Princess Aiko is just a fly not a bee


Quite the gaslighters are the Frotpackers.

They aren’t fooling anyone but their one and only fangirl.

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Anyone needing a name change, or wanting me to refer to them by a special name, need only send 1 billion isk. I will immediately acknowledge their chosen FANTASY name. Also, for 5 billion isk, you and all your alts can enjoy the benefits of personal name acknowledgement. Unique roleplay options available!

I think she secretly expects Frostpacker to send hir gifts of 1 bil ISK in return for the aforementioned brown nosing, little she knows Frostpacker has no place in his heart for such, he likes it the way Aiko treats him, he has no sympathy for fangirls, especially if only after his wallet. :smirk: :wink:

You undervalue your own services. :stuck_out_tongue:

Btw how many alts the Frostpacker clan has? :thinking: :innocent:

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He likes to be stepped on.

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Oh my, there’s motivation to work towards my first billion.

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Please note, if you are a bad behaver, calling me fat will result in an immediate 1 billion behaviour adjustment fee.

Fine Paid before server restart/maintenance

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Good. Now you have to pay her for this too:

:popcorn: :smiling_imp: :popcorn:



That’s why I blocked him.

He needs to learn some manners I think.


No worries I’m here to help and remind you. :blush:

Yeah that was extremely disrespectful. Even if you weren’t royalty offending a lady like that is beyond every social norm.



Why go there?

Are you happy to be a snitch Uriel

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As a friend of you it is my sacred duty to abide by your wish and respect Aiko as your Princess. You owe her the full and unaltered truth, always, thus it is according to your own mindset and personal wish that I inform her of your wrongdoings. Always.


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Because you refuse to be his SD, he said there were going to be consequences…
Did I say he’s dangerous?

What a cute obsession and projection, but actually it was in reference to this:

Which has nothing to do with what you envisioned it is about. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Edit: Speaking of which this reminds me to file an official report to the related authority…

@Aiko_Danuja As you can see above in this post he also partakes in unsanctioned and unpermitted botaspiprant supporter anti-ganking behavior. As such is in violation of the related code of conduct which I assume involves some related disciplinary fees to be paid by him as well along the other ones he owes you.

@Aiko_Danuja It would seem that his jealousy and pervesity knows no bounds.
He is not worthy of the name Uriel, just Flame for his forum-flaming.

@Felix_Frostpacker What a “friend” you got there…

:face_with_hand_over_mouth: :blush: :popcorn:

Neither does your brown nosing

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She is trying very hard to earn that Frostpacker ISK, isn’t she?

This is why she’ll get none of that juicy ISK from Frostpacker’s wallet. :wink:


I wonder about just how dangerous Uriel can be sometimes as he clearly is rather Placid , relaxing rather when it comes to fleeting with him.

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