Hi, I have just discovered this game and tried to understand it in its great dimension and complexity. Now I would like to express some big issues that make new players uninstall and write very bad receptions on Steam based on specific events they can encounter in just the first days.
First of all, there is no real protection for newbies against scammers or anti-social players. My personal experience in the first week is: one ‘expensive’ buy [for a 2 days alpha account] from my station in a high security to one in low sec. And a player waiting for me at the destination that destroyed in one shot my unique ship, loosing almost everything I could have collected until that moment… amazing [yea, there was a pop-up about Concord what-ever-it-is… and there was also my biggest investment on the other side]
Even better looking for players to built a fleet for the current event [cause I m a newbie], i found a player in ‘Event’ channel who invited me to join him and after a 10 jumps trip (around 20 minutes…) he asked me to access a beacon through a warm-hole [ALL newbie will accept to see what there is behind fascinated by the space exploration expectation that the game wants create]. After warping to the beacon my best ship [a gift of a wonderful player I had known the day before] is destroyed again by an other player (this guy, cursedlion, literally chatted with me from the Event channel to the worm-hole tomb for 25 minutes just to archive this important achievement of a 15 years long-play player). Persons that just spend their time in play in this way are more psychiatric cases that poison any community they reach and root… than players. You should take really active actions of prevention and damage refund for all players that leaves for their actions and the bad publicity and reviews this game conquers every day. Or more exactly you should have… a decade ago or even two.
And I won’t even try to remember the players with battleships or similar asking me [with a frigate] to duel or the unnatural amount of scams in every possible feature of this game. Newbie cannot mis-click (even with green light protection active near the bottom interface) any pop-up window or they are going to return to point 0 of their game again.
What’s the purpose of this? Do we teach children to grow by beating them up till they accustom bleeding?? A kind of medieval space ships game so??
And then an other corporation declared war to mine. So that I could be killed also in High Sec systems for the fun of others.
Do you know what’s the semantic meaning of the word “game”? If it’s just frustration and suffering, that’s NOT a game. Just a punishment.
This game is a honey jar for psychopath players and there is nothing real to protect new players. Is a 30 days forbidden PVP for new players really so hard to implement? They cannot attack other players or be attacked in any way by them. Also they cannot leave High Sec or buy stuff located outside High Sec systems [and there are extreme discounts for newbies stuff outside High Sec borders…!!].
Give them the option to disable that policy option if they want, but assure them the possibility to maintain it IF THEY NEED!
This game is a mess of features, functions, interfaces and items [different items even with the same icon after 2 decades!?! …just to help psycho-scammers a little more].
It’s not complex for me, it’s just messy designed and organized and even more badly documented [and what exists is mostly work of generous players/souls].
I could end saying that this game has a great potential, but honestly even if this was true, I won’t bet a penny on the possibility of a deep re-design and re-styling after 2 decades…
But I think and hope deeply that maybe the players community, at least the healthy one, could do something to recovery what this game should have been since the beginning.