Punish Pirates in high sec

Why not?

On the contrary, I would have all of those things available in those systems.

If a veteran player wants to “exploit” this safety by repeatedly rolling new characters to make 1.5 million ISK per hour Venture-mining or killing lowest-tier belt rats, let them. They could be making more (even with repeated losses factored in) doing literally anything else, so if they want to limit themselves like that, they’ll only be doing the rest of the player base a favor by reducing supply and giving more value to everyone else’s work.

Sounds like a prison that would make new players feel obligated to stay there, instead of branching out and learning the rest of the game earlier.

Easy ways to solve this issue is to not allow Pirates or people with extremely negative rep to be ban from using highsec Gates.

You mean the Pirates with extremely negative rep should be banned from High Sec by not allowing them to use High Sec gates.

I could see such a punishment happening. Such a form would see those same angry Pirates coming together on the Low side of a High Sec gate, camping it and pummeling everything that comes through the gate.

Your idea would generate more PvP, especially in High Sec systems around trade hubs or High Sec access to Low and Null that are bottle necks.

Hm, let’s see if this is reasonable by proposing the inverse: take all the risk-averse explorers, miners, and empty-ship FW farmers that cannot handle pirates, ganking, suspect baiting, or station camping, or other PVP activities, and stick them on a 1.0 island and deny them access to gates to systems 0.9 or below. They should only under very rare circumstances experience unwanted PVP this way.


I love this idea!

Personally I wouldn’t change anything about the noob experience. That may just be bias because I wasn’t ganked on my first day. But then I did commit the folly of attacking an Autothysian Lancer on my second day…and only just got away. I doubt I’d have rage quit either way.

Eve is full of exasperating things. Like yesterday when the wormhole to nullsec HQ was gone and I logged off in a huff at the prospect of 35 jumps through nullsec…but I’ll be back.

I really don’t think one can make life easier for noobs and yet maintain the dangerous environment that makes the game what it is. But a ‘safe’ training area is I think a good option. And noobs would not be able to stay there…they could leave voluntarily before 30 days, but at 30 days would get booted out.

Pipe down miner

Pirates are punished in high-sec. It has to be the most boring PVP ever with targets so lazy and stupid getting caught in the first place. High sec players certainly don’t fight back…How boring.

The pvp is borning. But the over-top-emotional-sliming outbursts can be quite entertaining.

And they would be correct.


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Look on the map and look for very low traffic areas don’t mine near Jita, go far away. The gankers are all near Jita.

In eve if you take the easiest route then you become predictable and then you will find people sitting there waiting for you.

Open your map, look at all the area’s and plan, think if you where a ganker where would you be and so on, Eve will become fun if you think like this. Outsmart your enemy.

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some time ago i gave a similar suggestion
first system , instanced , clone bay , free mining ship
station sell blueprints to do frigates , exploration frigs , destroyers…
npc buy ore on the station , low income (rating , mining , exploring)
belts , combat anomalies , noob stuff

first gate
leave … alert … you will DIE
second system … also instanced
… a noob burner like NPC to murder those who leave on the other side

respawn on the first system

no stations … no gates … few % better belts and harder npcs and exploration

3rd system
thought a wormhole , closes on pass

WARNING , you cant go back from here

welcome to EVE


You should do the NPE Tutucox
it also sounds shorter than the 7 hours of move camera left move camera right xD

CCP hire this man xD

If I was a noob and that was that intro to the game it would be awesome.

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Punish me Daddy

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tbh I don’t know why the indi guys dont just come together to gank the gankers, they probibly have more money anyways and will win the war of attrition. They should make a discord and call it the sun flower federation.

Or put spy gankers in the ganker fleets and as they about to gank they turn on their own and half is attacking the target xD

Why do I feel I have accidentally summoned goshira

Because ganking isn’t actually that much of a problem.

That would make sense I guess the people crying the loudest are the few victums.

Let’s see how many times op was ganked:

The Ark looks more like war than a gank.

I wont lie you are pretty unlucky.

O I see what is happening:
look at your killmails :] AIKO you must have said something on the forums to piss her off and then she used a locator agent to come find you.

Is this your first time complaining on forums about gankers?

O there we go yea now I see:

Just leave high sec I see you have been in low sec and stuff.

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The Nereus wasn’t a gank either.

O you are right, so what is this guy talking about. @Aiko_Danuja did you have something personal against this guy btw lol It looks very personal.

I’m curious what the story is.

If you’re flying a Marauder you don’t get the hide beneath the mantle of “new player”.


“it would just be better for newbies and the game would be much better off and grow, if only people would stop ganking my Paladin”.