Come on, calm down, to be honest most people were under the impression this was a troll post. If you feel people are posting funny topics, then reply on others who disagree by assuming you are helping them hide activities that could get them sanctioned by CCP, refer to them as toddlers, then without referring to a previous -or multiple- post(s) claim about posters who make (dumb) false accusations -false accusations are bad, no need to specify doing so might be dumb- then say you are exclusively talking about the forums where such behaviour is actually not tolerated and sanctioned already and call MOST PEOPLE ON THESE forums too dumb to live which I find insulting -but oh it’s not you and me , it’s the others huh-. Then continue about how the community and forums are dogshit, then add bad words like asshole to your statement undermining a point you might have. Then just reply with the word “butts” instead of some nice sentence like “Let’s get back to wrecking ships and showing off dips.”. See, now that rhymes, has a link to a youtube video in it makes no sense but it’s fun.
PS: By the power vested in me by the Caldari state I hereby sentence you to liking each and every post on the LAGL (Likes And Get Likes) thread . You can also post there and get some like making your forum experience better. please see the new forums as a new start for everyone. Post and let post.