Of course they are! As soon as they take resources from the game, they are taking away resources someone else could have had. That’s why people get so pissed when you mining blob their moon. You are taking away their content.
Any time you buy or sell something on the market you are taking away an opportunity for someone to buy or sell at a good price.
Pirates? You mean terrorists. And yes, piracy and terrorism do belong to hisec as much as anywhere else. Somehow players that disagree with the core mechanics of the game keep showing up. Don’t worry, it has happened for more then a decade and people are used to it by now. I mean, I could get into the “why” of things but honestly, man… I’ve been doing that for decades. This is the first time I am actually going to refuse. You either understand it or you don’t.
Here is another way of looking at it: if you stop high sec ganking, big power blocks will grow even faster as they have the most resources to make the most profit.
We need high sec ganking!
Fast growth is a mutual benefit for everybody! It means that everyone will have a piece of the pie and be happy and satisfied, instead of getting ganked and feeling terrible just by playing a video game. That includes new players, because as the old and experienced ones in the power blocs achieve their full potential by being able to bring 100% of their goods to market by virtue of the space lanes being fully secured, the wealth will trickle down to the newbies. Maybe you should learn some Economics 101!
who remembers before they changed sarum prime sec rating and m0o camped it for months everyone knew about it but couldnt be bothered with the massive jumps to get around it…Uedema is pretty much the modern day Sarum Prime as even -10 sec guys can get around anything ccp has in place to deter them…if you dont pay attention in eve these days you are toast even if you pay attention you are toast if the pirates are good at what they do you just have to live with it as you will never get to fight them on a lvl playing field as they know pvp you dont
Here’s the reality: people who get regularly ganked in high sec fall in one of three categories: dumb, lazy, or entitled… or a combination of said categories.
I went and double-checked on all my characters to make sure what I’m about to say is true: I’ve never lost a ship to a high sec gank on any of my characters. Why? Because I know how to avoid getting ganked in high sec. There are multiple posts about it; hell, I’ve even responded to several of these anti-ganking threads with the list of things I do to avoid getting ganked in high sec. Hell, I haven’t lost a ship to an enemy war dec since the first year I played Eve Online.
So, why these categories?
Dumb: As I said, there are literal guides on how to avoid getting ganked in high sec. There are several posts about them, so it should be fairly easy to find with a simple search. So if you aren’t smart enough to find and read the guides provided, you’re dumb. No, I’m not going to go over how to avoid it here because that brings us to the second point.
Lazy: There are guides to help people avoid getting ganked. If you’re smart enough to search for them, but too lazy to read them… you deserve to get ganked. Also, part of not getting ganked is actually paying attention to your client and not just Netflixing while you mine… or auto-piloting to trade hubs… or being unwilling to set up insta-docks and undocks bookmarks on the stations you frequently used.
Entitled: they think that because they want high sec to be completely safe it should be. They think that their playstyle is more important than those of people who like to gank. Ganking is a playstyle in Eve Online and its just as valid as your playstyle. Accept it, learn how to avoid it, and adapt.
And as a side note: part of keeping Eve’s economy flowing is ganking. It sells a lot of catalysts and thoraxes. It makes people buy new mining and hauling ships. It actually requires people to think and be active playing the game instead of just letting the game play itself while they go masturbate to kitten videos.
I’d compress those three catagories into one; Convenient gameplay.
Convienient gameplay is self-centred, it is actually divisive when you consider how it locks material wealth in at an individual level.
Collaberation is more productive at every level but Conviniantists need to be awakened to that potential. You could argue that gankers are exemplars of the collaboration model.
You could equally argue that ganking encourages mediocrity. All that collaboration leads to people getting ‘kills’ when in fact they only partook in 2% of the kill. Given that the fleet commander can warp the entire fleet around…all the ganker actually has to do is lock on a target that wont fire back and hit F1.
Somehow this always gets presented here as if it were a ‘skill’ on par with climbing Everest.
Lol… Every rock mined by someone else is a rock not mined by another ( not going to say me 'cause I don’t mine )
Let’s call them miner A and B.
Miner A takes resources way from B everytime miner A mines and vice versa. So Miner A engages in PvP with miner B.
Same goes with any other career in EVE.
If I buy a ship at 14% below regional price I’m taking that ship away from the next player plus take 14% of sale price and value from the seller. It’s PvP even if the next player didn’t know it happened.
Your categories are absurd stereotypes that you and others have invented precisely in order to ‘justify’ ganking. It’s the classic psychology of how demeaning the victim makes it easier to then attack them. It’s so much easier to justify attacking someone who is ‘dumb, lazy, entitled’…etc. You can then argue you are doing the world a favour.
This forum is just full of this reverse psychology BS. I don’t know why people can’t just be honest, quit all the ‘miners are lazy scum stealing ore’ stuff and admit they gank for no other reason than that they enjoy it.
Yes, you quite obviously don’t mine. I have never ever not been able to find asteroids…never had to fight over an asteroid with anyone. There’s millions of the damned things out there. You’re sort of arguing as if sticking a cup outside during the monsoon is depriving someone else of a drink…lol.
Thanks for attesting to it. I wouldn’t be caught dead in a weaponless ship unless I went on vacation in Pochven.
There maybe millions of the damned things out there but you cannot travel everywhere all the time at the same time. You determine where your mining will be the most beneficial to you and “camp” that system or constellation, which means while you are mining in one system ( can’t mine everywhere at rhe same time ) you are eating up rocks that others in that system could’ve mined. 15 rocks mined by two gets you more than 15 rocks mined by 10, it’s basic math.
As for your real-life monsoon bad analogy… drinking water isn’t an infinite resource on Earth as you seem to suggest so yes, each drop of drinking water you get is a drop someone else doesn’t get.
The asteroids in EVE are spawned according to a timer after they’re mined. If you count how many asteroids you could have mined in 24h in a system all by yourself versus one where you’d share with 20 other miners you’ll see that although the rocks respwn your influx of resources are naturally less per respawn cycle.
Again, there are multiple guides on how not to get gsnked on these forums. I have posted advice that has kept me from getting ganked multiple times… and yet these anti-ganking thread keep appearing.
And its not because the advice doesn’t work, its because people refuse to listen to it. Or they want to be able to leave their computer unattended and not have any risk of losing their ship…
Eve Online is a game. Games are played to be enjoyed. So… do people need another reason besides enjoying ganking to gank? Nope.
As I said: a ganker’s playstyle is just as valid as a high sec miner’s and/or hauler’s… they aren’t the ones demanding the other player’s choosen playstyle be removed from the game…
As an additional note: I’m not a ganker; all of my characters have positive security status (hell, this one is over 5.0). I actually consider high sec gankers to be the benthivores of Eve Online… AKA bottom feeders. But I also acknowledge their chosen style of gameplay is just as valid as mine. Because I’m not a entitled nit-wit that gets caught by gankers… hell, its been years since I lost a ship to a war deccer…
Gosh you really are determined to flog a dead horse.
No, even within a single system I have never ever had a problem finding asteroids. There aren’t ’ hey…that’s MY asteroid !’ type fights. There’s hundreds of them. You can go to systems like Aurcel ( 0.5 status but people do mine there ) and find utterly massive asteroids that nobody has mined for days on end. Last time I was there it contained some of the biggest asteroids I’ve seen in Eve.
You clearly have never mined if you think there’s any shortage of asteroids.