Project NOVA so hyped!

I think if it is going to be f2p, then it should have a really strong PvE and PvP component to it, like EVE. Making people pay for items for PvP component, mainly consumables, like you buy PLEX to unblock fancier stuff in EVE. Basically repeating the EVE schematic. The thing is how to implement PLEX there. What allow to be accessible by using it? Insurances? SKINs? Gold Ammo? Paying to shorten timespans between skills completion or paying for SP boosters?

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pve? So, like solo campaign? I thought it will be multiplayer FPS.

yeah, no, thx. Gold Ammo is P2W. Nobody will play a game with such mechanics.

Like Warframe. Missions generated from algorithm. Loot.

Yes, people would probably hate it. But what about the rest? Acceptable? CCP just need to find a way to get to the majority, still getting some buck out of it.

The other possible way would be to sell game for a fixed amount and then adding microtransactions, but it would greatly diminish the available playerbase.

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Are Skins generate so much of revenue for EvE? Consumable are P2W, SP boosters? Are they will be any SP? Itā€™s not self-sustained project if they think about it that way.
What model Dust had?

In general market is in so weird state now, and I have no idea how to target consumer tastes. Microtransactions went off the edge.

CCP VR went down, games with focus other than EvE unniverse failed, mobile game in development seem dumbed down, chibbi, rainbow EvE cluster. Nova wonā€™t be connected with EvE directly (it may be ok move if it fail, there wonā€™t be so much cleaning up as it was after Dust). Alpha state clones failed and we can say it now, there is no mass amount of players incoming after introduced and alpha state feels like extended trail anyway. If NOVA should be released this year, where is the info about it? screenshoots, gameplay etc? All this feels like half backed up product.

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I have a lot of stuff in my head and written somewhere on forums where CCP never probably seen it. I know CCP will probably never implement it. So that is about my tastes. But if they will make some appetizers, we can see what it will taste like. Maybe I will stay for a main course, and then for something more. If not, there are still hundreds of millions of people around the world, so maybe it will be ok for them. :woman_shrugging:

im so hyped for world of darkness
i actually played through vtm bloodlines last week for nastalgia reasons
such a cool game
but yeah i know
wod scrapped in the bin
like most ccp projects scrapped in the bin
i think ccp these days just seems so despondent about video game development
and just no enthusiasm at all from the team in general

i have this feeling that eve is gonna be their one and only hit and they are kinda moving towards a software support company
like they will just abandon video game development completely and focus more on building and supporting systems for other devs

That they could start doing even today. Just branch out. If they lack creativity and balls to fulfill their dreams and make something grand (like WIS :joy:), then they are deemed to take requests from others to make dreams come true.

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whose dreams tho
electronic artsā€¦
eh its been a long time happening

CCP donā€™t even own world of darkness. for years now

white wolf does and always did
what is your point

CCP owned white wolf for a whileā€¦ Soā€¦ uh?
However if Iā€™ve kept up I believe Paradox now own it.

wait really
ccp owned white wolf
and they let it go
/facepalm xinfinity


Its old news hehe


thank you nana we all know wod failed but what i didnt know was ccp once owned white wolf
and that is what pisses me off more

Why would it. They bought it wanting to do specific things. Found they couldnā€™t do those things and sold it onto someone else with a different focus. Sitting on it doing nothing would be worse.

youre right
but thats all ccp seems to do these days

Research budget in 2017 the same as in 2016 actually in their report, but its not disclosed how much of it is for EVE and how much for NOVA.

The concept behind Planetary Production (formally known at the time as Planetary Interaction) during the Tyrannis Expansion was that the planetary colonies would eventually serve as a link between Eve Online and Dust 514. But there were delays and plans changed and so did management. It was a mess. I guess PI and Dust both came in at a bad time.

Now we know that was never to be and Dust eventually got tied into Eve Onlineā€™s faction warfare which at the time seemed more engaging than what PI would offer but even that lost its luster pretty quickly since the Dust link with FW was also poorly implemented. Dust battles in FW were being generated in FW systems that were of the least strategic importance. This meant there was little participation on the part of the capsuleers since the systems the battles were in were not vital for the Eve-side war effort and thus the impact made by any Dust battle was non-existent at worst and marginal at best.

There was a whole thread in the Dust 514 forums where everyone was sharing ideas on how to improve the link within the existing limitations imposed by both games at the time such as legacy code. But unfortunately we never reached a consensus.


i have no hype for nova unless they retain destroyable suits like how we have different hulls here.
removing vehicles instead of balancing them was bad enough but suit destruction as if you could just take a ship out in eve and keep the ship without the mods when you die is reprehensible.

they need to go back to the original vision where it runs inside eve alongside eve where you can look up and see people flying past the planet in eve and can shoot back and forth between the planet and space like that old video with the moros in orbit shooting down and having planetside artillery shooting up.

all true.