That would make sense I guess the people crying the loudest are the few victums.
Let’s see how many times op was ganked:
Taylor Hartz (Bandit Baking Club) lost their Paladin in Apanake (Genesis). Final Blow by Ninjajolic (Big Willies PVP Madness) flying in a Catalyst. Total Value: 2,099,957,387.37 ISK
Taylor Hartz (The Notorius Ones) lost their Paladin in Osmon (The Forge). Final Blow by Whadda Badasaz (New Order Mining Authority) flying in a Catalyst. Total Value: 2,497,018,802.77 ISK
Taylor Hartz (Arbiters of the Void) lost their Ark in Josameto (The Forge). Final Blow by goldigger sluttymoney (Zulu Space Warriors) flying in a Widow. Total Value: 12,036,826,520.39 ISK
The Ark looks more like war than a gank.
I wont lie you are pretty unlucky.
O I see what is happening:
look at your killmails :] AIKO you must have said something on the forums to piss her off and then she used a locator agent to come find you.
Is this your first time complaining on forums about gankers?
O there we go yea now I see:
More players are leaving the game due to the skill/isk/knowledge gap. Not everyone wants to be elitist and minmax. Then having to lose everything over and over to gankers in high sec. A few hundred or thousand of you people that just gank to spite new players are casual players you think you are superior too. What of the tens of thousands who leave the game over toxic people that cant contend with. The community is leading to this games demise and the fact the devs keep trying to put a band-aid…
Through the years of eve many people have been having issue with high sec pirates. I would think after the years this issue would have been solved but there is just a complete lack of care about this issue by the developers and the Admins of this game. I have tried to get into the game multiple times and keep having issues. Recently I tried to get my friends into the game and in new and small ships pirates kill them endlessly. I cannot mine or rat in highsec I have no care for lowsec as I’m a ca…
Just leave high sec I see you have been in low sec and stuff.
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