Please stop the HS Triglavian Nonsense

So you understand that CCP doesn’t control the paths between their server and customer locations. Awesome. So, what are you expecting them to achieve by hiring more technicians? Do the connectivity issues exist between CCP nodes? Are the issues internal to CCP’s servers? Where does CCP have control over the player-specific disconnects that you refer to? It’s pretty obvious when CCP is having an issue (mass disconnects occurring ); what you referred to aren’t mass events.

The standings are not easy to fix for someone who barely speaks the language and with what is an extremely difficult game and UI

My bro, I hate to be the bearer of bad news but you’ve already identified the problem. Language barrier is a language barrier, there is no way around that. Polish is not your first language, and English is not theirs

If you want to make this work, the most pragmatic solution would be Rosetta Stone haha. Might as well right?

I can’t imagine subbing an account to sit tethered and just watch other people playing the game.

And how the heck these rats have multiple hard points on ships that don’t have them??!


Removed some off topic posts.

It’d be nice to return to player generated content.


It takes too much game knowledge that CCP does not have. Furthermore, it’s much easier to just replace PvPers with some aggressive NPCs. That way CCP does not have to admit that a majority of the changes to High-Sec PvP mechanics over the last 10 years have been a HUGE failure and have hurt the health of the game TREMENDOUSLY.


Trig ships do have multiple hard points, every high slot is a hard point on the hull. If you put a weapon in slot 2 it is visually different from placing it in slot 1.
Now… Yes players are locked to 1 turret while NPC’s aren’t in some cases, but the damage stats on an NPC are not tied to the number of turrets like players are, it’s purely cosmetic for NPC’s.

I would say citation needed with independent evidence, but you are clearly just ranting in every thread you can that CCP haven’t made the specific changes that you want for your play style.

Anyway on the real thread topic, yes, Trigs need fixing in highsec, they should not be gate camping with zero response from Empire NPC’s. Trigs vs Empire standings need implementing, Chapter 3 is over, now it won’t shut out Trig players from the invasion content that no longer exists. @CCP, you talk about consequences for actions being a thing, now actually make them a thing rather than providing the EDENCOM cop out.

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The NPC trigs have missiles. Thing not available to players on trig ships.

I’m not quite sure why you brought this up?

Yeah I always wondered about that too.

Seems a wierd ommission.

Given its just mounting on one of those non-existant hardpoints.

I havent checked, wont it fit? No launcher slot?

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Hard points and launcher slots are two different things. Though yes NPC’s don’t always use weapon models also.

Yes they are.

Uh ok, cool to know (?)

But Traglivian Lives Matter! Though I haven’t encountered a Trig yet. Good thing, too, as I only have one ship. What do they want besides dead clones?
Can we buy them off with some doodads? And can CCP even stop them now? They released the monsters and I doubt they can control them. Might as well embrace the horror.


Thats Drifters you are thinking of

Fix standings in Pochven or be extirpated!!!1ONE

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I’m thinking breakfast right now. What do Trigs eat? Large quantities of photons accompanied with baked nebulea. Clone blood to wash it all down.

You seem obsessed with this idea that Trigs eat other humans.

Just like Capri, I doubt very much I’ll ever see Pochven. I want to visit Amarr empire one day but not in this pos ship. I shall wait until I can bling up.


Until the Trig government puts out a press release with a list of demands, I shall imagine the worst. I don’t know them like that.

Capri is nice, I can recommend it. Pochven, not sure yet :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

They drink the carrot juice we were promised.