PvE Roundtable - Saturday 31st of March

Mmmmmm… No concord pipe bombing :popcorn:

Think about it you are hunting that cruiser to pop out or are you…who hunts whom.
Why go to distant high sec if you just want to see world burn…

In that case null sec should get lame rewards not high though,they can have their bot fleets and ratting.

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You’ve heard of “Burn Jita”, right?

Ganking freighters at jita every year or so?

I thought it was obvious, no? Grrrr Goons.

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Still 1089 high sec systems to play with,anywho without typing more this is what I would prefer over single ship having suspect timer for various reasons largest one being leveled gameplay.

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I am totally with Jeremiah and Mina here, the risk IS the site and you the second you run into a drifter it’s game over for you - always.

If and only if you manage to have Bob be kind and you have no drifter in the site, you will be all worn down, no more heat available and be just a loot pinata for everyone.

I can get behind the pvp risk in the way the Guristas DED 10 - The Maze does it. You need a long time to find the right gate to the last room and the risk comes from people casing you from system to system.

Thinking about the new mutaplasmids … as using them is a pure game of chance and can be traded on the market for ISK, wouldn’t it be subject to gambling rules? ISK has RL value through PLEX.

I’m sure there will be people buying PLEX, sell for ISK, and buy mutaplasmids to fix their gambling addiction.

Loot boxes?

Not the same, but similar, and different to everything else in EvE. The point is, there is no other “token”, you can buy for money and use for gambling directly. Loot fairy, hacking containers all have a random element, but there is no token you just buy and throw in to get the dice roll. That you or somebody else have to farm the tokens in case of the mutaplasmids does not matter IMO.

The solution would be quite “simple” … replace the full RNG by a skill based minigame.

RL money are already involved, just because it’s not directly involved doesn’t change it. Outcome is important, if you can’t play the game without gambled modules then sure it would be cancer.

CCP is using social engineering for years. First they told you SPs don’t matter, only skills but then they start to selling injectors to catch up (sic!). Now they told us pvp is stale (sic!) so we need rng factor in creating modules and in the meantime they will proceed with tiercied (sic!). Because Balanced legion hull will become more balance in the near future…
People will be gambling, sorry enchanting, sorry mutate like mad because of the outcome - office like mods possibility without undocking. SP trading made CCP money but is it make the game better? Boting carriers would not happen without it. RNG modules will make them money too. Question is, is it healthy for the game? Better income doesn’t mean game health is good. I really don’t like what I saw on fanfest, it’s like they lost inertia to create the game, now they just want to milk us. RNG/gambling mechanism is not popular in other mmos.


Honestly the idea looks nice on paper, but only if the RNGs continuum is hedged into a module band not overlapping with existing modules.

But currently it looks like the modules will be common and overlapping with everything above T2. Because flat RNG has no power bias every possible outcome is just a matter of the number of rolls, hence good and OP rolls will be selected and available without supply control by “labor”, if you compare with the DED site system for example.

The solution CCP needs to think about IMO before releasing this stuff contains two essential points:

  • avoid overlap by choosing attributes and ranges to mutate carefully
  • make good rolls exponentially more rare than mediocre or bad rolls by tweaking the probability curve

Assuming CCP is keeping an RNG mechanism.

faction worse than ded? t2 worse than faction? how to balance that? it would be 1%-2% changes. We may always land with module that is always better than lower tier.

they want to shake pvp, modules must be usable, we already have officer mods ingame.

Choose attributes to mutate which aren’t defining the other classes. So let’s mutate power but not fitting for example, so fitting is coupled to the input mod.

Reducing the number of values that can be mutated increases the chances to get better module because less things may go wrong. Fitting are very important when looking at some hulls, like T2.

On the other hand power is the best value new modules will be priced. If we get strong web fitting won’t be as much of a problem because, high range webbing will be desirable with some hulls.

There is no middle ground with it. It flips the balance table. The longer I think about it the more I see it very bad idea. After initial rush everybody will start increasing their risk averse skill.

Best idea I saw so far was that mutated module must be heated to applay bonus, and has finite runs for example 100.

How about limiting the modules that can be upgraded / mutated / enchanted to storyline mods only? The lore behind storyline/COSMOS mods is that they are based on ancient race / precursor technology so could / would / should be more likely to be affected by the mutaplasmid wotsits.

This would also

  • Give a needed boost to long forgotten features (COSMOS)
  • It would cap the maximum values possible via upgrading / mutating / enchanting
  • Make it easier to balance module limits

Storyline module are overpriced, there will have to be massive flood of materials that are necessary to build them.

They may well start being used in tandem with abysals. Boost the relavnt stat on the abysal, use a storyline mod to compensate for the fitting nerf.

They would be really great to mutate because of lowest fitting stats, but 95% of them are not worth building because of the material prices. Also they won’t be as many of them as T2, BPC are rare.
50MN digital boosters are around 200 mil.

Yup that is probably also a good thing, it limits the amount of power creep available.