally weak to handle being killed by another player. Their departure was inevitable, as is yours.