Public opinion match! Diana Kim vs Ibrahim Tash-Murkon!

You mean like when you said you were just following orders in regards to your alliance’s attack on Providence?

Don’t get me wrong honor is important, but I don’t feel that these duels are a show of honor. In the situation when Aldrith and I had a disagreement with you over your participation in Providence, you really didn’t own up to your actions. Instead, you ended up wanting one of these duels with Aldrith and later betraying LUMEN by not respecting your status as a guest at their event with your little practical joke on Aldrith because he’s not allowed to duel as a member of the Praetoria. What would have been honorable would have been to put your grudge with him aside and simply avoid interacting with him during the event. People that I don’t like attend LUMEN events as well and I just leave them be as to not damage the reputation of my corp, my allies, or ruin their night. That’s honor.

Fighting for what you believe is important, but once again, how many of these duels settle anything more than petty grudges? I’ll bet this is over some dumb, uncreative joke that Lord Tash-Murkon made. This isn’t even about accepting consequences for a loss as the result of this poll is a foregone conclusion and you know it. You know what the outcome will be on this message board.

Either way, this is the last I’ll comment on this matter. After this “duel,” though, I hope you consider my opinion before you dive into your next one.