Public transport services

do it yourself, what is this lazy ass attitude with you wanting everyone else to do shite you want done?

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Several people have suggested jump clones- and you haven’t responded to them. Are you familiar with jump clones? They give you the ability to instantly travel between two systems, no matter how far apart they are.

You can’t transport any stuff, just your pod. That should give you EXACTLY what you’re asking for.


Not necessarily true.

If you pay close attention, you’ll see that what many people actually want is to complain, and to have something to complain about. Solutions are most unwelcome to such people.


You might be right.

I was trying to give the OP the benefit of the doubt. If they are genuinely new, and have never heard of jump clones- I don’t mind explaining it.

Otherwise, I’m done in this thread.

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I was thinking about something that doesn’t require any additional planning, sp investment, time, isk, something that you could use day1 to abstract away the ultra boring bullsht part of gamepley… or should I say “gameplay” and you can use it anywere not only in places that are specially prepared in advance. With certain restrictions offcourse to relieve players from bullsht but keep the challange/risk/#whatever.

People already explained to you why fast travel may look convenient but destroys the illusion of distance, which is more important than you not wanting to plan ahead.


They are or They’re.


Oh. OK. So Jump freighters, Jump clones, Ansiblex netrworks, Titan Bridges, CovOps Cyno (did I missed something) needs to go cause, as you said "the illusion of distance, which is more important than you not wanting to plan ahead. " Damn… I see your point… making someone be able to jump freely from A to B is so diminishing to gameplay that there exists like 5+ method to do just that lol.
Thing is that they require moderate to heavy investments. I proposed something that would make certain aspects of gamepley more bearable for everyone, starting from day1.

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Jump clones are not what I’d call a heavy investment, nor are the skills to fly an interceptor or dramiel to get around quickly. Having more than one mission ship is entirely up to you.


Given what you just wrote I highly doubt that. Why are you so obnoxious? It’s not like that is helping with the discussion or your argument at all.

I’m done here


@Karak_Terrel that my dear friend, was what we, simple mortals call sarcasm

So by comparing your instant travel “idea” to mechanics that need even more planing, time and resources and that can only skip like a couple of systems you basically mocked yourself? Strange humor you simple mortals have.

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No. I was trying to explain that such solution in some shape or form should be part of game mechanic, not some skill/trait/special ship or whatever. Cut the boring, stupid, mindnumbing bullsh*it where possible. Simple travel A -> B is one of those.

Speaking of which. Why the ansiblex jump gates are exclusive to null sec ? Shouldn Null be the place where you need to go from A -> B under constant threat of being attacked (now you enter jump gate and pop! you are like 10 systems away) ? Why there is no such thing in HiSec, which is the kind of place I would expect them to be?

Okay, you were right.:slightly_smiling_face:


thank you sir.

Like EvE itself, the journey is often the destination.

EvE is supposedly still an MMO…

There is figuring out how to use existing game features available to do what you want and there is whinging to CCP to make the game itself accommodate desire for ease.

Jump clones are far more available than they’ve ever been and many citadels offer free or cheap jumpcloning.

Podjumping has always been free.


Sure is. But sometimes, I get pizza delivered because I don’t want to leave the house. I just want the pizza. So the solution is this; if you have to jump to some crap stained poop hole like Jita, order the pizza first. Then you can eat on the way home. Not your real home, your Eve home. You didn’t leave the house.

God that’s confusing. I need an editor to post on the forums.

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You’re welcome. And don’t forget to use a capital T next time. Please, don’t let this happen again.

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