[Pochven] Clarity on change to Observatory Flashpoints made in 20.11

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The amount of salty cope and seethe reactions are delicious.
Thanks for this change CCP, albeit a year late imho.


Might aswell just tear Pochven down and restore the systems to what they were before this whole Trig garbage got shoved down everyones throats. What a complete waste of time and resources CCP spent creating this thing.


20 mins please and everybody will be happy.


I think noone, who lived in Pochven for a few weeks will disagree with the sites being very profitable.
Constant respawns have been a good way to make some isk.
Considering the amount of isk you get, a rebalance might have been in order to fix risk/reward.
It has also been a haven for multiboxers, which could also be seen as a problem.

But instead of decreasing the spawn rate, why not adjust the sites?
Make them the same respawn time as World Arks.
Bring back differen factions for the NPCs like it used to be.
Different factions require different tactics to fight.
Make them less cheesable by letting the NPC’s aggro drones.

There are quite a few ways to make the sites hard but more fun and more engaging.
Risk/reward has always been a problem in this game and people left over that.
People will leave ofer that once more.
So I guess you could just kill off a good amount of content and make people leave.

I’ve have talked to some, that like the change, because they think, it will make Pochven less crabby and more pvpy.
But instead what will happen is, that it will make the region dead.
This place was unique, because you could sustain your pvp with pvp.
If you can’t, there will be not much reason to stick around.


only effective change would be to alter them to aggro drones. That would eliminate the ishtar fleets and bring back marauders online.

Still a Massive isk printing site for a very small select amount of people

This is not multiboxer problem. This is the problem of cheap ships that make them. 15 Ishtars with unkillable drones. 200 million each. Instead, they would do aggro with drones, this would solve the problem of cheap ships.


Уважаемые разработчики ССП зачем вы убиваете весь регион ? проблема не в экономике, а в мультибоксерах которые в 20 окон делают и хв соло! вы убиваете небольшой круг игроков, которые нашли свой призыв в этой игре!

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only krabbing in poch is the OBS, and now thet nerfed it what makes you think that there would be more fights? alliances fought each other on those sites lol


If the real issue is multiboxers making too much isk using drones, then either make it so drones stop hitting outside their drone range (no more orbitting 200km away) or make it so that Edencom forces inside the OFS target drones.

Additionally, players want activity. I believe that most players would continue running the sites for even half the isk payout. The key here is to not take away content, not take away reasons to undock.

If you look back at EvE Economic Reports for this year, it is evident that Pochven has consistently been one of the most destructive regions in the game, with only having 27 systems and no real capital presence (there’s a few left, but they’re rare). Every OFS fleet in Pochven is a PvP fleet first, and PvE fleet second. Why are we taking away natural PvP generating sites?

Reduce the amount generated per site, fix drone control range, and see how things go. Don’t destroy one of the most violent regions in the game.

At the end of the day, Pochven is one of the few “group PvE” things to do in EvE. OFS and Incursions require groups of players working together, the rest of EvE PvE is single player.


It can be done with other HAC’s. It can be done with a multitude of ships honestly. It has mostly boiled down to two types: who can do it the cheapest in case they die, who can do it the most expensive and take on fights with anyone. There might be an in-between here or there, but for the most part drones are the biggest issue I think.

Only posting here to add another dissenting voice.

Dumb change. Yes, Pochven was too lucrative. But the solution is to lower payouts, not the rate of the sites’ spawns. This will seriously harm what has been a unique and interesting ecosystem. These sites were unique because they combined doing PvE for isk with having to contend with PvP, and created excellent content as a result. I’m sorry to see this happen, and hope you rethink your approach to OBFs.


Instead of making players have to scan every system one by one for sites, just lower the payout. This gives players something to do, and as long as the fleets are out running, it increases the chance of pvp as well. If the isk is too much, lower the isk, don’t lower the content.

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I don’t have high hopes for getting a response to this, and I honestly neither like nor care about Pochven so I am not entire sure why I ask, but are there any numbers CCP is willing to share regarding how much impact these sites have on the economy, or how they arrived at a 90 minute respawn timer for the sake of balance?

Nerfing a thing generally gets negative reactions, but it seems that some of those reactions could be mitigated if the reasoning and thought process was less vague. This is a chance to demonstrate the careful consideration that goes into these decisions and give people who at least want to be reasonable some ammunition to fire back with when people complain about the change.

“careful going through Tunudan, The Boyz live there”

Always love for the Page of Betas


I ■■■■■■■ love you all more <3

Yeah Tunudan was truly scary to go through the same as is going through Urhi rn. I’ll miss them ngl

People would just start to elawyer it causing more/longer whine threads. Also, they probably just ballparked it and will monitor over time to see if things work out and iterate if necessary, its not like ccp is known for their well thought out decisions.

Just another in a long line of CCP screw ups, at this point i shouldnt be surprised that the powers that be do not

A: Play this game AT ALL,

B: Give zero fucks about the player base and

C: Want you all to move to FW (Which btw is still crap and will always be crap) and give that the attention CCP wants after spending a year “Improving” it.

This is the new normal people CCP have a meeting once a month and ask themselves how can we better ■■■■ over the player base and drain them of their money, this sadly will kill any activity outside of multiboxers (which CCP so despise) in the pochven area and Poch will be the new Wormhole space, DEAD.

Thanks CCP for reafirming that you are all absolutely brain dead and that most of you dont actually deserve your jobs. Scarcity, price increases, FW shoved down our throats like its the second coming and now Pochven nerfs. The Brain trust that is CCP leadership should be shot out of a cannon into the sun.