Protection for newbies required

Just learn from your mistakes, you don’t need prtecting from everything. Accept losses, they are inevitable and no more than a test of your metal.


Luring a n00b player from the event channel is is pretty low, just below pond scum. Pretty hard up loser it sounds.

Almost everyone reaching out to you or offering you anything other than advice in the noobie channel is trying to take advantage of you. Most are very bad at it so they prey on the weakest link.

Never dual. Turn off duels in the options menu. Auto reject duels.

Google Eve scams and bumping scams. Look up ganking and how to haul safely.

Never trade anything via trade windows only use contracts and triple check them.

Spend some time looking for an established Corp that suits your play style and look into joining. Don’t join corps targeting you in hubs and other popular areas. Let it be your idea.

Everyone is your friend Everyone is your enemy…

EvE is the only game I know that it benefits the player to take a break after they start their account and come back later. Since most players seem to rely on Employment History for a deciding factor, just having a longer time, even if you weren’t playing, seems to keep a good portion of people away. As if its any surprise people target those that are new, the real surprise is you cant tell if someone actually played during their employment history or their account was inactive.

Most new players are stupid little kids expecting instant gratification.We don’t need more stupid players dragging their knuckles around we got plenty already


Every single one of us was a rookie once. Those of us that stayed with the game learned from our mistakes and moved on, those who are not meant for this game went elsewhere and play something they enjoy and having fun, just as we do in this game. Nothing needs changed, EVE is not for everyone, that’s all.


WTF… Another one who needs to find something else to do with their time. Mate it’s a game it’s not real


EvE is a game?!! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

btw. yes we know what “game” is, apparently you dont know what “EvE” is…


psychopaths, pedophiles and the ISD don’t give a ■■■■

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zKill suggests to me this is real post so I’ll be constructive:

Children learn a game or sport by doing, not by sitting on the bench watching. I know you feel like you are being “beat up” but you are not: this is Eve. Ships are disposable and we are each other’s content in a giant free-for-all. The best way to learn Eve is to play which will mean ships will be lost along the way. I know they seem special and irreplaceable, but if you stick with the game you find they are mostly super easy to replace and use up like the disposable items they are.

If you can make that mental adjustment - that is just a game and losing (and building/replacing) imaginary ships is a core part of it - you’ll find yourself having a much better time, and less likely to be in the embarrassing position of calling other people ‘psychopaths’ for shooting spaceships in a video game.

You wouldn’t give new players to Call of Duty 30 days of immunity to being shot by other players so why would you think it would work in Eve? Besides, you’d then just be making the same post on day 31 when your immunity expires and someone decides to shoot you.

The best is to fly small and cheap and often and learn by experience. Even better, find a group that can help and support you to speed that process up. Bubble-wrapping from the game will teach you very little and just make those first losses hurt more.

Yeah, this is where it is harder to be constructive. You have a lot of hubris waltzing into a 15-year old game and announcing to both the developers and the players that they are doing it all wrong. Talk about entitled. If Eve isn’t for you, then move on. There is no shame in being unable to handle, or not liking, the gameplay in Eve. But to think you know how it should work, or expect that it be changed to suit you, suggests to me that it might be you who has the mental illness. Delusions of grandeur, inflated sense of self-importance, inability to deal with minor loss - these are all things a psychologist might be able to help you with.


How much to cover your losses?

What would you do with it, if I sent it to you?

don’t reward him for making mistakes. that’s not how ya raise children.

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If you judged the average EvE player by its most common behaviors then you would have a player who goes out of his way to kill or make miserable the newest players possible while mostly trying to avoid conflict with anyone with any real experience. You would also be perpetually being told “your doing it wrong” if you are not part of some giant Null corp where the leadership seems to care little about its individual members.

Again make a account and don’t play at all and come back in 2 years and play. Then play a account from day 1 and judge your experience difference. They will be like night and day, almost to the point of amusement.

I feel that you misunderstand the kind of game that EVE Online is. EVE isn’t a game you can just jump into and have fun with. EVE is the kind of game that you have to learn about for weeks before being able to understand and enjoy. Jumping into EVE without learning about it first is like jumping into the ocean without knowing how to swim; you’ll flail, sink, and flail some more until you eventually drown, as you did. I also did this when I first started.

On another note, I don’t think protecting newbies will do them any good. Even if you have this system you speak of, after the 30 days wears off… what would be different? Without being exposed to the game’s harsher aspects, newbies coming out of “protection” won’t be any more prepared to get thrown into the game’s deep end than if they started off just like you did. They’ll be just as flustered, perhaps even more so (since they’ve been given time to warm up to an easy game), by the sudden difficulty increase.


Furthermore if they are protected for 30 days and buy an expensive ship that they fly safe due to the protection, but then that protection goes off they might lose an expensive ship that cost them their entire wealth or close to it and break their career until they can replace it, while if they lose cheap ships and get more advanced step by step they learn how to fly their ships, slowly learn the game and even if lose their ships they can replace it with ease compared to something expensive that they lose all of a sudden when they are no longer protected.

Harsh experiences teach these lessons and satisfaction comes from overcoming obstacles not hand-holding instant gratification gameplay. Not being protected actually ensures the experience is as least hurtful as it can be instead of being a problem imo.

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This is not a first time someone makes thread like that.


actually that’s a great way for learning how to swim. tried and proven by millions of people. problem’s of course that when yer a loser by default ya really gonna drown because yer always dependent on someone else protecting ya. not convinced that’s a problem though.

Also, I feel it appropriate to ask…

So what?

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by unique ship you mean this?

and the one that your friend gave you that got destroyed is this one?

i mean yeah I’d be pissed too if I lost a 30 mil ship when I just started playing but we don’t need to child proof eve, these unfortunate events you have experienced are a result of poor or no guidance. I recommend either being solo for the time being to get your bearings or join eve uni, brave newbies etc. and if you still find it impossible to get anywhere then maybe eve isn’t for you


You(all of you) are simply not ABLE to understand that the problems this game has(people leaving,unsubbing,more and more people complaining about the game) has directly to do with a change of what mmog players WANT from a game,what the market wants.

Sure,there always were those carebears,the “i want to do whatever i want to do but without risk” whiners,they were there 15 years ago and they are now.
But NOW those are the MAJORITY of all players and you(all of you) cannot sit in your 15 year old “we did it this way since beta here” bubble not seeing that a change to this approach is needed for the survival of this game.

Yes,i know what comes now…“eve is special,eve is not for everyone,we don’t want eve to be market compatible”,i know all this ■■■■■■■■ but can the game really afford this kind of thinking anymore?
I don’t think so.

People are voting with their feet for let’s say 5 years now.
And to make this clear i’m taling about subs…to put alphas into their glorious shiny economic reports is at best a sleight of ccp.
Subs and ONLY subs count and subs are decreasing for 5 years now.
There are reasons for that and one is what the OP wrote.

So…maybe now,after the sell of CCP to PA there are some people at PA in charge that actually SEE what this game needs and they force CCP,who is sitting in their own dogmatic bubble,to actually DO these kind of needed changes even against the opposition of even more dogmatic players like you(all of you).

Why is that your or our concern?
We are not share holders.

If people leave the game because its not what they want, why shouldnt they?

You want to save the game from being unprofitable?
How? By changing what it is?

Why bother? Why not just play the game you want to play and let EvE die if you think the basic premise of the game is so bad?