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:red_circle: Donā€™t you dare!

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Algorithms be hatinā€™

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I know I saw that


Shocked, I was

Whereā€™s this button then?

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ā€¦this is for all the times youā€™ve called me or have implied that I am an idiotā€¦

:red_circle: checks his activity tab

phew still red.

You know Iā€™m not an idiotā€¦ I donā€™t know why you say such horrible things about meā€¦ :cry:

I dont think I have it. I cant even see where to turn it on.

Might have something to do with this though I fear


Edit: Im really sorry Jonah


You got salvoshed?

Im really sorry Jonah

'tis OK, now send me beer.

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:red_circle: I am not known to be a person who thinks highly of other people. Some call me negative and toxic because of that but if I look at the this topic and the premises for the introduced changes in this topic, I think that me thinking of other people as less fortunate when it came to the distribution of certain positive traits that make a human a human gets proven right time and again.

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Your forum profile is public, so we know who 367 is (forum profile can be made private, however, if you want to lock it up). But yes, we all know that convos with @Jonah_Gravenstein quick turn into a dumpster fire :wink:

(Shame on you for being most liked by Nicolai)

WTS flammable liquids and incendiary devices.

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Oh it wasnt done for their privacy, more out of respect for their passing

But I mostly like him most too

Ok theres an odd one out there

I can offer a bulk discount if youā€™re willing to take all of the pitchforks.

Before this thread progresses any further, Iā€™d like to give a shout out to my homie Vice Admiral Batman Barstylody. The fact that weā€™ve gotten this far means weā€™ve ALL earned a

ISD Dorrim Barstorlode Stamp of Toleration2


Is that binary above his head?


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Shhh thats his importantist thoughts


Btw, where is this ā€œaccess a private lounge areaā€ advertised in the veteran badge?

It is one of NUMEROUS Discourse features disabled on EVE Forums.