following triggers introduced by CCP - that’s the catch
It’s as intended, scaling opiate economics is very viable. Truth be told, PLEX/isk is still low compared to more ideal ratios.
following triggers introduced by CCP - that’s the catch
It’s as intended, scaling opiate economics is very viable. Truth be told, PLEX/isk is still low compared to more ideal ratios.
What numbers do you have in mind?
I hope plex goes to 14kk per by next week!
So let’s imagine you are a Trader Tycoon with the very basic knowledge of finances… wink You would check the price over the year;
A lot of people who PVP want to spend that isk on PVP and not spend hours ratting or mining. Thats the real problem here. Hyper inflation due to the current mechanics will kill the game unless CCP does a fix. Plex was less then 3mil not too long ago, if it keeps exponentially increasing then new omega players will start to drop off, inflation will spike, then a massive chain reaction starts where the economy starts to tank.
There is no Hyper inflation.
Plex is being driven by Speculation (based on how many people plex goes through before being used) and supply and demand (based on all the new skins and other uses for plex that never used to exist).
If there was real inflation we would see all goods having a similar graph to plex prices.
Only marginally There is no such thing as free trade, open market or supply & demand driven market. EVE’s economy is a closed loop behavioural system. It mimics enough of economic behaviour to be of interest to external academic research (EVE’s an amazing petri dish, not just for economics), but it is important to realise that its functions are a) arbitrary and b) determined by external mechanisms (CCP).
Players do influence price curves, but they do so differently for the virtual version of so called real / tangible economy (where they have influence and variable control) than when dealing with so called intangible / hypervirtual economy (where they can easily push things out of control so CCP sets boundaries and controls golden standards by reserving influence over supply/demand there for themselves).
EVE’s got inflation, but it has multiple types, for each set of economic strata.
Player speculation influence on for example plex exists, but only by grace of CCP within boundaries set by CCP. With decreasing human demographics this is what is instrumental actually in the use of golden standard mechanisms to compensate real world income streams. Goes to show that CCP is many things, but not stupid
Test it, organise concerted speculation. Watch what happens and what does not correspond to belief systems like market economics
Some of my guys got 4 chars so it hurts them
Do your PVP friends know they can easily PVP as an alpha? Please explain the issue in detail because I don’t think I understand the ‘problem’ besides ‘I want free Omega with none to low effort because I am a leet PVPer.’
And they need 4x omega as they ‘elite’ PVP on 4 accounts at the same time?! Please explain in detail…
While I don’t agree with OP’s alarm. Some counter examples are really bad. Some people seem to be saying that because there is so much Plex recently, that’s why the price is going up. Though others point out the fact that there’s less Plex because there hasn’t been a sale. (which does make sense)
Then there’s pointing out the 30% increase in price over the past year as trivial… Which is ridiculous. Seriously. If I told you that everything you wanted to buy was going to double in price every three years, you would panic.
Seems to be normal increase in the game though. In the five years I was gone, one month went from costing me 600m (which was really high for the time) to about 1.8b. So it’s nothing new for Eve in the past five years at least
No, it’s not.
thats my girl yo.
increased plex prices will make it harder in the end for the non-maxed isk grinders which will cause a slump in plex sells, causing demand to lower and supply to be higher which will turn to a fall in prices.
however there are people defending the rise as its RL cash turning to game cash and should cost even more, but under that view who would want to pay more to plex their account or be able to get anything from the shop using isk to plex
Imagine a world in which CCP would be happy about people actually wanting to play the game for playing’s sake, and not because they’re addicts who need to freeload and hoard isk because their lower instincts force them to.
Man … the sooner, the better. All these freeloaders, who have less life than us, are a nightmare. People who value the game will pay for the sub, the rest can go straight back to WoW.
Make omega subscriptions free
They are free. They just cost you your time.
It’s free, but it costs time. So it’s not free.
Unless you don’t value your life time, I guess, which most probably don’t.
hey @isk4trade
all this is very easy … some guys plex there accounts … they can do that because someone bought plex from CCP real money store to make some isk with plex ingame
so they paid $ or € for the plex and they can go and fill buy orders or they place a sell order and wait until they are sold
fill buy orders give money now but less then place a sell order
in the past you bought 1 plex and sold it for 1.somthing billion isk
with 1 plex you could plex your account for 1 month
CCP split the plex into parts 1 plex is now 500 plex
so you need to buy 500 plex to play 1 month BUT you dont need to sell 500 plex if you need isk … you can ell 100 plex or 300 or only 1 plex … buy plex from the market can take longer then it took befor … if you friends place buy order for there demand it can take a while until its filled
on the other side … guys who buy plex from CCP for real money can ask for any price in isk they want … i can ask for 10 million per plex … question is if someone will pay it but if you dont need the isk now and just want to see if someone pays you can do it … maybe you are lucky and someone needs just 1 plex to get the 500 and there are no other plex to buy you are maybe lucky … so its the sellers choise what he want for his plex
in the past you could only use plex to get a subscription on your account for 1 month
now you can buy skins in the new eden store for it too so the use of plex has changed … i think more plex are sold at the CCP store because you dont need to buy aurum for skins … everything is paid in plex
i have a subscripton on my accounts i dont need plex … so if i would sell plex i would be happy it gous up to 5 millions per plex
I suspect bots are making so much ISK for their corps (in null, ratting) its easy for them to buy PLEX in game and pay so much ISK, its cheating, using bots, even corp owners dont have to know, but they can know. If nobody catches them, they could get their alt accounts PLEXed instead of paying cash for subscription.
My value for time spend in game is fun. If your is isk, probable go find job with dollars as reward not pixels.