Wait till this player finds out about cloaking ships and combat recons…
No, please.
They just started to work on the Warmode and give some love to those situations of “unfair” World PvP, that’s not a good time to have more carebears come back.
Actually you might want to update your trashtalk target and redirect those players to games like TESO where World PvP doesn’t exist at all and the whole game is a safespace, by design choice.
I second this. WoW PvP was actually pretty hardcore; you didn’t lose anything materially, but a lot of pride was at stake. I’ve actually seen players quit over losing fights.
Plenty of MMOs don’t have PvP. Like, the possibility of it isn’t even programmed into them. Players from opposing factions that hate each other in the game’s lore meet, and all they can do is wave and emote. Plenty of games cater to carebears as is; I really don’t see why they need to invade games like EVE and try to convert them too. Carebears pretty much ruined the entire survival genre with their whining. A lot of decent games like H1Z1 died because carebears invaded the forums in droves and demanded changes, and the devs tried to appease both sides and ended up breaking the integrity of their games.
Not saying the OP is a carebear, though; just inexperienced. I hope they stick around.
EvE is not for you.
Oh I wasn’t even going as far as taking “What you actually loose when you die” into account.
At least the game had (and start to have again) the possibility to get attacked and killed when in the middle of an action that a carebear would call “Not searching for PvP”. A lot of game don’t even give you the possibility to attack.
To be fair most of us, at least the ones who just started to play this game without any knowledge upfront or help in the beginning, have to go through that phase. Even if they’re used to PVP MMO’s most of them aren’t used to a brutal one like this. They’re going to get facefcked, they’re going to rage, they’re going to feel disillusioned.
And so the process starts: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance. And only at the end of all that they/we can know if EVE is for them or not. It’s like being hit in the face in a way you’ve never been hit before, am I going to go down or resist and fight it? A “get on your feet soldier!” generally clears the cobwebs and might just change the outcome.
To be clear… I’m not going anywhere. Thanks for the comments and opinions.
Honestly, that’s good. As hard and unfair as Eve can be, I’ve never had a game where success was more rewarding.
Good. Just please take my advice: learn proper ship fitting ASAP. That’s the major factor holding you back right now. Ask questions on the forums if you need advice. Maybe chat up the guy who killed you, and ask if he can introduce you so that you can join EVE Uni too.
Try using the right™ lasers for it: Quad light beams, with gleam you get similar dps but better tracking and they’re MUCH easier to fit even allowing for a 100MN if you really wanted to. Opens up fitting to use those utility highs for nos/neut as well.
That’s what all the easy targets say.
He knew.
As soon as you lock someone you know their HP situation, even a “look at” command you’ll see the visual damage state of a ship.
Yip better tracking give better hit damage types, where dps gives greater damage if you hit.
Glad to hear it!
Quad lights are easier to fit than focussed medium pulses and use less cap. With gleam they do equivalent dps of said medium pulses with conflag while having similar tracking to those same pulses but with MF.
Works great on Naugoror, omen and even Harbinger. All depending on use and strategy of course.
But most of us that went through that phase (including me), did not complain on the forums
True but tbh back then the forums were a bag of dicks which didn’t work half the time and took 4+ month to upload your avatar as it had to be done manually. Also at that time it was pretty much “omega only” so you got way more invested players on the forums.
But you’re right of course.
Me personally I just rage quit for 3 months after we got wardecced by GHSC (before they got famous).
First rules of a loss: HTFU and learn from the mistake. Then don’t try to make that mistake again.
EVE is cutthroat and so are its players. But if you ask the right questions in the correct way, even the most cutthroat player will be more then happy to help you become better.
Cause now your were an easy kill, eventually you become a great fight. And how much we love the first, we also enjoy the latter.
Thanks for the feedback but I do have questions. Right now I’m trying to figure out what mistake I made. I’m sure my ship wasn’t outfitted to perfection but it was okay as far as I could tell. Was my mistake trying to rat in low sec? Perhaps I should have broken off the combat with the rat I was fighting… before I was weakened to near death ( I did win the fight with the rat ) but by that point I was basically flying a wreck. The other player did not appear on grid until the very end of the fight… he targeted me and I was gone before I could run. I chose an empty sector to fight in… there was no one at all on the local chat when the fight started with the rat… so I don’t know what else I could have done. I have seen this exact same thing happen several times and I’m at a loss how to prevent this. Any suggestions?
First some important stuff:
When PVP happens your sense of time goes wonky and things seem to happen “instantly”, “suddenly” or “I had no time to react”. The truth is that that’s not what happened
The pvp didn’t start when he tackled you. It started when you decided to go to low sec, figured out which system to go for, put in the effort to learn about how to avoid trouble, checked the map for stats on people in space, jumps and ships destroyed, kept a keen eye on local to see if someone jumped in and if so to check to see if it’s an obvious pvp corp/alliance (not that this necessarily means anything but all titbits of intel matter), perhaps even quickly check on Zkill to see what said pilot tends to do in EVE, what he flies and if he might be an immediate threat (note that everyone is a threat until proven otherwise and you should act accordingly) and on top of that you spam Dscan to see any non-cloakers, or combat probes, coming from far away.
This is a massive run-on sentence on purpose, it’s to show that him tackling you is not the start of the fight, it’s the culmination of a chain of events. Events YOU can influence and act upon, you can choose to break that chain and flee before the end result happens.
So what can you do against a superior pilot in a superior ship? Don’t let him catch you. Check local all the time, assume everyone is a threat, run Dscan all the time, always be aligned to something to warp to and have that highlighted on the overview so all you have to do is click warp. BE PREPARED TO RUN LIKE HELL!
A deer isn’t going to win a fight vs a lion, it “wins” (survives to live another day) by keeping its eyes and ears open and by running at the first hint of danger.
Once you learned all that, figured it out and practised it to the point where you can do that ■■■■ in your sleep, THEN you can start looking to turn it all around and upgrade from prey to predator. But only then.