Quantum cores make stations unaffordable for Joe/anne Sixpack, average EVE player

We’ve complained several times about the mobile spam. CCP has demolished them a time or two. What they need to do is drop the reinforcement timer from 2 days to 1.

You can put a depot in reinforcement, owner can take it down, put it back up at full health. That needs to not happen.


I have never understood why mobile depots have a reinforcement timer. Anchorable cans don’t, nor do MTUs.

Temporary deployable structures shouldn’t have reinforcement timers, or if they do they should be very short - like a couple of hours, not days.


Solo indy players shouldn’t have access to the most efficient industry structures without any real risk. It trivializes the game and the basic idea of risk vs. reward.

POSes that could be taken down before a wardec even started were broken. Disposable structures with no incentive to attack, and that could be fully enjoyed with no risk through ACLs was borderline broken. Only now are we getting closer to something that is kinda balanced, although I would say wars themselves still need some more work.

That said, sure, I’m all for a smaller tier of station for the solo/small group/newer player. That could serve as a stepping stone to those interested in industry (or participating in wars) without requiring putting so much ISK on the line. However, whatever it is has to provide significantly worse benefits that a medium Upwell for balance.


I think theres some wierd idea that folk would leave em out for days, like a tiny station, so they could use them over time.

I tried to find a use like that, but never found one

I could maybe see a use for that say in ninjaing into a wormhole to do sites and such, but that’s about it. We find them in Cloud Ring because people who run sites drop them to reconfigure their T3s. They get abandoned when we chase them off and it takes forever to get rid of them.

They are identical, though I don’t see people owning stations being a problem and never have.
What I do see as a problem is that only the mega corps being able to have them.
If I shoot someone’s Athanor I did in ten seconds, if I shoot someone’s advertising can I did in ten seconds. If I shoot a mobile depot I don’t die instantly but neither does it, it goes into what ever that stupid indestructible mode is called.
So… Because I can’t have a station, don’t have billions to throw into wardecing stuff, I can’t go kill this stuff, this is pointless in my opinion.
To many rules and I lose interest, especially when I see nothing but hypocrisy from people demanding “content” while CCP makes changes that reduce it. They say they want more conflict, and now there’s a lot less. They stopped me before I got started, and I’m frankly glad I had good timing.
No more goals, is kind of liberating but a lot less fun too.

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I carry one on an Orca thats in a WH long term. The Orca itself is a far superior entity for what I assumed that Depots were originally envisioned as.

OFC the irony is I have an Orca instead of a POS, even though a POS (not counting fuel) would be a far cheaper alternative. But I dont like the thought of it slowly rotting away on CCPs whim, so Orca it was.

And tbh Id happily switchout its useless command and mining abilities for more stationlike functionality.


Right, that’s Sandbox.

Right, under the excuse of “balance” and “ecosystem”. Hollow excuses and the braindead go for it.

I agree. EVE Online is not a Sandbox. It’s not official but we all know it.


That’s exactly what it is, hypocrisy.

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I’m thinking about getting an Orca for the same thing, I want my own base of operations and an Orca seems to fit the bill. Mine would have no mining stuff, it would be strictly for carrying my ships and the stuff to support them. The problem for me is the training time and cost. I don’t make anywhere near enough to go replacing an Orca and don’t intend to turn Eve into a grind in order to be able to. That would suck the fun out of it.
What I have now is mountains of crap scattered all over space in NPC stations that I am highly unlikely to ever see again. Occasionally I do happen by one of these places and grab whatever will fit in my hold and then dump it into space for someone to find. Or I give it to some new person as a sort of boost, “here’s a hundred or so mil in random crap I can’t be bothered to haul to Jita, have fun!”.

I use an Orca for exactly that, I love the Caravaning in an Orca set up, and I too go around picking up piles of crap around the place.

If you want, Id buy your junk off you that you cant be bothered getting, help your Orca fund?

Tbh the training isnt as bad as it seems, my Ma can fly them and she only has like 6m SP


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That sounds awesome, and I love the idea of your Mom playing Eve.
You just put a huge smile on my face with that!


Not true. Not everyone is “free” to do what they want since you yourself said

So clearly you’re contradicting yourself.
You’re replying with age-old hollow meaningless stuff that litter this forum.

You are free to do what you want sure. But if you want to be solo, there are restrictions. Because the moment you put a sandcastle up and you are a solo player and a small 10 person corp comes to kick it down, you’ll come here and whine about it not being fair.

Right “but”. You are "free to do whatever you want but.
But we’re not free to do whatever we want.

But neither is anyone else by the same restriction.

Now, personally, I believe a Sandbox should only be used when a game is some thing like Gary’s Mod or Minecraft, but regardless, even they have rules and restrictions.

Exactly right. So EVE isn’t a Sandbox and CCP should cease calling it a Sandbox. They should not engage in false advertising.

Ok sure, if that was the point, then yeah totally agree.

However, it DOES still remain the case that if you can think of something within the scope of EvE’s engine, then there is a way to do it.

A way to do it doesn’t mean one can. We’re restricted within the confines of CCP’s plans and what they let us do, not what we can or want to do.
Restricted to do many things. Restrictions aren’t part of the Sandbox experience.