PvE only systems shouldn't be a thing, but --

Boy you’re really stretching there, aren’t you?

Line 1: accusation
Line 2: rant
Lines 3 and 4: demands

I see exactly zero expression of opinion in those four quoted lines. Additionally, there is no genuine presentation of a problem, as one would need to be accompanied by an explanation of why it is a problem in order to be defined as such.

I see multiple instances of wording used to denote opinions in that post, such as multiple instances of “should,” a mention of personal experience, etc. Additionally, there’s at least a rudimentary definition of a problem (the spread of false information), with some semblance of justification by saying that they weren’t Alpha accounts, which is used to warrant the proposal for these people being banned.

You’re so bad at this. :joy: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: etc.

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