PLEX holders 💎🖑

Pilot Licence EXtension

Maybe they should change the name.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

Only in a case where the parent, PA, goes bankrupt at the same time, otherwise they are liable.

FTFY just for the sake of avoiding any confusion

Hahahha that is in no way how the wind up of a company works in any country. If it was Chriss Roberts would be the wealthiest game developer ever :slight_smile:

Hey guys I wound the ltd.C up, go away. Sailing to Bahamas now cya.

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Yeah but I call a plex, 500 legacy from before the share split.

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But also lets not be negative, 50 more years of eve at least or I want my money back! Plex to the moon!

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I should sell all my chars, plex one account for 100 years or so and wait for the check :slight_smile:


Or PA sells CCP to CCP Holding Company, Inc. for purposes of the bankruptcy. If you think you’re going to get paid in cash for a 50 year omega account you’re simply delusional.


Don’t spend the plex just hold for now.

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lol, in the real world…

No CEO, who is an employee, is going to risk jail or his career to scam debtors in a bankruptcy to save people he doesn’t even know a few bucks. Especially for a company like CCP that isn’t going to have a huge amount of debt.

Are you saying CCP will not honour commitments to its lenders or honour outstanding commitments to subscribers?

I’m saying that when CCP shuts down you are not getting paid. That’s how bankruptcy works, random people who bought something from the company are the last to get paid and if the company is out of money they get nothing.

And, as has been pointed out, the EULA clearly states that you will not be paid for unused subscription time when EVE shuts down.

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Not too mention that when judges divide up the remaining assets the customers and the employees get paid first. Then vendors like the electric and water, phone etc.

That is not at all how it works, they process refunds and try to clear the companies books first.

Please send me a year of plex - in game “Rekindle” - let’s test it.

And because the EULA states that unused subscription time will not be paid out there is no refund to process and no books to clear. You would have to sue CCP (or whatever holding company is resolving the shutdown) for the money, and by that time there won’t be any money left to claim even if you win in court.

Judges resolve bankruptcy, not holding companies.

What country do you live in :rofl:

Anyway, you have reached your 3 responses and may have the last word, even if you are wrong :wink:

And apparently you don’t understand the concept of transferring assets to a holding company. The judge doesn’t get to go after previous owners of EVE once the game has been sold. It’s just like how every single movie ever made has lost money because the studios make a new holding company for each movie and ensure that all the money is manipulated such that profit goes to the studio and losses go to the holding company. If EVE is to be shut down with any meaningful creditors remaining the bankruptcy judge will be overseeing the bankruptcy of EVE Holding Company Inc, a company with no assets other than a game which will soon no longer exist.

Anyway, you have reached your 3 responses and may have the last word, even if you are wrong

That’s certainly a convenient excuse for ignoring the point about the EULA explicitly stating that no refunds will be given for unused subscription time when EVE is shut down.

If we are talking about time…
I have seen people selling auctions in internet, and they were technically selling their time and gaming skills to transfer then some PLEX bought in game by means of ISK. Sort of service.

Literally being paid for playing.

Look I don’t want negativity spoken about my company, I see Eve lasting for 50 years more & I’m all paid up in my subscription in that regard.

If CCP are unwilling to fulfil they should refund me, $ or £ is fine, & if CCP has concerns about its ability to fufill subscriptions it should inform an adminstrator or reciever. But we all know this game has longterm plans & its book makers have propperly accounted for plex liability :slight_smile:

50 more years of co-ownership at least!