Pochven Must Burn!

Are you… Sure about that?


You are smarter than that, I know you are. The idea that this would incite anything other than more bloodshed is idiocy of the highest order. Even if you were ordered to do it, you should have known what would come of this. And you, and it seems your superior are content to let the bridges burn and move diplomacy even further from mind.



I have my own thoughts on that recording being sent to NADSC, but I will refrain from making them public at this moment. All I am saying is that a lot of people need to be reminded that the only difference between these executions and the destruction of a ship or structure is whether or not they are made aware of how many lives are being snuffed out.
I keep it in mind every time I go into battle, and that is why I only yearn for peace. If this makes someone angry then good. That is the correct reaction. What should follow is looking into what can be done in order to prevent it from happening again.

All it has done so far, is burn bridges best left intact. You set a precedent by following that order. And you know it. And now the consequences are yours and your superior’s.


I’m sorry, You have this delusion that if you just keep increasing the body count that the Empires will submit to peace terms and let you have Pocvhen and make no further attempt to reclaim their territory. And that you’re acting with noble intentions to see peace in this situation so death could be avoided.

Yet you gleefully carry out executions of prisoners that well… Could had been a way more powerful bargaining chip by either ransoming them back or cooperating with NADSC to see them released back into their care

Which if anything, would make you look good, would make you look like someone who truly cares about wanting to see no more death and present Kybernauts as a reasonable entity to engage in peace terms. That’ you’re open to diplomacy and willing to see to it that those combatants disarmed and already defeated sent home to their families.

But no… You’re adding more bodies to the pile with a smile on your face.

If this was an attempt to perusade people into coming to terms with peace, you people are using fear to motivate it. Agree to peace or else we’ll keep killing anyone that comes into our captivity. Which can very easily backfire into wanting even more bloodshed

And I get it what you’re about to say next “If they wanna toss more people into the meat grinder, that’s their doing not mine.” Brush all responsbility off yourself and in vanity to present yourself as this upstanding individual and the Capsuleers of the Empires as barbaric savages

Your actions and those you take orders from have ensured more blood is spilled and has more than likely sealed the deal for any Triglavian or Kybernaut crew members that comes into anyone’s captivity. You people have set the tone, and you can deflect and say this is the barbarism of those loyal to the Empires - But remember you pulled the trigger with pep in your step.

You have not deescalated a thing, If you look at this thread and even for a second think anything has de-escalated - You’re as delusional as I calmed in the opening of this reply. You’ve only made the conflict that much more personal.

Have you ever heard the saying that “Violence only breeds more violence”? I think it applies here


Sahara claims that terrorist Gallente invading sovereign Collective territory must die.

Let’s simplify that: terrorists invading sovereign territory must die.

Pochven was not created through peaceful means. It was created through invasion, and the Triglavian governments are not recognized by the empires it’s invaded. Therefore Triglavians, and by extension their Kybernaught allies, are enemy soldiers and terrorists.

Terrorists invading sovereign territory must die. Any acts taken by Kybernaughts to advance Triglavian goals are therefore not legal actions in warfare, they are terroristic acts.


THis is another thing

During the Invasion I hear so many Kybernauts scoffing at needing to engage in diplomacy to try and work out getting themshelves some space set aside and whatever and took pride in taking it all by force as if the empires can’t defend it, should it even be theres to begin with? The triglavians are strong! It’s their ancient rights and strength that legitimatize their claims to these systems.

And In not a year top we got Kybernauts scoffing at Empire loyalists for not seeing legitimacy in their courts and legal process. That they should all respect the Triglavian’s sovereignty and engage in peace terms for everyone’s benefit


Your mistake here is treating Kybernauts as a uniform and ideologically coherent entity. We are not any more uniform than all other capsuleers, the sole point where we differ as groups is our alignment regarding the Collective.
I would have loved nothing more than for a diplomatic solution to be reached in lieu of the invasions, but lets not kid ourselves here.
Do you think even for a moment that any of the Empires would cede even a single star to the Collective? And lets not go back to the tired subject of nullsec, there are observable differences in the spatial mechanics between the core of New Eden and the outer rim post-Seyllin. The Collective required specific stars in a specific location, all while their survival as a people hinged on it. I am displeased by the death toll thus far, but the Collective did not act unreasonably.

It is in the best interest of all to now normalize relations and seek a mutual understanding. Nothing good will come from further escalations in hostilities.

Yet, under orders, you escalated with this. Don’t ■■■■■■■ lie to my face about this. Nothing good will come from escalation indeed, and yours are the ones who escalated further


What nonsense all this diplomatic talk is. Hey, maybe one day the Empire and Republic will just call it even and be forever united, all friendly-ship and all!

Or maybe that ain’t never gonna happen. Just like peace with a completely alien force bent on takin over all of civilized space (and I do mean that, cause why the hootin’ hell would they even be in non-liminal systems) should never happen.

I ain’t expectin’ no reason to come outta someone who is seriously trying to mold the State and the Collective in to one entity, and actions like the one that she done did only serve to further prove my point that the only response that the alien Triglavian Collective and their Kybernaut lapdogs deserve is that which they ultimately clamor for, “proving”. Or for folks who ain’t Trigs and ain’t gotta talk in riddles, unending war.

Until the last stolen system is returned ta’ their original state, there ain’t no diplomacy needed. I’d get the same net positive outta doin’ so with a Kyber that I would stickin’ my hand in a blender.

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Maybe. Yet consider is Clade activity in Empire space more or less heinous than Sancha’s Nation? - temporal immediacy aside.

I’m a Kybernaut. When the Republic pulled out after the evacuations finished, my clan remained on Krirald III because we didn’t want to abandon our home. It wasn’t a crowded planet even before the evacuations either, and not entirely self sufficient. We don’t have a lot of manufacturing infrastructure.

I joined to ensure the trade needed to keep my clan, my homeworld, alive, continued. I’m not condoning what happened, and anyone who remotely knows me knows that I’m angry it happened.

But I’m glad to know that you consider my cargo holds of medical supplies and industrial components terrorism. Means I know who to not undock around.


Lot of people attempting to justify being an asshole here… IGS in a nutshell though.

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If anyone should be exactin’ their grievances in Empire territory, it’s the Republic. The only thing Trigs deserve is to be beaten back in to their holes that they done came from.

And since we’re mentionin’ Nation, here’s a thought. Nobody but Nation likes Nation, it’s why everyone’s banded together in the past to whoop them back to Stain. If Trigs perhaps had the foresight to engage and entity like them and take THEIR space? Shoot, then we can talk diplomacy. They’re doin’ the whole cluster a favor. But no. They come to space where they ain’t wanted, alter the very way in which these systems function, and then their egger lapdogs protest for peace. Ain’t no peace to be had. Until the last system they done stole is free of stellar manipulation, and the last of the folks taken with it free of bioadaptaions, there ain’t no diplomacy to be had.


I’ll assert that a clean death is better than living-death.
Other than that, I can’t argue with you.


I’ll be honest, Katya, if there was any time to cut ties with Stribog, it’s now. Remilia’s shown her true colors and it’s obvious how you responded when this news got out that you won’t tolerate it. I hate to say it, but it’s time you fought to keep your home safe from maniacs, be they Kyber or Egger. Cut your ties, get your people the ■■■■ outta there, and fight to secure it from any who would wish harm on innocent people like them.

And to the rest of you baying for blood over this or just debating what is or isn’t a valid target, let me simplify things for you jackasses: Don’t shoot things that aren’t actively shooting at you. Don’t even gimme that “But they’re supplyin’ the enemy” or “They’re not even human” crap - Unless they’re manning the guns on a warship, they are NOT valid targets. Any who say otherwise are just pirate scum hiding behind navy badges.

You wanna beat the Triglavians? Be better than them - Don’t give into tribalism and hate because that’s what they want us to do. Show mercy to those who were unwillingly wrapped up into this and give no quarter to those singing the praises of their war-like Collective. Any who oppose actions such as those taken by Remilia are good in my book; any of said opposition currently part of the kybernauts should be welcomed back so they can at least overthrow the Clades and their tyrannical grip on Pochven.

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Have you considered putting that on a t-shirt?

Are you for real?..

Capsuleers are slaughtering people en mass. Exploding ships everywhere eject pieces of frozen or burning chunks of baseliner meat, torn apart by rapid decompression. People are succed out in vacuum, burned down alive, suffucated in crampled compartments of the wrecks. Even whole titans, whole keepstars are burning, and capsuleers are happily rubbing their hands, comparing how much isk each one of them have killed. But do they even think how many people perished in all this?

Have you? Is it all fine in your book?

Soldiers, civilians, guilty, innocent, elderly, children, women and men - nobody cares, nobody watches. It’s just is all about ISK and wretched metal wrecks that capsuleers care.

But noo, here goes a soldier who just personally executes some people, in a rather professional and efficient way. And not just random people who suffer from the bloodthirsty capsuleer carnage, but those who have actually committed crimes, those who actually deserved it.

And you just jump on her like she’s enemy of humanity.

All my what.

Are you for real?


That’s right! Make sure you let those innocent transports with WMDs pass by so they can wipe out millions of people without fearing molestation!


Mr. Volk, perhaps you don’t realise what the Trig’s MO is, but it just so happens to be proving. Senseless violence. While some may argue that this is just a feature in some existent cultures and governments, for the Collective, it’s their entire MO as I’ve just said. After everything they’ve done I don’t see how or why exactly anyone would want to coexist with a group like that. Nothin’ less than complete liberation of those systems from the Collective will suffice.