Player Owned Assets

FWIW I still disagree. Distributed ledgers is just a technological implementation. “Player Owned Assets” is a movement pushing to reform laws around Intellectual Property, without the requisite knowedge, without the vocabulary, without the understanding, and therefore without the actual effort to do actually do so.

On the latter, I’m saving my fingers and not re-hashing it. You can find my thoughts in this post in Shipwreck Jones’ thread.

You should seriously watch the video Jones shared. Particularly the part about people (in the phillippines?) today “living the dream” with bosses texting people and shouting at them to get more Love Potions per hour or w/e, without providing vacation days, retirement benefits, and other things that paid paid labor typically get as part of an employment agreement. Think to yourself: “can I spend 16+ hours a day grinding ISK every day or will I be outclassed and priced out of the game by bot/cheap-labor farms from SE asia?” Future sure sounds bright (not).

Also, first name is *io (Common mistake, capital i and lowercase L look similar).