[Pochven] Clarity on change to Observatory Flashpoints made in 20.11

Remind me, how many ice belts are there in EVE?

90-day timer for epic arcs, 24 hour timer for Paragon agents, 365-day remap timer, and the list goes on and on. 90 minutes won’t kill you…

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One of the policies I’ve adopted is to invite people to show me I don’t know everything I think I do. I could adopt a cynical opinion without asking any questions and call it a day. It would probably be just as well in almost all cases, too, but sometimes I do learn from the questions, if answered, even if I don’t agree with the answers I get.

Will I get any answers? Probably not. Would the answers make anybody happy? Again, probably not (at least in the short term). What they do is give me insight into the processes and goals that are the basis for these decisions and it is easier for me to accept and defend a position as at least reasonable if I understand the rationale, process, and evidence that lead to it. It also increases my confidence in the decision making process at CCP in general if it passes this litmus test.

My opinions of CCP tend to be less than favorable, but that is exactly why it is important I invite them to show me I’m wrong. If I stop challenging what I believe I’ll have no further proof that what I believe is correct and that’s asking for trouble.

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I can’t believe that took so long.

Personally I would have reduced the amount of spawns from 3 to 1 and then put that isk into the smaller sites but hey, this works too.

Just stop feeding into those guys crap.

Eve forums have always been infested with some guys shitting up threads for the lols, contributing nothing.

Many don’t even play anymore.
Those who do have never really spent time in Pochven.
But all will happily comment on people being pissed, that their whole playstyle got erased over night.
Basically the same thing, that happened to cap production.
People were set up, people had plans, people had something to do.
Groups formed around content, that was enjoyable.
Content, that people enjoyed in their free time after a long day at work, or when you had to take your mind of something.
That is now gone in a pathetic attempt to fix a problem, that would have a lot of different solutions.
Let’s see if CCP reverts this in a way, that doesn’t kill a huge content driver.

If not, there are other games to play too :slight_smile:


All the big pvp that draws people to poch is because of these crabbing sites. The PVP is the reason we go, the dank ticks are just a bonus. Where else can I do heavy armor battleship brawls and not have to worry about haw dreads or super umbrellas ruining the party?


There’s plenty of PVP to be had in Pochven without these sites, so basically the only reason you’re doing it is for the ISK. I guarantee you that if CCP had severely nerfed the ISK payout, you wouldn’t even bother…

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For those crying about multiboxers hogging all the sites now, kill the multiboxers. You are there to PVP, right?

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There is so little do in pochven, why are you nerfing the biggest content creating event in the region? If you going to reduce the spawn rates, give us other stuff to fight over. These sites were the only part of scarcity you got right, its the only thing that caused insane fights, then you remove how often they spawn?

I don’t understand the backwards thinking. If too much is is being generated why not turn down the rewards a bit, maybe offer new pve sites that pay a bit less, You have about 5 different combat sites in the region and the only 2 are worth running (one if you want to keep positive trig standings)

These are more stick and less carrot changes @CCP_Swift Not cool.


Most of them ARE the multiboxers.

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maybe 90 mins for havens, sanctums, etc?


If you believe that, I have some property to sell you on the other side of the Eve Gate.

Dumb, dumb, dumb change. Do you guys ever check with players before completely tossing an entire playstyle into the wood chipper?


The worst part is they didn’t add anything back into the game, only took away something that motivates the entire Poch community to undock and fight over. All that’s left in Poch is mining and that won’t keep to many entertained. Thank you CCP for killing The Thunderdome.

You can’t PVP in Pochven without these sites?


Most PVP occurs because they are fighting over something. In Poch we have a few structures left that could be destroyed and after that is done there will be none left as you can’t put new structures down. Which means you can’t even fight over moons for goo etc. There will be some pvp but nothing like the brawls that where happening on a daily basis making poch the number 1 place to be.


There’s nothing worse than a vibrant ecosystem!

[quote=“CCP Swift, post:1, topic:388020, username:CCP_Swift”]
As of todays patch, the respawn timer for the Observatory Flashpoints have been increased from 0 to 90 minutes.[/quote]

Vibrant no more!

If you do actually do this, and if the players who play in Pochven are right, this won’t take long.

I’d only bet on one of those two conditions though.


Please don’t ask for this. The last time CCP tried to change drone behaviour to fix a particular problem, they nerfed drones for everyone, then ignored us for a while when we noted it, then told us it was working as intended, then quietly went and changed it back.

That’s a cycle I think we’d all rather avoid again…

There needs to be incentive. Otherwise they could just as well be doing PvP in Proving Grounds.

If you don’t know PvP in EVE isn’t fair. Only crybears thinks it is and want it to be. Ppls are PvPing in Pochven and anywhere else around grids where other ppls are doing something that isn’t PvP. It is ganking and non-consensual PvP everywhere. Someone needs to be doing the sites for other ppls to try to kill him/them. If they won’t be there, then these hunters won’t have anything to hunt and that is the issue in the core here I believe.


How…how do you think this is a positive change? Do you not remember how CCP killed mining when you nerfed mining anoms this hard? Or how much you killed whales being out in space when you nerfed capital ratting? Or titans being on grid and actually used when you removed HAWs from them? and bosons? Pochven is literally one of the last bastions of actual small gang content with solid brawls. You really need to have a huddle and reconsider this hard of a killer.

Why would you not try incrementally nerfing something instead of literally killing the ecosystem there? Drop it to two spawns at a time or respawns at 20 minutes. 90 minutes effectively makes this entire region worthless for anything other than blops’ing out of or filamenting to run from deep 0.0 regions. Most the people giving you feedback like “ha this is a great change” don’t even run in pochven or know how to. They probably got crushed out by the groups that actually fight there over sites.

Nerfs to pochven to not kill content are making the other sites in space worth running; changing respawn slightly (10-20 minutes); adding to the difficulty in running them (kill drone doctrines so you don’t see mass ishtars running it afk that just run from fights); etc…if you want to modify pochven try talking to the people who actually live or fight there regularly instead of this half-baked hammer that is going to kill this “cool new region” to the game.